Part II | Chapter 20

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(London's POV)

After watching Ava stick her whole hand into the smash cake that I ordered for her birthday, I snapped pictures as everything slowly hit me. My baby girl is officially one years old today. Man does time fly. Deciding to post a picture of Ava to my Instagram, I shared a small caption expressing my emotions as a proud mom.

Londonbaby__: "Today my sweet girl is one! thank you lord for blessing me with a healthy beautiful baby girl exactly one year ago today

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Londonbaby__: "Today my sweet girl is one! thank you lord for blessing me with a healthy beautiful baby girl exactly one year ago today. I am honored to be your mommy Ava, you make everything 10x better because of that warm smile of yours. There isn't a thing in the world I wouldn't do for you, and all the words in the world couldn't express how thankful I am to watch your grow everyday. I know you have such a bright future ahead of you princess. I love you to the moon and back, forever. - Love your mum"

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After reading, and loving people's comments wishing her a happy birthday, I scrolled down to see that Izaiah shared a post a well. Clicking on his page to fully see the post, I read his caption while getting emotional at the picture he chose to post. It was Ava in the bath tub at 2 months old.

TrapboyZ: "U are truly my favorite girl

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TrapboyZ: "U are truly my favorite girl. Happy 1st birthday princess! daddy loves u beyond words, we Turin up later. Xoxo"

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Neither one of us share much pictures of Ava on social media because we both have our protective reasons. There is all types of weird and bitter people on the internet. After cleaning all the cake off Ava's face and hands, I took her out of the high chair so she could run free and play. Hearing the front door open and close, I ignored it already knowing it was Izaiah. "Dadadada!" Ava shouted as she jumped up and down excited to see her daddy. She probably is one of the biggest daddy's girl ever. Ignoring his presence in the kitchen, I continued wiping down the counter tops.

"Can you come to the living room?" He questioned holding Ava in his arms, looking over at me. I mugged him figuring he already knew I'm not into much talking with him. But since today is all about our daughter, I put everything behind me, for now.

Following the two of them out the kitchen and into the living room I could see many bags sitting on the floor in front the couch. "What's all this?" I asked trying to peak inside the stuffed gift bags. "Her presents." He simply stated putting her down to stand on her feet. Before he could let Ava go into beast mode, ripping all the bags open. I ran to the kitchen, grabbing my phone. Recording the moment I watched Ava open her gifts up with her daddy.

Watching my baby get excited about her birthday presents bought nothing but joy to my heart. I live for her precious smile. As Izaiah helped her pull the wrapping paper off the big box she started jumping up and down seeing it's a Minnie Mouse Flipping Fun Kitchen. "Minnie daddy! Minnie!" She shouted overly happy. Ava grew to like Minnie Mouse so this gift is most definitely something that is going to bring her excitement. Still recording everything, I admired how much of a good father Izaiah is. There's nothing he wouldn't do to see his little girl happy.

"Daddy and uncle Dex are going to set it up for you, okay princess?" He said giving her a big hug before leaving her on the floor to play with her other toys he had got for her. "Let's talk." He said making his way back to the kitchen. Rolling my eyes, I followed behind him after turning on cartoons for Ava. It's only about 1 o'clock in the afternoon. Her party won't be starting for a few hours. "Talk." I stated, walking into the kitchen.

"Drop that attitude London." My his eyes bucked. "Drop my attitude? I'm not dropping shit! Don't come in here telling me what to do after days of not speaking to me." As always, Izaiah has me fucked up.

(Izaiah's POV)

Sighing, I ran my hands down my face. I have no intentions of arguing today nor doing the back and fourth shit. "Look, I ain't trying to argue today. I want to apologize for my actions." I told London owning up to leaving her in the dark as she calls it. "Izaiah you always say sorry for the things you do or say but yet, you don't change a thing. I'm tired of the apologies." She said causing me to nod my head. I can't be mad at her for feeling the way she does.

I'm a roller coaster ride. Somedays you never know which me you are going to get. "I'm coming to you as a man, your fiancé...telling you that I'm going to work on myself." Knowing my actions effected London didn't sit right with me. I want to give her the best me. "How do you plan on "working on yourself" because you know you said this all before." She stated, looking at me blankly. "I-I don't know. I just know that I need to work on my communication skills. I don't want to lose you or our daughter. I love y'all too much for it to come down to that."

Walking closer to me, she looked me in my eyes. "You're a good father, no questions about that. But now you need to be a good partner. This relationship is fifty-fifty, but yet some days you give me ten percent. I'm not here to judge you Izaiah. I'm here to support you, stand by your side and love you beyond your flaws. I can't do that if you shut me out constantly." She said as tears fell from her eyes. Wiping her tears with my thumb, I rubbed her cheek. "I'm going to really try to work on myself, become the man you need me to be." Nodding her head in agreement, she took a few steps back.

"Please do. I would hate for us to have to take some space away from each other." She spoke walking out the kitchen, leaving me there. Her words replayed in my head. I realized she's more serious than she's ever been. Yeah, she took her space a few times in our relationship, but I know for sure the next time she takes her space will be the last time. I don't need it resulting to that.



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