Year Four

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Renée had been living with the Potter's for 3 years now and she couldn't have asked for better friends or a better true family. Renée and Remus were still close but now Renée and James were just as close. Remus visited James and Renée every chance he got which was most weekends during the summer and breaks. James had fallen madly in love with Lily but unlucky for him Lily had not fallen for James. Renée and Sirius had built a connection, Renée had developed feelings for Sirius in 2nd year but she refused to tell him in hopes they would go away. But she just couldn't seem to shake them.

Renée and James had just boarded the train to Hogwarts. They were in search of their 4 other friends when Renée was grabbed by a pair of strong arms. "Good Morning, petit loup!" Remus whispered in her ear as she chuckled turning around to hug him properly. "Moony, I missed you so much. You've grown more too!" "Petit loup, you saw me last week!" Remus chuckled as she squeezed him tighter. "Hey, I want a hug too!" They stepped into the cabin Remus had stepped out of and Renée noticed that the voice was Sirius Black. "Sirius Black." Renée put her hands on her hips, Sirius mimicked her actions, "Renée Moreau." They both laughed and he wrapped his arms around her small frame. "I've missed you, Sirius. Meet me at the tree after you get settled into your dorm with the boys." Sirius simply nodded and the group all sat in the cabin. Renée napped with her head in Remus' lap and her legs in James' lap. Sirius, Lily and Peter all sat on the other side of the cabin. Lily was reading a muggle book Remus had lent her and Sirius, Peter, and James were discussing a prank they had been planning to play on the first years.

Renée set her things in her dorm said a quick 'hello' to Maggie Reinhart and Rebecca Masters, her's and Lily's new roommates, and took off towards the tree.

She saw Sirius sitting against the tree, un-lit cigarette in hand. They had tried their first cigarettes over Christmas break of 3rd year. They only smoked when they really wanted to escape. In a weird way it was their breathe of fresh air, which is ironic because it isn't fresh at all. "Need a light, Sirius?" Renée asked as she sat down and pulled out her new lighter.

"I like that

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"I like that. Where'd you get it?" Sirius asked as he took it and lit his cigarette. He pulled out a second one and lit it, handing it to Renée. "James got it for me for Christmas." The two smoked and talked about their summers, Sirius still lived with his family but he was coming closer and closer to leaving home. It had become unbearable at home for him but Renée tried to lighten the topic by telling Sirius all the ways her and James got into trouble this summer. Her head was now on his shoulder as they blew smoke into the air. "Sirius?" She picked her head up and they were now millimeters apart. "Yes Renée?" "I...I have to go." She stood up taking one last drag of her cigarette before throwing it down and stomping it out.

She was now in the Gryffindor common room with Remus. "How could I be so stupid?! I just about told him I'm in love with him! What in the bloody hell was I thinking?!" She was going on and on about how she almost told Sirius how she felt about him. Remus closed the book he had been reading. "Petit loup, is it really so bad?" Remus asked her. She spun on her heels to face him. "What the bloody hell does that mean?! Yes it's bad! He could never love me like that." She plopped down next to Remus on the couch. "How do you know that, hmm? You've never asked." Remus said as he poked her forehead pushing her head back with his one finger. "Yeah? I didn't ask you either, Moony!" She laughed as she stood up and headed to the great hall. She needed to eat before tonight. It was supposed to be just their first day of fourth year but it also just so happened to be a full moon. Remus ran to catch up with Renée, "Are you ready for tonight?" He asked. "I'm ready. But I'm not the one with the... issue. So the real question is are you ready for tonight?" Remus nodded as they walked in a comfortable silence for a minute or two before Remus spoke, "Do you think we should tell them?" Renée knew he was talking about the rest of their friends. Sirius, James, Peter and Lily. "Remus, you know I'd love to tell them. But what good would it do? They'll just worry about us." Remus knew she was right, they both hated the keeping the secret but they hated the secret itself so much more.

After dinner Remus and Renée snuck outside and down to the willow. What they didn't know was that they were being followed. James, Sirius and Peter had been concerned for their friends knowing that they went missing one night each month and a day, sometimes more, after. Today they had finally gotten up the courage to follow them. They had tried it once before but failed when they reached the willow. They assumed that the two were dating and didn't want anyone to know but their curiosity got the best of them and they were dying to know.

"Remus, do you smell that?" Renée whisper yelled to Remus as they approached the willow. "Stop worrying, petit loup. No one followed us I promise." They pressed the knot on the tree and shot down the tunnel. Remus locked himself inside one of the rooms while Renée waited outside. She transformed in her wolf before laying down waiting for Remus to transform and make sure he didn't get out. But if he did, which often happened, Renée was there to steer him away from the castle. Renée heard rustling and grunting from the room before a low growl erupted and she heard claws on the door. She jumped up on all fours prepared to take off after him. Which she ended up having to do. The door came crumbling down and an angry Remus leapt out and took off. She followed him through the tunnel before swiftly cutting him off and trying to steer him towards the woods, he didn't like this and sliced his claws through her shoulder earning a howl of pain from her. Remus took off towards the woods while Renée tried to catch her breathe. She heard whispers from near the wall of the castle. "That can't be them. Can it?" "Well whatever or whoever it is, it's hurt badly." "You're crazy if you think you're going over there, Sirius!" She recognized the voices in that moment, James, Peter and Sirius. She turned to see Sirius' figure approaching. She had to turn back to communicate to them how important it was for them to get back inside. She shifted back with ease but startled Sirius and the others. "Renée.." They all muttered in shock. "I do not have time to explain but you three need to get indoors this instant!" She held her bleeding shoulder and stumbled a little trying to gain her balance. "But Ren, you're hurt. We can't leave you like this." James tried to step forward. "You can and you must. If Remus comes back I cannot protect you, not in this state. So go! Please go inside!" They stood there staring at her. "You can come to the hospital wing in the morning. I'll tell Madam Pomfrey to let you in. Now go!" The group of three finally took off and Renée turned back into her grey wolf and sprinted to the woods to find Remus. At first he was always a little aggressive but he always calmed down and the two would play together all night long.

The next morning, at the first rays of the sunrise, Renée's bleeding figure and Remus' limp body came into the view of Madam Pomfrey. "Oh gracious!" She mumbled as she ran to help Renée carry Remus into the hospital wing. They laid him down on one of the furthest beds, pulling a panel in front to keep the two from the sight of any other students. Madam Pomfrey was applying ointment to Renée and Remus' wounds when she had to go and take care of a potions gone wrong incident. Two girls, Hufflepuff and a Ravenclaw, had somehow managed to muck up a potion so bad their hair got stuck together. Renée was wrapping her wound when Madam Pomfrey came back into view. "Your guests are here, Miss Moreau." She peeked out from behind the panel and waved the 3 over. Peter and James sat in the two chairs next to Renée's cot and Sirius sat next to her. They sat in silence for a good 2 minutes. "I guess you lot want answers." Renée chuckled before stopping and wincing. Sirius placed his hand on the small of her back not knowing what to do but wanting to do something. "Well, I'll let Moony tell you his bit but I can tell you mine. I am a born animagus which means I can choose when I shift. I just happen to be a wolf as well. It's a very rare occurrence to be a born animagus so I kept it pretty secret most of my life. But when Rem and I were 10 I found out he was a werewolf. I became his playmate of sorts. I made the transition easier for him because he wasn't alone. So that's kind of it. We wanted to tell you all during our second year, even talked about telling you yesterday. But we knew you'd worry and we didn't want that for any of you. There's nothing you can do but sit and hope we come back in one piece the next day. I'm sorry you had to find out the way you did." Renée hung her head low while Peter, James and Sirius shared a look before Peter spoke up. "Renée, we talked last night and the 3 of us would like to become animagus. We'd like to help out you and Rem." Peter's sweet smile nearly melted Renée's heart. "I can't ask you guys to do that. It's so dangerous." She spoke slowly. "You didn't ask us to do a thing. We want to help you out, help keep you both safe." Sirius said as he careful put his arm around Renée. "I know the potion but it's a long process. Are you sure you're up for it?" The three looked to each other before all nodding. "We're in this together Renée. Forever and always." James said. They were going to become animagus. Together.

loup d'amourDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora