Chapter 14 - Why?

Start from the beginning

- Good morning and have a nice day!

Chanting the greeting, she briskly slammed heels on the cobblestones polished by thousands of feet.

- Where are you going? Omer shouted after her.

- A taxi is waiting for me. For now, everyone, - without turning around, she waved her hand, and her walk became even more swift and flying. - See you!

Omer mentally cursed and, paying no more attention to the annoying girl, got into the car and closed the door behind him. Through the windshield, he watched in frustration as Defne got into a taxi. Damn it! What а morning? Everything is against him!

Sukru, hiding a smile, hastened to take the driver's seat and the Mercedes smoothly taxied to the road.

On the street, there was only a furious Sabrina, a trio of grimy boys and a couple of neighbors who, unashamedly, pointed fingers at the girl and laughed out loud.

- What do you want old gossips? She shouted. - Nothing to do? Wash your children better! It is morning and they are already stuck from the mud. Decent people live here. You should be ashamed.

Head up, she proudly walked past them and went to her home. The laughter behind her became even louder and turned into a roar.


Omer went to Passionis for half an hour, signed urgent documents, exchanged a few words with Sinan, scolded Koray for idly staggering around the office, grabbed a folder with drawings and left for Tranba. He simply ignored the saucer-eyes of the dumbfounded Derya and the sly smile of his partner. Let them think what they want. Yes, he will go to the territory of competitors! He will go wherever it takes if it is the path to Defne.

On the way, he went to the bakery and bought buns with olives and simit bagels. So, with a folder and a package in his hands, he entered the office of Tranba. He stopped for a minute near the secretary's table and, smiling charmingly, asked Ruya to make a double espresso and tea with two cubes of sugar. And then bring all this to Mrs.Defne's office. And, by the way, will the cute girl tell him where this office is located?

Ruya indicated the direction and the door. And she also warned that she would make tea a little later when she could handle urgent work. Thanking, Omer, headed in the indicated direction. But an ajar door at the very beginning of the corridor stopped him. Inside, at the table was Seda. There was a telephone in front of her, and she was staring at it. After a moment's hesitation, Omer entered the office. Seda shuddered and then her face took the familiar carefree expression.

- Omer! Good morning! Good to see you.

- Hi! Waiting for a call?

Seda looked away and answered:

- Yes. But this is not so important. Have you come to Defne?

She tried to change the conversation to another topic, but Omer did not indulge. Passing the last question, he said:

"And I think the call you are waiting for is the most important."

Seda looked at him searchingly.

- Defne told you?

"Yes, but don't blame her." She did this not for the sake of gossiping, but because she knew I could help.

- Money? - Her voice was bitter. - They are needed, but the problem is not only in them. Nisa is tired of fighting. And I do not know where to find the incentive so that the thirst for life will return to her again.

"I understand ... I understand very well how you are feeling now,"

Omer never shared with anyone the feeling that he experienced during his mother's illness, and after her death. Even with Defne. Although she understood everything without words ... and healed him with her warmth. She used to heal him ... But now he felt that he had to tell Seda and help her survive this terrible stretch of her life. - My mother struggled with a similar disease for more than ten years. And then her forces ended...

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