Gryffindor & Proud

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The 6 had just finished their first week at Hogwarts and were preparing to go to Hogsmeade. It was a lovely Saturday morning when Renée's owl, Freya, flew into the room. "I bet that's my mum. I sent her that permission slip ages ago. But I know she's still peeved that I'm not a Slytherin." Renée's mother had sent her a letter the day after The Sorting expressing her distaste with her daughter.

Renée Moreau,

Words cannot fully express how disappointed in you I am. I told you that you should not waste that good Slytherin blood I gifted you. And what have you done? Gone and wasted it on that awful house you're in. I can't even bring myself to say it. I let it slide with your father but I will not let it slide with you, young lady. You will just have to prove your Slytherin blood some way else.

x Kendra Moreau

Renée did what Remus had told her to do and ignore her mother until she cooled down. But it seemed that Kendra Moreau would never be calming down after this one.
Lily grabbed the letter and by the cover she knew it wasn't good. "Um, Ren..." Lily trailed off and Renée knew it couldn't be good. She took the letter and assessed it, a howler, she never thought her mother would be the kind of person to send one but here she was and she was terrified to bits to open it. Luckily, her and Lily were the only 2 in their dorm. One of the girls dropped out and another requested to be in a dorm with her sister so that left the two of them. She opened it cautiously, "RENÉE GENEVIEVE MOREAU I CANNOT BELIEVE THAT YOU WOULD REQUEST I SIGN THIS PERMISSION SLIP FOR YOU! YOU HAVE NOT DONE A THING TO EARN IT! YOU ARE A BLOOD TRAITOR AND NO DAUGHTER OF MINE! DO NOT THINK FOR A SECOND THAT AFTER YOUR FIRST YEAR ENDS YOU WILL BE WELCOME IN MY HOME! YOUR THINGS WILL BE SENT TO HOGWARTS! GOOD RIDDANCE TRAITOROUS BITCH!" And with that, the letter tore itself up. Renée sank to the floor, her mother's words wounded her deeply. She was shaking uncontrollably and her breathe became short. She couldn't believe her mother could be so cruel. It was like Renée didn't even know the woman her mother had become in the last few years. Lily rubbed circle on the girls back trying to calm her down but Renée was sobbing and shaking so much Lily didn't know what to do. She ran into the hall and saw a few girls in their year. She yelled at them to find Remus and fast. They scurried off and Lily paced the floor not knowing how to calm the now violently shaking and hysterically sobbing Renée. Soon the door flew open, Lily pulled Remus aside, the other boys behind him. She told him the contents of the letter and he rushed to his best friends aid the second she finished the story. He curled up next to her and she turned her body into his as her sobs continued. Soon she calmed down enough to talk. "How? How can she say those, those awful things to me, Remus?" Remus looked down at her, she was completely broken and he knew it. "They aren't true, Renée. None of those things are true. You are not a blood traitor nor a bitch. Look around, all of these people care about you. Myself included. We are your family. Forever and always, petit loup." She smiled her now puffy eyes beginning to dry. She sniffled a bit before turning and hugging Remus' neck. James soon spoke up, "Um, Renée. I, I know we've only known each other for a week now. But, um, I know my parents wouldn't mind you coming to live with us for a while." James was fiddling with his fingers knowing that his offer was a little out there. Renée stood up and hugged James tightly, "I don't think you know how much that offer means to me James." She placed a sweet kiss on his cheek and he turned a shade of red Renée never knew was possible. The group began to laugh a bit as the tension in the room lifted. "Alright you lot. Head on down, McGonagall is probably waiting on you." Renée said as she waved her hands signaling them to leave. "Petit loup, I can't just leave you here alone." Remus said frowning. "Well, I'm not going either. So I can keep her company." Renée looked to who said they would stay with her and to her surprise it was Sirius Black. Everyone stood there for a bit, not sure if they should really leave or not. "Stop staring and go you dim wits." Renée chuckled at her friends as they all hugged her and took off down to the courtyard. "So Sirius, what shall we do?" Renée asked as she plopped down on to her bed, trying so hard to forget all the harsh words her mother said. "I'm not sure." Sirius said as he went to plop down next to her, but before he could sit Renée was up and they were off. Her hand pulling him through the castle until they were outside and a little ways into the Forbidden Forest which Renée found was not so forbidden after all. At least during the day time. She sat down with her back against a tree pulling Sirius down with her. The two sat in silence for a while before Sirius spoke, "You know I understand how you're feeling. My mother wanted me to be a Slytherin as well. You can imagine her displeasure upon hearing I was sorted into Gryffindor. It was much like your mother's I'll bet. She sent me a howler too, except I was in the Great Hall. You and Lily had already left to get to Charms early. She ripped me a new one in front of the whole school. Told me I was a selfish git and that she was disappointed. She told me if I couldn't be in Slytherin I'd have to at least act like one. But she knows I won't, she's just clinging to a hope that doesn't exist." Renée looked at Sirius, she could feel the sadness radiating off of him in waves. And oddly enough, this was the moment Renée decided she really didn't hate Sirius Black. "Sometimes I wish I could go back to when I was young and oblivious. I remember the exact day that I first understood what my mother had said. The day I realized she was a dark soul. It was Christmas Day and I was 7, I didn't get the plush owl or the muggle books I wanted. Instead I got a piano, don't get me wrong it was lovely. But at 7 it wasn't what I wanted. She looked at me and said, 'Renée, don't pout. Slytherin's don't pout.' I realized that she had sorted me into Slytherin before I ever got into Hogwarts or near the sorting hat." Renée noticed she had begun to cry again. "But enough about our twisted families. Tell me about you Sirius." Renée turned her body facing Sirius as a smile spread across her face. "Well, my birthday is November 3rd, 1959. I like motorcycles and fighter jets. I have never had a leather jacket but I would love to have one some day. My favorite color is black and my favorite animal is a wolf. Someday I hope to become an animagus." Renée didn't know what to say, between saying, 'That's nice.' or 'I'm a born animagus and I know the potion to turn you.' She couldn't decide. "I, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that." Sirius turned away from Renée' gaze. "No, no! Don't apologize I think that's very brave of you to want to become an animagus! Any particular reason?" Renée was dying to know if he had a reason or not, that would make her decision easier. "No, which I guess is why I haven't done it yet. You know, I've heard of best friends turning into animagus for their friends that are werewolves. To help the transformation go smoother." Sirius said grinning, "But I don't know any werewolves to help out." Renée wanted so badly to shout that Remus was a werewolf and she was an animagus. Because truth be told, she needed all the help she could get. As the two got older Remus grew stronger and bigger. Renée had always been, and was still, smaller than Remus. Both in human form and in wolf form. But it wasn't her place to say nor did she think she could trust him enough with something like that, she didn't know if she could trust any of the 4 new friends enough to tell them yet.

  Renée and Sirius talked for hours about their favorite things. The things they can't wait to do when they're older and the places they wish to go. Soon McGonagall was next to them, "Miss Moreau, Professor Dumbledore needs to see you in his office. I will escort Mister Black back inside." Sirius and Renée stood up. She nodded to McGonagall and made her way inside the castle and up to the entrance to Dumbledore's office. She slowly made her way inside, not sure why she was there. "Please come in, Miss Moreau." Dumbledore greeted her as he rounded a corner meeting her in the middle of a large open area in his office. Books filled the office, along with other trinkets. "If it's not rude of me, sir. Why is it you needed to speak with me?" Renée questioned. "As soon as Mister Lupin arrives I will answer your question. But first, how are you doing Miss Moreau?" Renée knew Dumbledore was referring to the letter she had received earlier this morning. Renée hung her head low. "Fleamont and Euphemia Potter have sent word that you will be staying with them your remaining years at Hogwarts or as long as you please. It seems Mister Potter sent an urgent letter this morning saying you would be needing a home." Dumbledore spoke, the girls head shot up and a small smile graced her lips. James really did mean it, she had a family once again. Remus and the rest of the gang were her family now and nothing could stand in the way of that. "Thank you, sir, for your concern. It's nice to know that people care." Renée spoke as Dumbledore nodded. The door she had just come from reopened to reveal Remus. "Ah, Mister Lupin. Do come in. Would you both follow me and take a seat." The three walked a small distance toward Dumbledore's desk. Renée and Remus sat down in the chairs across from him. "Mister Lupin, your... condition, for lack of a better word, has been brought to my attention. There is a shack on the outskirts of the Hogwarts School Property. You both will be escorted by Madam Poppy Pomfrey to the willow tree out front. There is a tunnel there that is slightly tricky to get to, but it is the quickest way to the shack. You will be allowed as long as you need in the hospital wing. Madam Pomfrey will assess you and make sure you get the rest and care you need. Miss Moreau will be allowed to accompany you as well. I want you both to know that I wish you well in your first year at Hogwarts. I do believe that the two of you have very bright futures." Remus looked at Renée with a weak smile, he truly didn't know what to say. He had been fully prepared to sneak out every full moon with Renée's help and attempt to hide all the scratches the next day. He was beyond relieved that he would be able to freely leave the school grounds and that Renée too would be allowed to accompany him. Renée finally spoke for the both of them, "Thank you, Professor. Again, its nice to know that people care." The two stood up and said their goodbyes to Dumbledore before walking out. Remus and Renée let out a deep sigh and turned to each other. "Today has been hellish. I am in need of a long nap." Remus said as he put his arm around his best friend. "Remember Moony, Monday night..." Remus smiled weakly at her, "I know, petit loup. We'll be okay, we'll make it."

The two walked in comfortable silence to the common room. James, Peter, Lily and Sirius were sitting in the common room. Lily with a book in her hand, Peter had a few cookies, Sirius and James were in a deep conversation. Remus and Renée plopped down on the couch, the room grew quiet as they all looked between each other. Renée finally spoke, "Alright lads, let's forget today ever happened. Tomorrow is a new day and a new week. So let's keep pushing forwards like our lives depend on it. Because they kind of do." Everyone chuckled a bit and the whole room loosened up. They began to talk about different things, James, Peter and Sirius were planning a prank while Remus, Renée and Lily were discussing the paper they had to write for Defense Against the Dark Arts until soon they were all too tired to keep their eyes open. They all went to bed not knowing what the next few years would hold but also not caring because they would work through it together.

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