Chapter 21 - Aching

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Omg I'm putting this out earlier than I should do, beware of mistakes...And although I say I'll edit we all know with me that'll take years...So enjoy

Drinking from a king's hand was a custom that many Kings rarely carried out, it meant something intimate, between a king and his most loyal followers. 'To serve, to be loyal and accept only one king.'

The witch's pink eyes began to appear as if they were losing focus, and with that, his head began to lean sideways, clearly, the liquor had an effect on him.

"How do you feel?" Ares asked.

" is weird everything is swirling", the boy struggled.

"But you're not crying any more"

"Yes! No, I mean no" the serious contemplation and confusion on the witch's face, made Ares break into a grin.

The position of his neck held upwards began to ache so the witch threw the grasp from underneath his chin "It hurts!" he raised his voice.

"Ohh" Ares marvelled with fascination, by no means was this small witch lacking in strength, he had many detailed reports on the witch from Phyllis, but this seemed to be one of the things that were lacking.

"I'm sorry" the witch quickly spoke, realising he placed too much strength in his arm. "I don't know why..." he stopped his sentence, forgetting where he was at momentarily through his sentence. Though Ares wasn't in the slightest hurt, striking one's king is an act of treachery punishable only by death, but he didn't want that, he quickly thought of something.

"You hurt me" Ares widened his eyes in a false sense of disbelief clearly putting on a act.

"I.. I didn't mean too, I..." the witch began to panic and stutter over his words not at all noticing the sly smile hanging over Ares's lips. "If you want to apologise, how about you do something for me" the man suggested.

"what can I..." just as he was willing to declare he would accept anything he couldn't find himself completing his sentence. Ares had taken hold of his mouth prohibiting any words from leaving. Caught completely off guard the witch's mouth became a playground for Ares.

Breaths were drawn from the witch mouth and his lips were bitten harshly under Ares's sharp teeth. His eyes were wide open in fearful anticipation. He was more than convinced that he was being punished.

Ares leaned out noticing the witch's wary expression "you're not very good at this, are you?" he commented, marvelling at the witch's eyes completely lost of focus and the pink blush painted on his face. Ares felt arousal rush through his body, ever since he'd first laid eyes on the boy he had felt something he'd rarely feel in others, much less men.

"This is strange", the witch said frazzled, tilting his head slightly tilting to the side.

Ares' eyes deepened dangerously, he pressed the boys bottom lip with his thumb. It was as if they were fresh fruit-filled with an addictive sweetness, "Hmm", he acknowledged very slowly if he were hypnotised. Again, he found himself immediately drowning himself in the boy's taste dominating every part of him.

On the other hand, the witch couldn't fathom a response he was already in lesser control of his body and the man's constant fiddling was nearly overwhelming.

"I can't breathe", he managed to squeeze out in midst the biting and sucking, he managed to back out and cautiously watched Ares carefully as if he were a beast. Ares caught on and slowed down in turn, but just as passionately pushed himself against the witch. Once again Filling the witches mouth with himself, "ah" the witch moaned erotically in his mouth triggering Ares.

Ares picked the boy up and threw him to the bed, he began to bite him more harshly as his breathing became more rugged, he proceeded to strip the witch.

"Ah", the witch exclaimed in pain, it was obvious to him he was being punished. He hands began to tremble, he looked into Ares's eyes and the detachment within them filled him with fear. He realised they were the complete opposite of Dez's. No fire nor blood just ice, cold ice.

Ares began to move his mouth along the witch's neck, he was about to undress him when he felt a soft palm touch him. "Stop" he said "I don't like this".

Ares froze in his tracks 'was this rejection?' he frowned in disbelief. 'A king can do whatever he wants, he didn't need permission for anything', he harshly sunk his fingertips into the witch's shoulder.

"It hurts", the boy trembled, Ares realised his movements and stopped quickly retracting his hands, he bit his lip harshly. "Get out! "he commanded, "Now". The witch picked himself up and scuttled to the door, crouching covering his head.

"Ingrim", the man called, immediately an older gentleman entered "your majesty" the man spoke a raspy-deepness in his words, "Take this one", he said, "and bring me someone else".

"Indeed," he said. The man was tall extremely so, he had greying hair, more in his beard than his hair. his mouth was just a line as if it had no hint to what emotions were. His eyes were like chasms; very large, yet so very empty.

He placed a cold hand on the witch's shoulder, causing the witch to shortly study the other person, his cold fingertips were nostalgic, he let out something resembling a smile.

Ingrim blinked in turn, "let's go". The witch stood up and followed closely by the man not looking back. 


It was a silent walk, just shoes hitting against the marble floor, none of the two attempted to begin a conversation.

Interrupting the silence was a pleasant fluttery voice, "Oh my what a stunning person", the woman who was in front had three attendants by her side, compared to them she could described as colourful, a very sway pink dress tight around her figure but loose around her legs. Her hair was styled beautifully, placed in a flowery loose bun.

She slowly approached the witch who had stopped in his tracks, "May I ask for your name", she said with a lovely smile.

The witch was stunned, at first he couldn't feel his head then his breathing became more difficult he avoided her eyes, feeling her presence so close to him he resolved to come up with an answer. "I..." he started.

"Don't be so presumptuous, my lady," The servant timely interrupted. "You don't have the authority to call upon one for their name".

The servants behind her let out a few peeps when Ingrim spoke, trembling as he went on. The woman, in turn, had a better expression than the others, she feigned a laugh and forced a smile. "My bad," she said, it's just that I have never seen this person before, so I couldn't help but want to get acquainted" she sighed heavily as if she were holding onto it for the longest time.

Still not meeting the man's eyes she continued, "but it seems that my presence isn't wanted so I'll leave, first". Saying that she quickly left as she came, the servants following just as closely behind her.

The witch nearly buckled over himself but as he fell forward his arm was tugged back, stopping his fall, Ingrim pulled the witch to his feet before letting go.

"Thank you", the boy said relaxing looking into his dark eyes. Ingrim didn't respond instead he just continued to walk.

Only when they stopped outside a door did the man speak again, "This is your residence for now", he opened the door and after the witch stepped in, he'd disappeared leaving the witch by himself. 

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