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In the shabby basement of the store that smells like old newspapers and magazines, April and I find ourselves dancing with reckless abandon.  We are both out of breath and I notice a tiny pearl of sweat breaking out on her lower back.  She is twerking like there is no tomorrow and whenever her shirt lifts a little, I get a glimpse of a cute rabbit tattoo on her bare skin right above her bum.  

“Look, April! I found a little bunny on your back.”  April smiles, pulls up her hair, and shows me another rabbit tattoo behind her left ear.   

Only an hour ago, I was sitting on the worn-out red leather sofa in the middle of the basement, cautiously crossing my legs and tightly holding onto my clutch.  I was not sure if I should trust these male strangers I just met; I was not sure if I felt entirely safe here.  But, after four shots of deadly soju that tasted like nail polish remover, my head started spinning out of control and the wilder side of my personality took over.  

“Do you want me to set up a karaoke machine?” Marshall asks.  April tells the guys that we were playing Truth or Dare earlier today and thanks to that game, we feel like best friends already. 

“It’s a lot more fun when there are more people!” she insists.  Everyone agrees to play the game and Marshall gets up to clean the coffee table and bring out cup noodles.  

Thirty minutes into the game, I realize that I’m not very impressed.  The drinking game degenerated into a series of questions about sex (Do you prefer doggy style to reverse cowgirl?) and dating experiences (How many guys have you slept with?)  I try to think of a clever way to get out of here without hurting anyone’s feelings. 

“Hey April, if you kiss Marshall’s neck, I will give a lap dance to both Yuki and DaeYoung.  But after that, I got to peace out.  I’m getting tired and can’t keep up with you guys.”   

*        *        *

During the cab ride back to the hotel, I start thinking about what exactly it is that I want from a man.  Do I really need him to be happy?  Honestly, this night out with three creepy guys made me realize once again how stupid I'd been to take delight in their cheap compliments.  As naïve as I am, I really need to learn how to get men to treat me with more respect.  If my experiences taught me anything, I know slutty, insecure girls only attract lonely, selfish guys.  Isn't it about time I grow up and leave this bubble? I look at the fake Cartier watch the store owner gave me as a welcome present for "joining the gang."  I feel hella empty inside.  

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