This is Home

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It had been 6 years since Sirius and Renée got married. They were living their life, the life they had always wanted, the life they wanted together.
Renée was cleaning the windows of their rather large house when she saw a car coming up the drive way. "Paddy!! Are we expecting anyone?" She called out to her husband who upon hearing her call for him came to the window she was stood at and looked out. "No, but I think that's Lily and James' car." Renée lit up, she had something that she was dying to tell Lily. She took off her gloves and put away her cleaning supplies before going out to greet her two best friends. The car came to a halt in front of the house and the two got out before Lily went to grab their beautiful baby boy out of the back. "Oh my there he is!! Oh I've missed you all." She hugged James before hugging Lily and kissing all over Harry's face. James went over to Sirius who was standing in the door way of the house. "So Padfoot! When do you think you and Timbs will settle down for real and have a kid." He wrapped an arm around his best friend as the two looked at their wives with little Harry. "I'm not sure. We've talked about it before. It's not like we're trying but we certainly aren't preventing it." "Woah! Way more than I wanted to know about my sister's sex life." James chuckled and stepped away a bit from Sirius. "Hey! You were the one that asked!" The two continued to laugh as the girls made there way towards the house. The group of 5 headed inside the house to talk and catch up. The boys were sat outside talking about what Sirius wanted to do with the land they were living on while the girls were in the kitchen making lunch. "What's on your mind, Ren?" Lily asked as she put down the pitcher of tea she had just made. Renée looked up at her red haired friend astonished that she picked up on Renée's behavior. "I'm your best friend. It doesn't matter how well Sirius knows you, I will always know you better." Both girls laughed a bit before Renée set down the knife she was using to cut the tomatoes with and turned to Lily. "I'm pregnant." Renée bit her lip and looked up to the window to see if either of the men had heard her confession to Lily, luckily neither of them heard her. Lily grabbed her friend and began to squeal before Renée quickly quieted her down. Renée clasped her hand quickly over Lily's mouth, but it was too late, both men heard Lily and came rushing inside. "What happened?! What's wrong?!" James said as he looked around the room for anything out of place. "Nothing! Lily's just excited to eat." Renée said as she sent a sweet smile to her husband and brother. "Yes! Speaking of which, the food is ready! Would you to mind setting the table?" Lily handed them the plates and silverware shooing them into the dining room. "Sirius doesn't know?!" She turned and whisper yelled at Renée. "No! I haven't been able to tell him! Remus was here during the week i found out and he just left this morning. I was going to tell him over dinner tonight." "And why can't you tell...Ohhh, cause James and I popped by unannounced. I see, maybe I can get James to drive us back tonight? Or maybe charm the car? Or.." Renée stopped her friends rant, "Lily, it's okay. I'll tell him when the three of you leave tomorrow morning. I've waited this long to tell him, what's one more day." The girls hugged and headed into the dining room to join the guys. 

  Their evening was filled with laughter music and good company. They caught up on life and just enjoyed the time they got to spend together. Soon Lily, James and Harry all went off to bed in the guest quarters while Renée and Sirius retired to their own room. Sirius was brushing his teeth while Renée was sat in bed combing her hair. "That was quite the surprise, James and Lily bringing little Harry up to see us." Sirius then made his way into the bedroom, "It truly was. I just spoke to James on the phone the other day and I told him they should come up soon but I wasn't expecting it to be so soon. I also would've expected a phone call before them dropping in." Sirius chuckled after his last sentence. "Mmm, yes. A phone call might have been nice." Renée was trying to conceal the fact that she was slightly perturbed by the Potter family showing up unannounced at their home. Well of course she was thrilled to see her friends. I mean James and Lily are practically family, but she was so ready to tell Sirius they'd be starting a family of their own that it slightly upset her she couldn't have done it the way she had planned to. Sirius could tell, he could see it in her eyes and hear it in the tone of her voice. He laid down on the bed next to her, "What's wrong, Ren?" She hadn't acknowledged his presence til now, she turned her head towards him. "Hmm, oh nothing Pads. I'm fine." She faked a smile and kissed his forehead before turning to place her comb on the bed side table. She turned back to Sirius only to find him much closer to her. "Renée Black. I can tell something is the matter with you. Talk to me, love." She decided that she just couldn't wait any longer, and if she told him now they could celebrate with James and Lily tomorrow morning. So she sat up straight, Sirius mimicked her movements so now the two were sitting face to face. She grabbed his face in her hands and her eyes began to tear. Sirius reached up and wiped a tear from her cheek. "Sirius Black...You're going to be a father." Sirius' hand dropped from her face and grasped on to her leg. "You're joking." He waited for her to tell him it was some cruel practical joke but instead she just shook her head with a grin on her face. "It's not a joke, Sirius. We're going to have a baby." She grabbed the hand that was on her thigh and brought it to her stomach, with her other hand she brought his forehead to her's as they sat their in tears of joy. 

  Their life was finally becoming all they wanted it to be. Everything from their past faded and began to become nothing but a distant memory. But of course, all fairytales must come to an end. Some more brutal than others. 

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