Death Eaters & Phoenix Rings

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  There was a good two weeks of their last year left and Renée was more stressed than ever. With every passing day she became more wary, going outside less and seeing Dumbledore more. She and Sirius would talk for hours about what could happen, she would tell him how worried she was and he would remind her that the Marauders were all capable of holding their own. James and Lily had told the group over Christmas break that they were together. Remus has began talking to a dashing girl by the name of Nymphadora Tonks. But if you called her Nymphadora she'd avada kedavra you in a second, okay maybe not really, but she loathed the name so most people call her Tonks. Sirius and Renée were still going strong. And Peter was still distant, Renée began to suspect that he was working on the other side. But she didn't have any proof of that, she did however have proof that Bellatrix, Narcissa, and Lucious were working for whoever it was. And she was on her way to tell Dumbledore with Sirius and Remus in tow. "What are you gonna say to him?" Remus asked. "I don't know maybe, 'I saw the mark of evil on Bellatrix, Narcissa and Malfoy.' And we'll go from there." She was a little agitated currently, she had been training for the majority of her Hogwarts years for something that she wasn't entirely sure existed. I mean sure she was cursed early this year, but loads of people check out books from the restricted section and don't know what they're doing. I mean Maggie Reinhart, about a month ago, had been checked into the hospital wing because someone concocted a potion from one of the restricted books and given it to her. Hadn't killed her, just turned her to stone, but it wasn't anything Madam Pomfrey couldn't fix. It was very reversible.
  The three made it to Dumbledore's office a lot quicker than Renée thought they would. She walked in to find him at his desk. "Professor..." Renée began. "You know, I was thinking Renée and I was thinking about how close we've all gotten over the years. And with you all graduating this year I think it's safe to say that we're friends now. And friends use first names. So call me Albus." He stood up and smiled. "Alright, Albus..." She began again and then turned to the two boys next to her, "That will never not be weird." They laughed a bit before she turned back to Albus Dumbledore. "I have reason to speculate that Bellatrix and Narcissa Lestrange, along with Lucious Malfoy are working for the other side. They have evil marks on their arms, Albus. Unlike anything I've ever seen, the dark magic radiating from them is strong." She then grabbed a sheet of paper and began to draw the mark. Once she had finished she held it up for Albus to see. Dumbledore's smile faded, "He's gotten to them.." He whispered. "Sir, who's gotten to them?" Sirius asked as he stepped forward. "They're calling him, Voldemort. The Dark Lord. And that symbol is the mark of the death eater. They answer to Voldemort and only him. They're powerful and exceptional skilled wizards, mostly Slytherin families." He said as he began to make his way towards the trio. "He must be close then. He must have a plan, alert the others and make sure they're ready." Renée, Remus and Sirius all nodded and mumbled a quick 'yes sir' before taking off toward the Gryffindor common room to find James, Lily and Peter. They burst into the room, looking like they'd just been to hell and back. Renée snapped a quick cloaking spell over the common room so that no one would be able to hear or see them there. "He's coming. And soon." Renée spoke as her and the two boys tried to catch their breath. "The Lestrange sister's and Malfoy are apart of his little army. They have this mark." Remus said as he held up Renée's sketch. "Dumbledore said we have to be ready." Sirius said. The three realized they hadn't given the others enough time to adjust and digest everything. They sat there for a second, mouth's open, before they composed themselves and Lily stood up. "Well, what does he need us to do?" James stops up next to her while Peter looked at the group for a second before standing. "Let's get started, Marauders." Renée said before lowering the spell and leading the group back to Dumbledore's office.

  The group walked in to see a few more students and some professors as well. "Merlin...That's Renée Moreau, they say she's the most powerful wizard of her time." One student said to another. "Merlin..." The other whispered as they watched the group pass. Renée made eye contact with Albus and questioned him, "Who are all these people?" "This is the rest of The Order of the Phoenix." He paused a second, "I've been assembling small groups of students and teachers throughout the years since I heard of his rising. But you, Renée, will be leading them. You, are their leader." He said as he placed a hand on her shoulder and turned her to face the gathering of people. She snapped her fingers as everyone was gently forced to turn towards her. "Sorry, I'm not a very loud person and that's the only way I knew how to catch everyone's attention. Most of you know me as Renée Moreau, 7th year student. But now, I will be your leader. Dumbledore has been training me since 4th year. They're calling me the most powerful wizard of my time, I'm not sure if that's true. But if it is it wouldn't have been possible without Albus." She turned and nodded to Dumbledore, he nodded back. "We've all been training for something much bigger than we've ever imagined. They call him Voldemort, and we are meant to fear him. But the first step of defeating your enemies is to not give in to that fear. It's hard and it seems impossible. But together, together I believe that we can defeat him. I believe that we can win. We are The Order of the Phoenix." Renée finished and everyone began to cheer. She felt good about herself, she felt like a leader. "Now all we do is wait and be prepared. We don't know when he's coming or how he's coming. So be prepared." Renée snapped his fingers again and everyone had rings with a small phoenix engraved on it. "These are Phoenix Rings and they will ignite when you are needed. Don't worry it will stay intact and so will your hand." Everyone chuckled a bit before Dumbledore dismissed them. 

  Soon, everyone had left except for Renée. She sat at Dumbledore's desk, he came and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Why did you choose me professor? Out of everyone in my year, you chose me." Tears began to roll down her cheeks slowly. "I chose you Renée because I saw something in you that I've never quite seen before. The power that you posses was only seen in one wizard before, your father. Your father was top of his class and the most powerful wizard in his year. But when he and your mother got married, that power faded. He began to diminish his power in order for your mother to feel more powerful. I tried to warn him, but he was so in love with her that he wouldn't hear of it. In a way, I'm glad he didn't listen, because then you probably wouldn't be here." Renée smiled up at Dumbledore and stood to face him. "Renée, you are special. You are dangerous in the best possible way. I chose you because I believe in you." Once Dumbledore had finished Renée wasted no time in wrapping her arms around in. "Thank you, Albus. For believing in me." She then released him from the hug and made her way out of his office. Renée looked down at her ring before smiling and making her way to the common room.

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