"Stay at my house" she looks at me shocked. I'm shocked at myself.

"I don't want to ruin your plans" she says.

"Madie get in the car before I change my mind" I say


When we get there she sits on the couch.

"I'll go get some sheets from upstairs" I say running up the stairs.

I finally find some. I run downstairs to see madie asleep on the couch. I chuckle and throw the blankets on her. "Goodnight Madie"

I walk upstairs and go to bed. Falling asleep with my clock flashing 1:46.

Madies P.O.V

Luke pulls up around 8. I stand up and get in the car. After doing my seat belt, I stare at him. He's wearing black everything except for the beenie, which is dark gray.

"Don't fucking stare its rude" he says.

I huff and look out the window. All of sudden you hear music from 5 blocks away. Holy shit. When we get in Luke immediately takes up to the kitchen to grab us some beers. After a bit of him talking to friends while I awkwardly stood there, we went to the dance floor. I basically became immobile.

"Dance" he shouted at me.

"Haha okay" I started dancing along to the beat of the music. Suddenly 2 girls are on him like a pack of wolves, and I can't help but to feel hurt. He tells ne he'll be right back and I join some girls I know and start dancing. Once I finish my beer, I decide against having another. Suddenly a guy starts bugging me to dance.

"Let's dance Blondie" he says

"Nope" I say.

"You look lonely" he laughs.

"How can I look lonely if I'm dancing with friends?" I ask sarcastically.

"Look I-" he was cut off my Luke standing inbetween us.

"What are you doing?" He guy asks Luke. Luke grabs my hand, intertwines out fingers and squeezes my hand.

"Me and her are going for a walk, aren't we?"

"Yes we are" and we leave. Once we get to the side of the house he drops my hand.

"Who was that guy?" He questions.

"Just a guy from grade like 7" I shrug.

"What did he want?"

"I don't know" I reply. What is going on?

"Don't lie to me madie" he says sternly.

"Luke I'm not lying I-" I was cut off.

"Don't fucking lie to me!" He yells. Without thinking I yell back

"Okay fine, he wanted to dance! But i said no! So there! Don't yell at me!" Suddenly I regret yelling. I just yelled at Luke Hemmings.

He grabs my wrist,and starts dragging me to the car.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"I'm taking your stupid ass home" he puts me in the car and slams the door, going around and climbing into the other side, and we drive off.

Once I get out I slam the door for special effect. I go on the porch but the door is locked. I check my phone. Great. I sit on the porch. Luke sees me and get out and comes up to the porch.

"Why aren't you going inside?" He asks.

"My parents texted me saying they aren't going to be home. I have no where to go but here" tears build up in my eyes but I wipe them away.

"Stay at my house" he says. I give home a shocked look.

"I don't want to ruin your plans." I say shaking my head.

"Madie get in the car before I change my mind" he replies.


Once we get there I sit on the couch.

"I'll go get some sheets from upstairs" he says running up the steps.


I set my phone down on the table. Suddenly my eyes get really heavy and I ly down and fall asleep, not remembering what happened after that.


The rest of the party chapters next.



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