The Invisible Man

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It was now a good two months into the school year and the order was coming along quite well. Each one of the Marauders were excelling, except for Peter. Peter would do it all correctly but it was as if he didn't care to do it again, to practice it. Renée had noticed that Peter had become distant, but she chalked it up to is big crush on one of her old roommates, Rebecca Masters. He would follow her around like a lost puppy majority of the time so Renée assumed that was where his mind was during training. She offered him some help in winning the girl over but he refused, said that he'd got it all under control. While Renée didn't really believe him she let him go without another word.

The boys had just left practice and were headed to grab lunch. Lily had asked if Renée could help her with a few charms so the girls stayed behind. "Okay Lils, what did you need help with?" Renée asked as she began to put books away. "Well, I was wondering how to charm my best friend to start paying more attention to the boyfriend that loves her and less attention to training her friends." Lily said, ready to defend herself if Renée got too upset. But Renée didn't seem to understand that Lily was talking about her, she grabbed a book and began to sift through the pages. "Well, it depends. Does she love him back? Cause you could just need a love potion. Or..." Lily stopped Renée by placing her hand on the book and lowering it. "Ren, I'm talking about you and Sirius. Every since we've started training you two hardly ever get to be alone. He misses you." Renée hadn't realized she been so caught up in everything that she'd forgotten about the one man that has constantly loved her. "You're right...I've been so busy with training that I've forgotten to be with Sirius. I'm just so afraid that we won't be ready, that at this rate we won't be ready because I'm so afraid. Tell Sirius to meet me by the tree for supper instead of the Great Hall. And let the boys know we won't be training tomorrow. We all deserve a break." The two girls smiled at each other as Renée made her way to the kitchen to ask the house elves for a small basket of food. After she'd done that she went out to the tree her and Sirius always meet at to set up the small picnic.
  Sirius had listened to Lily and went out to the edge of the forest to find Renée at the base of their tree. Lights strung and a picnic set for two. "Lily made me realize today that I'd been working so hard at getting everyone ready to fight that I hadn't been fighting for us. I love you Sirius, and 7th year was supposed to be the best year. I hope there's still time to make it so." Sirius smiled at the beautiful girl before him and took a few steps forward to kiss her sweetly. "I love you, Renée." She smiled back at him and the two sat down to enjoy their picnic.

  Renée and Sirius were about to round the corner that lead them to the Gryffindor common room when they heard a bunch of students in the hallway. "I can't believe it." "You really think there's someone usin' dark magic lookin' to bring down Professor Dumbledore?!" Renée and Sirius looked at each other when they heard a familiar voice. "Yeah, I do. But rumor has it that Dumbledore's assembling an army to fight back." And that was when Renée knew she absolutely had to step in. "Alright you 4th years. Get to your dormitories." They all looked at Renée and Sirius with a slight look of fear. "That's Renée Moreau and Sirius Black." A few of them muttered as they scurried off to their dorms. Renée watched them run off while she stopped the boy who had been talking to them with her mind. "Not so fast, Peter." She yanked him closer to her without a word. "What was that?!" To say Renée was furious was an understatement. "How much did you hear?" He whispered sheepishly. "Enough to know that now the whole school is going to be talking about Dumbledore's secret army. He trusts us, Peter. I trust you." She then released him and walked past. Sirius followed after her parting Peter on the back, "Good goin' Wormtail. Ya pissed her off and now I'm gonna have to hear all about it." Sirius then continued to follow Renée up to her dorm. Lily hadn't been there but neither one of them bothered to ask why. "Alright, spill your thoughts. Let's get on with it." Sirius said as he plopped down on her bed. "I don't want to talk about it." She said and plopped down next to him. "What?" Sirius questioned, his tone a mix of shock and relief. "I don't want to talk about it. If Peter knows what's good for him he'll keep quiet." Renée said as she snuggled into Sirius's side. "And if he doesn't?" Renée answered his question without hesitation, "I'll obliviate every single student and teacher." Sirius shrugged and the two began to drift off into sleep.
  The next morning they both woke up to find Lily in her bed asleep. So Sirius snuck out to get back to his dorm and Renée got dressed for the day. It was still early so she didn't bother to wake Lily. That and even if Lily did miss a class it wasn't like it would do anything to her scores. The second Renée left the room Lily's eyes shot open. "Get up!" She shoved the invisible lump that was curled up next to her. "Hmm." It groaned and she shoved it again. "What if one of them comes back. Or what if Sirius notices you're missing and comes asking questions? Hmm, what are you going to do then James Potter?" James there the cloak off of him and sat up. "I'll tell him I was in a girls room." He smiled a tired smile and Lily couldn't help but be angry with him. She leaned down and kissed him. "So Lils, when are we gonna tell people we're together?" James asked as he watched her gather her things for her day. "Eventually, but right now...Our biggest priority is getting you out of this room without a single soul seeing you. So out you go." She dragged him to the door and before she could open it and shove him out he stopped. "What do you think Ren was talking about when she was talking about Peter?" "What do you mean?" Lily asked while still trying to push James toward the door. "Well, when you heard them coming and pulled the cloak over us. They came in and Timber was upset about something so Padfoot asked her if she wanted to talk about it. She said no, he said what're you gonna do if Peter tells and she said she'd obliviate everyone. What do you think they meant?" Lily stopped trying to move James and began to think. "I haven't the slightest clue. But I'll find out. Now, go before Timbs comes back and sees you here!" James quickly kissed her cheek, threw the cloak over him and was out the door. Lily sighed before smiling and turning to slide down the door, sitting there for only a moment before realizing that she was going to be late.

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