Chapter 18 - Teacher

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---8 weeks later---

By now the witch had become more than comfortable with talking to Phyllis, no longer having his guard up against him.

"Did you say you still can't use it?" Phyllis asked carefully sorting herbs into each basket.

"Not yet" the witch shook his head, he overtaxed and now he's living with the results.

Phyllis took a whiff on the next herb he picked up, shortly after he discarded it in a basket on the floor, "When do you think you'll be able to" he asked.

"I don't know," the witch said.

"I've heard that your ability is quite powerful, why is it that you don't just use it on others," Phyllis asked turning to face the witch, who was innocently flicking through a book.

"because hurting others will hurt me"

"I see," Phyllis remarked, failing silent losing himself in thought.

To this point Phyllis found parts of his conversation inconsistent, it bothered him to the point where he later carried out his own research in the old library records. Where all old information is stored, in this palace however many people are restricted from accessing certain things. But his position, in particular, granted him many things including access to old records.

Meanwhile, through the witch's recuperation, he noticed the witch would be fascinated with his practice. He would tend to look through the pictures on many of his books not understanding any of the words on them.

"Would you like me to teach you what it says and what it does?" Phyllis suggested out of the blue.

The fascination in the witch's eyes wasn't missed by Phyllis, his passion was ignited. Never has he taken in a protégé or even thought about doing it despite it being a regular thing amongst medical practitioners.

However, he knew this one, in particular, would be an interesting turnout.


"How about this plant?" Phyllis pointed to the picture on the book.

It's called east-berry, it has the name because it is mainly cultivated In the east where the sun never rests. If it Is not grown in the east than the full potential of the berry's various capacities cannot be brought out. Its main defining features are its redness and spicy flavour. Its uses include assisting with digestion and sleep, however, only a small amount is to be ingested otherwise it can cause an unsatisfactory result such as feelings of fullness and skin irritation. Furthermore, when mixed with other herbs depending on which variations it could become something toxic.

"Amazing!" Phyllis shouted in praise "you're nothing short of genius" he stood up and tapped the boy on the shoulder.

"some of these things I didn't teach you, yet you knew, fascinating" he continued to praise.

The witch looked unfazed by Phyllis's many compliments but his red ears gave away his true feelings, Phyllis smiled noticing.

"you're the most mystifying creature aren't you, how about a reward?" he suggested quickly thinking of something.

"you're all healed up now why don't you accompany me to harvest some herbs"

"Yes" the witch wasted no time in replying, he couldn't remember the last time he'd seen the sun. staying cooped-up reminded him of how things were before. He didn't want things to be like that again.


"You see I prefer to harvest some of my own herbs as it requires a certain amount of skill to not ruin the result." Phyllis demonstrated while speaking to the witch, "Aand there we are" he carefully uprooted the herb and placed it into a basket the witch was holding.

He looked up to see the witch just staring at him, in what he perceived as a marvel. "You want to try?"

The witch nodded and quickly kneeled next to him instantly staining his cream robe in loose mud.

Phyllis quietly sighed, it was pointless to get worked up as that result was his own fault from his lack of foresight. It was ashamed as those garments did look very pleasant, he would just have to request some more.

"Ahem" Phyllis feigned a cough, "well you can't," he said to the hopeful witch. The witch's face barely changed but the glow in his pink eyes did seem to turn dimmer. "Well at least not these ones," he said, quickly standing up looking at the sky avoiding the witch's eyes. 'the witch's greatest skill was embedding guilt in other, it was precarious and very real'.

He suddenly felt the need to explain himself, "it seems you've forgotten some of your lessons, as you can see, I'm wearing gloves even though they are a hindrance"

"what is a hidderence"

"Hinderance" Phyllis corrected, "when something is in the way or holding me back from something."

"Am I a hidderence" the witch asked

"Maybe," he said.

"But even though they are in the way for now, in truth they are protecting me from the dangerous secretion of these herbs that they release upon being picked. It's a mindset, for now, they make things harder but then I remember how lucky I am to have them" Phyllis walked forward and his right foot slid forward on the mud bringing him to his backside.

"Are you okay" the witch left the basket quickly got to his feet and ran over to Phyllis who was now lying on his back.

"No this the end for me, just continue on without me" he had his eyes tightly shut in embarrassment but peaked through one to see what the witch was doing. He seemed to be trembling, Phyllis quickly opened his eyes properly.

"huhuhahaaa ahhahaha" the witch laughed unreservedly. "Please don't ahaha, it hurts you look so silly huhuahaha"

Phyllis was stunned it was a laugh, the witch was actually laughing, it was ugly but he was still laughing. This was honestly the first time he'd even seen him smile, it was a pure and charming sight. Phyllis took advantage of the witch's low guard and dragged him into the mud with him, further dirtying the witch's robes.

The wide-eyed pure shock on his face was enough to make Phyllis want to laugh himself "now you look silly too"

Just as he was about to help the witch get up someone spoke from behind him, "such a vexing commotion, who's responsible for it?" a cold and clearly annoyed voice interrupted from behind the pair. 

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