Chapter 27 - Trouble

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It turned out to be trouble brewing in the villages and those directly supplying stock for the Kingdoms knights were targeted and burnt in turn. It was a direct hit and a clear message the rebels were ready to strike. However, it was noticed that their moves had come off brazen and ultimately wasted, showing him, however. Whoever was pulling the strings lack their education on warfare. As pointlessly wasting one's potential supplies was like trading gold for air.

"Any casualties?" Ares inquired after they summarised the briefing.

"None to note"

"Janis, speak, what are your thoughts", the attention was turned to the eldest person attending.

"Sire, the villages are working in accordance with the rebels?", Janis answered.

"Darren?", he now addressed the youngest person

" could be that spy you recently executed, sire" he answered as if unaware it was his turn to speak.

"Vio?" the question was now turned to the only female general present, she too had a similar stoniness comparable to Ares.

"Your majesty, the common villagers do in fact seem a plausible cause, but perhaps a larger power is also working in accordance with the rebels. A leak is also a possibility. Which would prompt their arrogance to pull off such a stunt. By your orders, we will take immediate action before they further damage us."

Each of them came to a similar conclusion as the lack of causalities was more alarming than relieving. As only something that was premeditated could be avoided

"Lesson. How is it we proceed when the enemy is hiding in plain sight but we can't see them?" Ares tested.

Either unsure or not contentious, prompted non to bring forth an answer.

Ares did not display anger of the sort but, instead nodded with a sliver of a smile displaying plainly on his face, "The answer is we draw them out with our presence, allow them to misinterpret our reason for attending. Their guard will be drawn however not so high as they anticipate necessary. With that chink, so much can be taken advantage of".

He continued, "when the foe is fairly small we react by overreacting. Never underestimate your enemies no matter how small or you will lose as you gain. And when one underestimates us we'll show them more than the extent of our ability."

"We'll start by cutting away the rot amidst my empire," he said addressing each of the generals present. They each saluted Vio first.

He walked around and carefully surveyed each of the generals, "Vio and Janis remain, Darren, you'll follow me. We'll put more pressure on the rebels and witness their retaliation."

"Understood!", they each replied strongly except Darren, they all knew that the emperor's personal excursions always tended to be the most taxing physically. His first-hand teachings were both a punishment and a blessing.

"4th commandment and the shadow Knights shall be moved out immediately."

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Despite eating everything in his sight, his stomach still fought him. Sera then just spotted something on the floor, it looked delicious. Just as he touched it the door opened, he saw a familiar face and as he was just to raise the food to his mouth. He felt a sting on his hand and the food disappeared, slung from his hand.

The boy stared at the person responsible for it with a short of bafflement.

"That simply will not do", Ingrim sensed the indignation from the boy's eyes and couldn't help but feel as though he was working with something else entirely.

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