Chapter 1: Welcome to Hartfeld University

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It's the first day of college, and Sarah, a young Caucasiaun-American with red hair and blue eyes, walks across the bustling campus.

Sarah: Ugh. Damn. This suitcase weighs like a thousand pounds. Maybe I shouldn't have brought so much--

As Sarah rounds the corner, she smacks right into a Caucasian-American guy jogging by.

Chris: Whoa! Shit!

They're both knocked off their feet.

Sarah: Agh.....Ow......I'm so sorry! Are you okay?

Chris: Well, my ego's a little bruised. If the other guys on the football team saw me get tackled by a pretty girl, they'd never let me forget it.

He offers Sarah a hand and helps her up.

Chris: I'm Chris, by the way. It's nice to meet you.

Sarah: Nice to meet you, too. I'm Sarah.

Chris: Sarah....for some reason that rings a bell. Huh. So...are you okay? Nothing broken, I hope.

Sarah: I'll be fine. My hand is just a little scraped up.

Chris: Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?

Sarah: Well, you could help me with my bag.

Chris looks down at his bag, which has popped open.

Chris: Whoa. Your stuff is everywhere.

Chris picks up a lacy black bra, then his face goes bright red.

Chris: didn't mean to.....shit...Uh, is this yours?

Sarah: Yes, it is.

Sarah grabs the bra out of his hands and stuffs it back into your suitcase.

Sarah: I think that's enough help for one day!

Just then, a Caucasian-American girl with blonde hair approaches with a coffee.

Becca: Chris! There you are! Don't forget about the Kappa house mixer tonight.

Chris: Oh....Becca. Hey. I'd love to go, but I promised my roommates I'd hang with them tonight.

Becca: Too bad.....I promise you'd have a better time with me.....

Sarah: Uh, not to be rude, but we're kind of in the middle of a conversation...

Becca: Actually, it looked to me like you were just leaving.

Sarah: Actually--

Just then, Becca drops her iced coffee at Sarah's feet, splashing it all over her.

Sarah: Seriously?!

Becca: Oops. I'm so clumsy!

Sarah: Yeah. I bet.....goddamn it.

Chris: Sarah! Your outfit! I'll go find some napkins.

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