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I turn the light off to get some rest, but I feel like my legs are getting itchy and swollen.  “What’s happening?”  I turn the light back on and take off my pants.  I see red bumps and plaques spreading all over my body—thighs, calves, hands, ears.  Even my tongue is getting swollen and itchy.   I try to calm down and lie back on my bed, but feeling that these symptoms are spreading to my genitals, I freak out and jump out of my bed.  “Nooooo!”

It’s almost 5 a.m. and everyone seems to be asleep.  Even though I’m Korean, I grew up in America and I haven’t been to a Korean hospital in over eight years.  Should I go to the emergency room?  What do I do once I get there?  I don’t even know what my social security number is.  I just come out to the hallway and start knocking on my neighbors' doors.  I try waking them up but no one answers.  I decide to give it one last try and knock on the door next to the bathroom down the hall.  

“Who is it?” I hear a girl’s voice.  Sharp and energetic.  Doesn’t sound sleepy at all.  

She opens the door.  

I see an impressive collection of colorful, fancy bras scattered on her bed. She has long, voluminous wavy hair and a tanned, curvy body.  Her black nail polish also catches my attention.   The whole room smells like some exotic perfume.  This is not a typical Asian girl.   

“Oh my gosh! What’s happening to your face?  Are you ok?” I hear an agitation in her voice.

I tell her I don’t know, but she is already grabbing her wallet and putting on another coating of orange lipstick.  Seems like she wants to take me to a doctor.  Seeing that my hair is all disheveled, she gives me her blue baseball cap.  Not knowing what to do, I just follow her downstairs and watch her wave her hands to the cars passing by.  Is she trying to get a cab or hitchhike?  

We get into a black Hyundai Sonata.  She explains to a stranger that her friend is having an emergency allergic reaction to something she ate and needs to be taken to the nearest hospital.  Something I ate?  I don’t remember telling her that but I keep my mouth shut.  

Twenty minutes later, I find myself in the lobby of Samsung Medical Center.  

"How do you feel?" she asks.   

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