Chapter 13: The Birthday Girl Part 3

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An hour later, Sarah and her friends sit in the waiting room while nurses and doctors examine Kaitlyn.

Zack: I can't believe this is happening.

Abbie: I know...everyything was going fine, and then....

Sarah: This. I know.

Tyler: It's a good thing you found her, Chris. Otherwise....

Chris: Someone would've noticed her. But....yeah, I'm glad I found her when I did.

Becc: Aw, were so brave.

Chris: Thanks, Becca.

Sarah: Hey, Becca. Thanks for coming with us. It mean a lot. I know we always haven't seen eye to eye, but....thank you.

Becca: Hey, I care about Kaitlyn, too, but I'll let you all be alone with her. You're her favorite people, after all.

Becca gets up to leave and puts a hand on Chris's shoulder.

Becca: See you later, babe? I'll take care of you.

Chris: Right....see you later.

Becca strides out of the hospital, already whipping out her phone to update Madison.

Abbie: Good riddance, bitch.

Chris: Come on, Abbie, she's....she's not that bad.

Abbie: Keep telling yorself that...babe.

Chris gapes at Abbie, then starts laughing. Sarah and her friends join in, feeling relieved as some of the tension goes out of the room.

Chris: Damn. I've missed your attitude.

Abbie: Oh, believe me, I've got plenty ore where that came from, but I'll try to go easy on you for Kaitlyn's sake.

Tyler stifles a laugh and catches Abbie's eye, making her blush.

Brandon: Hell of a birthday, huh? How'd the rest of the night go? You two finally get together or what?

Tyler: It's complicated.

Brandon: Oh, sorry...I just thought--

Abbie: Don't worry about it.

While her freinds talk, Sarah finds herself staring at the closed door to Kaitlyn's room on the ward. James walks over and sits down next to her.

James: You've been prett quiet.

Sarah: So have you.

James: Listen, Sarah....I'm sorry about what I said back there. I was out of line.

Sarah: No, James....You were honest. I've been blaming Vasquez for ruining my life...but tonight I ruined everything all on my own.

James: Don't be ridiculous. You're....Look. Everything I said earlier...I just said it cause I was hurt. I actually do have feelings, funnily enough.

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