Chapter 22 - Maddison

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"Leave immediately" Ares's voice thundered across the room.

"If it pleases your majesty, how about instead I...", the woman tried.

"I'll give you five seconds to get out of my sight"

The woman fumbled about picking back up her clothes quickly re-robing before almost falling over herself when exiting the room.

"Fuck" Ares cursed, throwing his chalice across the room, after breaking a few things only then did he cool down. He laid down and again that witch's face appeared in his mind, tear-filled eyes, his eyebrows getting slightly redder, sis soft lips twisted into a frown.

"shit" Ares muttered, as he felt his bottom half rise. It wouldn't even budge under that woman's indisputable voluptuous body.

Eventually, after forcing his desires down he fell into asleep.


"Mother... Can I sleep here tonight" a young boy asked, he was a very small boy with stunning silver hair, dressed in clothes that were less than stunning.

"Of course, my child. Come here" a pretty looking brunette lady answered

The boy's large blue eyes glimmered as he climbed up onto the bed, and squeezes himself in a comfortable position. "why don't we look the same mother", he asked looking at her brunette hair.

The woman hesitated for a second and she appeared slightly perturbed by the question, "That is because you are your father's child, so you take after him the most, like all your siblings."

"Then why do we never see him, does he hate us," he asked, with a hint of hesitation.

"No!" she shouted at the child her eyes red with anger. The young boy flinched his eyes beginning to well up. She took a long breath before continuing, "don't be silly my child, it's just that he is busy, now it has been a long day so let's sleep"

"Yes mother", the young boy said pulling the blanket over his face.


Ares woke up shortly after falling asleep, 'shit that ridiculous dream again' he cursed and left his bed.


A sound knocks at the door scared Maddison out of her moping, her anger soon was replaced by happiness. 'This might be him coming to apologise personally to me' she thought.

She rushed to the door extremely delighted, "your majesty?" she said as if she couldn't believe he was there. She was immediately met with disappointment and regret her assumption, as not only was it not him but it was the worst possible person she hated to see.

"What disappointed?" the blonde headed woman said pointing out the foolish behaviour presented by her; it was Irina. Now Irina had the most hypnotic smiles, luscious hair and an even better body, however, that's where the compliments end. As none of them can make up for such a 'stunning-monster'.

She let herself in whilst leaving her maids outside the room and began to wander around touching things. Maddison felt her heartbeat increase and her palms began to sweat.

"Oh", she exclaimed coming across a necklace, she picked it up.

"Such a wonderful orb, I've never seen one quite like it. Must be because"

"It's... " Maddison tried to interrupt but held herself back.

"It's from Bel-Narma, yes a poor Kingdom but pretty I'm sure, after all, it made such a wonderful stone"

"Wasn't this actually a coming of age gift, I do have a few like this. Not as pretty, however ".

"My father gifted it to me," Maddison said, swallowing her desire to snatch it out of her hands.

"Oh how lovely my father said he'll be visiting Bel-Narma soon, perhaps he could get me the same one," she said casually dumping the necklace back down.

Maddison gulped, "That'll be very nice"

"Now, I heard something interesting. Would you like to know?"

Maddison forced a smile and clenched her hands into a tight fist. "Irina, it's oka... "

"Well here's a clue, it has something to do with you visiting his majesty Ares. Come on Maddison you don't need to hide anything from me"

"I was, but nothing happened", Maddison protested.

Irina pulled at her hair not holding back in the slightest, causing Maddison to yelp out in pain, "ahhhh" she cried.

"Don't lie to me" Irina warned, very calmly gripping her hair tighter, as she did.

Maddison panicked, "I'm not, his majesty kicked me out, that's why I thought it was him coming to apologise "

The scary twistedness on her face disappeared, "oh" she exclaimed letting go of Maddisons hair. "but his majesty coming to apologise to you, how funny"

But that's strange why would he call upon her yet do nothing, though embarrassing, considerably so, it was still strange.

"Isn't it strange Maddison", Irina suggested, 'yes' Maddison thought, but she didn't wish to speak to Irina at the moment.

"You know not long ago I saw someone extremely beautiful escorted by Ingrim"

"Is that so "Maddison couldn't help her lips, for Irina to acknowledge a beauty other than herself was in itself a miracle.

"I didn't get her name and Ingrim said it was above my authority to ask, which means" Irina lead on.

"... A threat" Maddison finished, her breathing becoming more difficult.

"Indeed, we have to fix this, do you understand"

Maddison swallowed the tightness in her throat "I do"

So,,, yeh honestly forgot I  had this chapter, so I guess A BONUS YAAY!!! and more coming soon. Enjoy :))

The Overlords Witch {BL}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz