Love Letters

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  Renée was walking to her potions class with Lily telling her all about last weeks events. Well, everything about her and Sirius. "You told him you loved him?" Lily gasped as she looked at Renée. "I know, it just slipped out. But he said it back so I guess it didn't scare him, I kind of thought it would. You and every girl at Hogwarts knows that Sirius doesn't do relationships. He's been caught necking with almost every girl in our year!" Renée began to doubt her new relationship with Sirius. Was he really falling in love with her? Was he really willing to commit to her? Lily grabbed Renée's arm and the two came to a halt as Lily spoke. "Stop it Ren, I know that look. Stop doubting your's and Sirius' relationship. I can tell he really does love you. And I know that's crazy. I mean we're still so young. But hey, crazy does not mean impossible. I see the way he looks at you, Ren. You two are meant for each other." The two girls hugged and when they pulled apart they saw a small first year Gryffindor boy making a b-line for them. "Miss Moreau, Mister Black told me to give this to you." The little boy was shaking, no doubt Sirius had scared him into bringing the letter to her. "Merci chérie." The little boy blushed and smiled before taking off in the direction he had come from once before. "Well go on and open it!!" Lily encouraged the girl as they began to walk again. She flipped the letter over and found it to be sealed with a red heart. A small smile graced her lips and she began to open the letter. She pulled it out to see her name at the top.


I am writing you this letter to tell you that I could not take my eyes

off of you at breakfast this morning. I love it when you curl your hair, the way it falls in

your face when you lean forward to laugh is exquisite.

Your freckles seem to be making more of an appearance lately and I have to admit

I adore them. Meet me by the tree for lunch.

X Sirius

  Renée was blushing like mad now and he smile grew 10 sizes. "That is so sweet of him!" Lily squealed. The two girls gushed about how sweet the letter was the whole rest of the walk to Potions. The second they walked in eyes were on them, they were late. They sat at the last table in the back. Bellatrix and Narcissa were sat in front of them. Bellatrix was the first to turn around and face the two Gryffindor girls. "So, Moreau. Heard you were with Sirius Black now. The two family disappointments getting together. How lovely." "That's none of your business." Lily said. "Shut up you mud blood." Bellatrix snarled. "Don't you dare talk to her that way." Renée said through gritted teeth. Bellatrix rested her elbows on Lily and Renée's desk, she then rested her chin in her hands. "And what are you going to do about it Moreau?" Renée looked at Lily and then back at Bellatrix, without words or the wave of a wand Bellatrix's arms flew out from under her and her head hit the desk. The entire class turned to see what had happened, stifled laughs erupted from the class as the professor tried to settle everyone down. Bellatrix and Narcissa sent nasty looks toward Renée and Lily the whole class.

  While Renée and Lily were walking back to the Gryffindor common room James and Sirius came running up behind them. "So, I heard a little rumor going around that you knocked Bellatrix on her ass today." James said as he flung his arms around both girls, Lily quickly shrugged his arm off of her. Sirius came on the right side of Renée and grabbed her hand "Well James, you heard wrong. I did not knock her on her ass." Renée paused, "But I did knock her on her face." She turned to James and Sirius with a smirk on her face. "That's my girl!" Sirius said as he placed a kiss on Renée's temple. As they turned the last corner toward to common room they almost crashed into Dumbledore. "Professor Dumbledore..." Lily whispered. "Miss Moreau, I'm afraid you must come with me." James took his arm from around her and Sirius squeezed her hand before letting it go. "Yes sir." She glanced at her friends who shared weak smiles with her. She followed Dumbledore to his office asa he sat down behind his desk and she took the seat across from him. "I know that you injured Bellatrix Lestrange today in your potions class. I am to punish you with detention. But I also know what Bellatrix called Lily. While this does not justify your actions she was not in the right either. So instead of detention, why don't you tell me how you're doing Renée. How has Remus been? And the others?" Her head shot up and her eyes left her hands that rested in her lap as she fidgeted with them. "I don't know what you mean professor. The others?" Dumbledore smiled and chuckled a bit, "Not a lot goes on in this school that I don't know about Miss Moreau. There also isn't a student here that I would fight to protect, until they give me a reason not to of course. You and your friends have not given me a reason not to. Stay safe Renée and come visit me once a week, every Thursday starting tomorrow." "May I ask why professor?" Dumbledore smiled and paused, "Call it, your detention. Once a day for the rest of the year. I will explain more tomorrow. You may go now Miss Moreau." Renée smiled and began to walk towards the door before she paused and turned to back, "Thank you Professor Dumbledore." The two shared a small smile before Renée disappeared back into the corridor.

Renée finally made it back to the common room to find her friends waiting not-so-patiently in her dormitory. The second she walked in everyone was on there feet asking question after question. "You alright, Ren?" "What did he want?" "I'll kick Bellatrix's ass for this." "Do you have detention?"
Renée took a step back, overwhelmed by all the inquiries. Sirius noticed her discomfort and enveloped her in a hug, placing a kiss on her neck before pulling away. "Are you alright, Timber?" Renée nodded her head 'yes'. "I have detention once a week for the rest of the year." She let out a breath before collapsing on her bed, Lily following and collapsing next to her. "Why for the rest of the year?" Lily questioned. "That's bloody outrageous!!" James exclaimed in a fit of rage, he began to ramble about the things he'd do to Bellatrix and that he was going to have a word with Dumbledore. "James!" He continued his rant. "JAMES!!" He turned to Renée. "It was a wordless and wandless incantation. I should have been expelled." The whole room was dead silent, Peter was the first to speak. "You know wordless and wandless magic?" He was in utter disbelief. No one their age was capable of such. Both Sirius and James knew about this. They'd found out this past summer. She hadn't meant to but one morning she was asking the boys to pass her the salt and they weren't paying attention to her, next thing they knew the salt came floating towards her before she got out even a syllable of 'Accio'. "I didn't realize you'd gotten that good, Ren." James said in amazement. "Me neither, but we told you. You have to keep that under wraps while we're here." Sirius said stepping forward. "Don't you think I know that, Padfoot. This just gives those bloody serpents another thing to bug me about." Renée fell back onto the bed. Lily glared and Sirius before Remus spoke up. "Would you lot mind giving us a second?" The rest of the gang cleared out, Remus shut the door behind them and then proceeded to take a seat next to Renée. "Talk to me, Ren." She sat up, "I don't know what to do, Rem. I can do things most wizards learned over years and years of practice. It took me a summer to figure it all out. The Slytherin's are going to have a field day. I'm a freak." "You're right, you're a freak. But hey, if you're a freak, I'm a freak. I turn into a wolf every fullmoon for Merlin's sake. You wanna know why we've been best friends for all these years?" Remus asked the girl who now had her head on his shoulder. "Because no one else would love your ugly mug like me?" He nudged her a bit, "Hey now, I'm trying to be nice." The two laughed a bit, "No, because no matter how freaky we get, we see the best in each other. They day you found out I was a werewolf and you told me you were an animagus was the day we truly bonded. Our freaky-ness bonds us, Ren." He kissed her forehead and she picked her head up. "I would fall apart without you Rem." "Oh don't think that I could hold it together without you either Ren."

  Everyone rejoined the two in the room, the night was filled with laughing and games. But Renée couldn't seem to shake the thought in the back of her mind, 'What did Professor Dumbledore want with her?'

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