Summer: Chapter 27

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Chapter Twenty-seven

“Oh, god, it hurts,” she moaned.  Silas pulled me aside, and picked up Nicole like she weighed nothing more than a bar of soap.

“Min, call Dr. Moore.  Tell him we’re coming in.”

Silas carried Nicole down the stairs and out to his car.  Mae went with them to keep Nicole still while Silas drove to the hospital.  I called Dr. Moore, and then ordered the girls to get some clothes on and pack some for Mae and Nicole.

Back into the van, we piled.  The drive to the hospital was the longest trip ever.  I was really starting to hate that place.

Silas met us at the emergency room entrance.  “They took her to the back.  I’ll stay with the girls.”

I nodded and went in search of Nicole.  The pristine walls and serene interior mocked me.  I found the examination area and rushed toward the only closed curtain in the room.  A nurse came out from behind the counter and stopped me.

“Ma’am, you can’t go in there.”

“Is she okay?”

“The doctor is examining her now.  It’s Min, right?  I don’t suppose you remember me?”

I looked at the nurse.  “Oh, Mrs. Watson, how are you?” I asked and stared over her shoulder at the curtain.

Mrs. Watson chuckled.  “You were always so nice and polite.  How about some coffee while you wait?  It may take a while.”

I nodded and she led me over to a set of chairs.  A minute later, she pushed a Styrofoam cup in my hands, but I only held it.  And eternity passed until Dr. Moore exited the curtained room.

“Ah, Min,” he said when he saw me.  I stood up and hurried toward him, sloshing lukewarm coffee all over myself.

“She’s fine,” he said, taking the cup from me and throwing it into a nearby trash can.  “I gave her a very mild sedative.  She’s sleeping right now.”

“What happened to her?”

“She was experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions.  Do you know what those are?”

I nodded.

“Well, they’re not something I’d normally worry about, but the baby has seemed to have flipped and is now lying in a breech position,” he explained.

“What will that do?”

“Nothing serious.  We’ll see if the baby will correct its position in the next few weeks.  Nicole still has another three weeks until her due date, and we don’t want to rush her labor because she’s so young.  If the baby doesn’t turn, then I’ll try to do it manually.  My main concern is that the umbilical cord doesn’t wrap around the baby’s throat.”

“And if that happens?”

“I will have no choice but operate.”

I gasped.  Dr. Moore smiled kindly.  “Do not fret.  Cesareans are common nowadays.  I’ve performed my share in my long career and I like to think I’m pretty good at them.”

Mrs. Watson laughed from behind the counter.

“So what if she has problems between now and then?”

“We’re going to keep her overnight for observation, but I’m putting her on strict bed rest for the remaining weeks.  I’ll give you instructions on what to do.  She mentioned that you took a trip today?”

A rush of guilt hit me.  “Yes.  We went to Nashville for personal business.”

“A stressful trip, I take it?”

The Summer of Bells:  The Essences Saga - Book #2Where stories live. Discover now