Chapter 12 - Surviving The Impossible

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His eyes now wide open the witch shouted "My hand!" he outstretched his arm in the direction of the man but he didn't seem to respond to his shout. He knew why as the wind heavily hit against his ears and his own voice didn't fully reach his own ears.

He searched in his mind with solutions to save both himself and the man and wonderfully a thought had appeared.

At least 15 metres from the ground his body facing the ground the witch stretched out his arm in front of himself and the pink of his eyes engulfed the white "Asnyat grow"

Rapidly as if alive the plain greenery on the ground started to expand ferociously swallowing up Greenland it darkened into a thicker shade of green as if it were dyed in the gloom.

The man who prepared himself for death saw this and despite the uneasiness, he couldn't contain the joy in his heart and the adrenaline in his bones "Yes!", he did it he made out; alive with his head intact with his body.

"Hahaha," he laughed almost unstably as jumped from the tall soft greenery. He then carefully balanced himself onto his wobbly legs, it was almost like a dream he actually survived the impossible. The fact that he's alive proved that that large wall was the only gap between him and his freedom. Now that it was no longer a lingering issue, he could do anything as long as he immediately disappeared, whether it is through the woods or city.

So, caught in his momentary happiness for a brief while he'd forgotten about the terrifying power which brought him to this step, only just recalling he turned to search for the figure responsible. But there was no sign of the witch as the high brambles and bushes covered most of his sight, so he had to climb the abundance of green what reached up to his chest, which was quite an easy task.

The man struggled slightly to balance himself on the unsteady terrain from this he realised something peculiar each plant he stepped on had a sort of current flowing through them as if they were alive, they withered underneath his every step.

Finally, he'd spotted the witch he was on his hands and knees, closer up the witch's breathing got noticeably hard, slowly his eyes began to close and he properly collapsed.

A comforting warm feeling he felt against his cheeks, he was in a steady embrace. "Dez!" the witch hastily shouted as he simultaneous opened his eyes, but what treated his eyes was no doubt a disappointment, the long silver hair wasn't there. Instead, there was a light blonde head of hair.

"You're awake," the person carrying him asked

"Uhm," he nodded he sat up to look around before him was a dark abundance of trees towering over and spreading so far and low it could just about smack his face.

"I can walk by myself" the witch straightened his back in preparation to walk himself. The man shifted suddenly causing the witch to lose balance and he slumped back onto the man's back.

"No! just stay how you are, you'll only hold me back if you walk" the man unkindly huffed, clearly in an agitated mood.

The witch retreated his previous adamant attitude, realising he wasn't going to listen and quietly laid his head on the man's shoulder.

Quite a sizeable amount of time passed and the muscle on the man's leg began to weaken, each inch his steps began to seem heavier and his foot would falter. An outreaching root tugged at his foot and he undeniably came crashing down along with the 'extra baggage', in consequence waking him up.

Falling without warning caused the witch some pain, on his hand, he felt a throbbing ache over all the other pain he felt. The witch pulled his sore hand from underneath the man to see the situation. It wasn't hard making a deduction as the man's feet were bruised to the point of swelling and there a brownish red spread out from nicks, rips and dirt the covered his foot.

"Let's rest here" the man groaned roughly his face and body still implemented in the ground, his parched throat made that short sentence almost challenging to relay.

The witch quickly sat up and hovered his right uninjured hand just above the man's battered feet "your foot..." the witch hesitated nervously "can I touch them".

A short silence moment passed the man didn't answer and since there was no clear rejection the witch proceeded witch his movements. As if trying not to cause further harm he cautiously but gently stroked his soft fingers over the hideous wounds. A warm light tricked out from his finger and bit by bit each of those wounds began to close up.

Finally satisfied by the result of his job the witch scuttled away in the direction of the where the most formidable trees stood toweringly.

The man saw this and didn't move but instead sigh and was shortly overcome with the immediate need to sleep.

Not long after he something cool and sweet trickle down his throat, there was no mistaking it, it was definitely water, the blood he could taste in his dried mouth was washed out.

He opened his eyes steadily to find the familiar set of pink eyes look down from above him, the man remembered he was in this exact position before, the feeling was so hazy it felt like a dream.

He swallowed the water steadily from the witch's lips, "why did you come back" the man said roughly proceeding to sit up.


"You could've gone far away by now, why did you stay? Are you expecting something from me or are you just that fucking stupid"

"But you said you needed me?"


"Why should I go, when you're not there?" the witch countered.

The man was extremely confused it's not as if they were close, so why would someone go so far for a stranger it was almost incomprehensible.

Not sure on what to say the man attempted to stand up with his newly rested body, his eyes winced preparing for the pain that previously assaulted his feet before, however now there was nothing. Not a single sting.        

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