Chapter 11: The Birthday Girl Part 1

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A few days after the sorority ball, Sarah wakes up and gets dressed for the day. Sarah's just put the finishing touches on her outfit when Kaitlyn pops her head in the doorway.

Kaitlyn: Hey, Sarah!

Sarah: Hey, Kaitlyn....

Kaitlyn: Whoa, you've got some serious sad face going.

Sarah: Yeah, I'm off to tell Vasquez about what happened at the sorority party.

Kaitlyn: That bad, huh?

Sarah: I have a feeling Vasquez isn't going to like that I'm not in Kappa Phi.

Kaitlyn: Aw, well...cheer up! I'm sure you can handle him. Besides, how can you be sad when you're going clubbing tonight for my birthday?

Sarah: That's a good point....

Sarah steps into Vasquez's office, feeling the weight to her obligation to him more than ever.

James: Hey, Sarah.

Vasquez: Sarah. Good morning. I read the summary of the events of the Kappa Phi Sigma ball...

Sarah: And?

Vasquez: And I'm not impressed. You willfully disobeyed my orders, giving up a golden opportunity to join the most powerful sorority at Hartfeld.

Sarah: Yeah, because they rejected one of my best friends! How can you expect me to play nice with Becca after that?

Vasquez: Young lady, you need to look at bigger picture here. The bigger story. A sorority at Kappa Phi Sigma provides exactly the interpersonal conflict I need for my novel!

Sarah: Right. Your novel. Well, what about my life, Professor Vasquez? Did you ever stop to think I might care a little more about being loyal to my friends that providing you with drama?

Vasquez: What I thought is that you wanted to keep this job and stay in school. I apologize if I was mistaken about that.

Sarah: Oh, so just because I didn't get you your story, you're going to threaten my scholarship? Real nice, Professor Vasquez? Now I see why your daughter won't speak to you anymore.

James: Oh, shit.....

Professor Vasquez's face goes oddly still, his expression unreadable. 

Vasquez: What did you just say?

Sarah: I said--

James: Sarah, seriously, bad idea.

Sarah: I said it's no wonder your daughter won't speak to you anymore!

Vasquez: How do you even know about that?

Sarah: I....I read a letter you crumpled up. It was lying on the floor and--

Vasquez: Get out.

Sarah: Excuse me? What about my--

Vasquez: Get. Out.

Sarah: Really? Forget it. I'm not going anywhere.

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