Chapter 11 - Escape

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"My Emperor" a calm man in black armour called out the emperor's name respectively.

"Speak" he finally answered after a short wait the emperor barely acknowledged the man's presence as his mind was elsewhere.

"The prisoners have escaped"

"how?" he said finally facing the man with a difficult expression.

"No never mind that when did this occur?" he said.

"Not too long since it happened your majesty."

"Hmm," he deliberated to himself.

He stood up finally deciding on a plan of action "gather together my personal black knights I'll personally execute the prisoners myself"

"Yes, your majesty" the man saluted.


"Are you sure about this?" the man asked extremely nervous. The witch nodded seemingly coming off confident.

The man played close attention to the witch's stoic expression he didn't see any doubt. Although he himself was most extremely doubtful and you can also say terrified. They were literally at a dead end on the other side of the massive Palace there were massive amounts of guards and soldiers.

So there was not much choice being picky in such a situation. It was either unquestionably die or risk death with a chance of freedom.

It was obvious which to choose, he sighed bracing himself "Did you say I have to hold you?"

The witch nodded distantly in confirmation "umm". The man stared at the witch seriously in contemplation his face almost looked angry. However, in contrast to his face, his mind was In a different place.

Touching the witch wasn't a problem he felt the witch's looks were extremely spellbindingly exquisite, but inevitably felt It was a shame he was a man and a witch at that. He sighed, closed his eyes and threw his dense arms around the much smaller witch; clutching so tightly that it became almost difficult for the witch to let out a breath.

Being at such close proximity to the witch and seeing their high difference more clearly, he began to doubt that he could even be carried by such a small person.

His doubt echoed through his mind like a bad feeling creeping up on him. was too late as when he opened his eyes his feat was no longer touching the ground. They were already in the air about five feet off of the ground, nothing supporting them.

Not being able to stomach the height of the ascension the man had his focus anywhere else other than the ground. Eventually, they'd already advanced beyond the massive wall.

Looking down the man panicked and held the witch to an almost suffocating degree, "aah" the witch gasped inwardly at the intense force compressing his lungs. Unable to sense the witch's inner turmoil the man kept his grip tight.

From the witch's stoic expression it was hard to sense his discomfort. "It...hurts" the witch eventually managed to squeeze out.

The man eventually realised the immense amount of force he burdened the witch and loosened his grip.

He kept his eyes on the witch's expression and after loosening his grip and he noticed the stunning glowing pink beginning to flicker. It definitely wasn't a good sign.

In the first place, the witch was never particularly talented with his flight ability and immense practice is required to master it. So, due to the danger, it presented Dez seldom allowed the witch to practice it. Thus, as soon his focus broke it was like a single person trying to force river current to go into the opposite direction; it was simply impossible.

As the man suspected their flight became less smooth and they took a large dip in altitude; like their current selves he felt his heart drop into his stomach.

Completely aware of his current predicament and impending danger the witch appeared to be lost; he didn't know what to do. He was on his own without Dez and for the first time, he didn't know what to do. Like heavy logs, they fell helplessly.

Panicked the man all of a sudden lost grip and let go of the witch, they began to fall separately. Shouting and screaming in panic the man didn't gain any type of response from the witch allowed a greater fear engulf the man.

Completely frozen by fear the witch could only stare stupidly at the ground getting closer and closer to his body by each moment...his heart loudly thundered in his ear throughout his body and his head began to hurt.

Until something flickered in his mind.


"What are you going to do when I'm no longer here?"

The young witch quickly picked his small head up from the large snake's scaly form and his face dropped in panic. His large pink eyes were pitifully misty not allowing a single tear fall "Your leaving?" he asked.

..."No" the snake slowly replied turning his head slightly away from the child's, his tone was stale not containing any changes in emotion. His red eyes unsettlingly remained focused on the child's face. "whenever you're in danger I can't always be there"

"Why is that?" the child held onto the snake more tightly and his expression seemed worried.

"It does not matter!" the snaked hissed loudly,

The small child flinched and he buried his small face into the snake's large body. The snake's distant red eyes seemed to vaguely flicker. Shortly after he snapped the snake paused for a short while and changed his tone.

"when you feel that emotion called 'fear', do not freeze or curl up into a ball, you're getting older now. You have the gift to protect yourself from anyone and everyone. You already know how to make use of it. So, until you squeezed out every ounce of your power don't you bother curl up in a pathetic ball or you will die. Do you understand?"

"Mmm hmm," the child nodded barely audibly making an agreement refusing to remove his face from the large snake's cool body.

Unbeknownst by the child, the rough steel like scales on which the child's head was laying soon shifted into a soft smoother fleshy surface and something silky softly brushed against his face.

The child peered upwards into those familiar sharp blood red eyes and a face shaped much like his own. The child eyes ever so subtly lit up and his smiled shined brightly, he gleefully buried himself in the beautiful silver locks of hair.

Dez continued to gaze at the child with an unclear expression and like touching an extremely delicate creature he softly caressed the child's small forehead, "Swear to me you will protect yourself"

Clearly cheered up from a short moment ago the child nodded "I promise" immediately after the child fell into a peaceful sleep. 

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