Fairytale's Ending

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It had been a few months since Sirius and Renée discovered they were expecting their first child. They were getting everything ready, for in 4 short months their baby would be born. Sirius was trying to put the crib together in what would soon be the nursery. Renée had offered to help on numerous occasions but Sirius insisted he do it all himself. She couldn't help but smile at this side of Padfoot, this soft side. Something she'd only seen a few times when he was feeling especially loving towards Renée. She was sat in the rocking chair across the room admiring the view of her husband sitting in the floor confused but refusing to read the instructions. He also refused Renée's help even though she offered countless times.
Finally, Sirius caved and had Renée read him the instructions. "Sirius, it's not that bad to use the instructions." Renée said as Sirius huffed asking what the next step was. "Ren, how am I supposed to care for a child that comes with no instructions if I can't put together a crib with no instructions." Sirius whined. Renée couldn't help but laugh as he pouted. "Well Padfoot, just like I'm helping you with the crib. I'll be helping you with the baby." Sirius smiled and kissed her cheek then they got back to finishing the crib.
The nursery was finally coming together and good thing too, Renée was due any day now. And of course Sirius was more frantic than ever. Every move Renée made, Sirius was there asking if she was okay, if she needed anything, if anything felt off. It was getting annoying at this point. So Renée did the only thing she knew to do, she called for back up. Within an hour Lily, James and Remus were all at the house. Sirius was finally able to relax and Renée finally had some breathing room. James and Remus occupied Sirius with a game outside while the girls were inside cooking dinner. "I can't tell you enough how glad I am you're all here." Renée said as she set out a pitcher of fresh lemonade on the table. Lily was rounding the corner with a large plate of chips and cooked burgers, some recipe she learned a while back and wanted to try out. "Ren, trust me, I meant it when I told you I would do the same for you. You practically lived at our house those few months before Harry arrived." The two looked over at the small boy, almost 1 year old. He'd be 1 by the summer, it was late July at the time. "Next thing you know we will all have blinked and your little one will be that big." Lily says as the two continue to look at Harry. Renée places her hand on her belly and the two are brought out of their baby fever trance as the men all come running into the house. "Rem said he smelled food!" James said as they found their way to the table. They all sat down while the women stood with crossed arms. All the men look at each other and then at the women, "Hands. Wash them. Now." Both girls say. The boys all get up from the table and pile in at the kitchen sink. Each one trying to squeeze in and wash their hands quickly at the same time. "You'd think raising those three was enough parenting for us." Renée says. "But no, we had to go and have two other children." Lily laughs as they shake their heads while taking a seat and waiting for the boys to settle back at the table.
  Dinner was great, the group laughed and talked about everything they'd been through. At school and even now in their own lives. Dinner was now finished and the company had left. Sirius and Renée were cleaning the last bits of dinner from the kitchen. Renée was finishing the dishes as Sirius wrapped his arms around her now large waist. The radio above the sink in the window seal softly played La Vie en Rose and the two swayed and hummed along. For a few hours, this small sliver of the Black family knew peace.

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