Summer: Chapter 4

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Chapter Four

Just as I expected, the girls were true to their personalities.  Ashley and Amber were already home when I pulled into the drive way.  We walked into the house, and Amber took one long look at Nicole's belly and pulled Ashley behind her.

“Min?  Who is this?”  Amber's stony stare never left Nicole.

“This is Nicole.  She will be staying with us for a while,” I answered, putting an arm around Nicole.  Her shoulders were so frail.  She needed to eat.  Thankfully, Mrs. Baker's cooking would help her stay healthy.

“How long is 'a while'?”  Amber's hands were behind her, holding Ashley in place.  Ashley peeked over her sister's shoulder, wide-eyed and staring unabashedly.

“Now, Amber, is that how we welcome new friends?”

She snorted.

I sighed, “Nicole will be here for as long as she needs to be.”

Nicole watched this exchange silently.  She didn't appear concerned about Amber's rudeness, or the way she kept Ashley from getting any nearer. 

Ashley was finally able to wiggle out of Amber's grasp.  “I'm Ashley,” she said, stepping around the older girl.  “How old are you?”

I opened my mouth at the same moment that Amber did.  Nicole answered before any of us, “I am fifteen.”

“Ashley, go upstairs,” Amber commanded, taking her hand.  Ashley jerked away from her sister.


Amber's eyes popped.  Ashley usually didn't stand up to her sister, and it was a surprise for me as well.  I smiled at her.  Amber's mouth flapped, not able to form the words of her disbelief.  It was then that Mae and Melissa entered the house, followed by Tia.

“Hey!” Mae called.  “What's going on?”

Nicole turned at the sound of Mae's voice, looking calmly at her.  Three new pairs of eyes found the distinct protrusion of Nicole's belly.

“No way!” Mae screeched.  “This day just get's better and better!”

“Mae,” I started to chide her, but was cut off by Amber's loud exit up the stairs.  A door slammed, shaking the house.  I took another deep breath and gave up.  If Nicole was going to live her, she had better get used to the other girls.  Especially if she was to share a room with Mae.

“Nicole, make yourself at home.  This is Mae, Melissa, and Tia.  Ashley can show you to your room.  If you are hungry, I can fix you a snack until dinner.”  I pointed out the girls as I named them, watching Nicole for any response.

“Thank you,” was all she said.

“Tia?” I asked, getting her attention.  “Some music would be great right now.  Would you mind?”  Tia nodded and sat down at her piano.  She played a jazzy tune, filling the house with spontaneous harmonies.  I walked into the kitchen to grab a snack for myself.  I could hear Mae and Ashley talking to Nicole, asking her a lot of the same questions I had.  Nicole didn't offer any more enlightenment to her mystery than she had for me.  Melissa followed me into the kitchen.

“Are you okay?”

I glanced up at her.  Melissa was never one to ask such a question.  She and I had a better understanding of each other, but Melissa's persistent sullen attitude had gotten her into more than her share of trouble.  That she was asking after my well-being was a small shock.

“I'm fine, Melissa,” I replied, unwrapping a granola bar.

“Oh, great.  Because that thing out there needs all the help she can get!”  And the old Melissa was back.  “So don't expect me to change any diapers!  And the first time it pukes on me, it's outta here.”

The Summer of Bells:  The Essences Saga - Book #2Where stories live. Discover now