Summer: Chapter 26

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Chapter Twenty-six

Nicole sat next to me in Silas’ car, staring at the building in front of me.  “How are you doing?” I asked.

“Nervous,” she admitted.  “And scared.  You did ask her to come alone, right?”

“I did.  I’ve rented a private room in the library.  Everything’s going to be fine.”

She pulled on the door handle.  “Let’s get this over with.”

As Nicole disappeared into the private study room on the top floor of the library, I paced the bookshelves.  The library was too cold for my liking, but my shivers were only half from the air conditioning. 

She’s been in there for a while, I thought after an hour.

Give it time.  She’ll be fine.

God, I hope so.

The solid door jerked open and Linda McKay stomped past me, rigidly composed with her jaw set stubbornly.  She vanished down the stairway.  Nicole came out shortly after, wiping tears from her face.

“You okay?”

“No,” she said.  “But I’m glad I did it.”

“I take it she didn’t believe you?”


 “What did she say?”

“She’s going after Marty,” she said, staring off into the distance.  “She’s mad as fire, but she won’t believe it until she hears it from him.  I hope she doesn’t shoot him.  You know she owns a gun.”

“I knew,” I said, putting an arm around her, not caring what lethal incident Marty might meet.  “So what now?”

She turned her clear eyes to me.  “We go to the police.  You do have the right to press charges against him, right?”

“Damn straight, I do.  Then afterward, I’m treating us to a browning sundae.”

“With lots and lots of whipped cream,” she added.


Silas fastened his jeans and came out of the bathroom stall.  He shouldn’t have eaten that enchilada.  It tasted funny.  He checked his watch.  Another hour to go.

After washing his hands, he turned to find two men and a woman staring at him.  Well, one pale-skinned man and a red-head staring at him.  The blonde cowboy glared.

“Ah, hell,” he said, recognizing the unique beauty of the three.  “Can’t You leave a guy alone?”

“We have a proposition,” the cowboy said.

“Nope,” Silas said, throwing away his paper towel.  “I make no deals with deities.”

The red-head snickered.  “Don’t I know You?” he asked Her.  “Oh, right.  The gas station.  Great.  You’ve been stalking me.  I’m flattered.”

Silas tried to exit the bathroom – not that it would do any good – but he discovered the door was locked.  The problem was that no locking mechanism was present on the door.  He turned and faced his visitors.

“Alright, what do You want?”

“Leave,” the cowboy said.

Silas smugly gestured to the door.  “I can’t.”

“Leave Claire,” He clarified.

Silas closed his eyes briefly as he took a calming breath.  “You’ve got the wrong man.  I don’t know any Claire.”

The Summer of Bells:  The Essences Saga - Book #2Where stories live. Discover now