The Stone of Hecate

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  It was the end of break and everyone was returning to Hogwarts. The four that had stayed back were now waiting impatiently for their friends to come in on the Hogwarts Express. "How do you know that they took the first train? I mean, maybe they didn't. And if they didn't we'll be here for ages." James had been whining and worrying even before they had gotten to the platform. "Jame! How many times have I told you, Lily sent an owl yesterday saying that she would be on the first train." Renée said, her tone bored of his questions and whining. "Yeah, but what about Wormtail? What if he's on the second? Someone has to wait for him." James said as he began to fidget with his hands. "James, I told you that Peter showed me his ticket before he left. He already has a ticket for the first train. So stop your fussing." Remus said, his tone almost matching Renée's. After a few more minutes of waiting they could hear the train approaching. "I hear it!!" James squealed as he began to walk closer to the edge of the platform. "I kind of want to push him..." Sirius whispered to Renée. She turned to him with her jaw hung low. "An-and then save him really quickly." Sirius continued before clearing his throat and turning back to face the train that was approaching. Renée giggled a bit before she followed after James to stand closer to the edge. 

  Soon the train had come to a stop at the platform and students began pouring out. Renée and the others began frantically looking for the red head and the small sheepish boy that would be accompanying her. "I see them!" Remus shouted to the other three as he pointed in the direction of their two friends. James and Renée were the first to catch sight of where he was pointing, they also happened to be the ones closest to the two so they made a beeline for them. Renée making it to Lily first and engulfing her in a hug. "I missed you endlessly." She whispered into the girls ear. "I missed you too, Timbs." Lily mumbled as the two pulled apart. "Oh! And the ring! I love it so much, Ren!" 

  Lily brought her hand up to show it off as Renée did the same

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  Lily brought her hand up to show it off as Renée did the same. "And we match." Renée said as her and Lily hugged once more before James pried Renée off of the red headed girl. "Lily!!" James shouted as he wrapped his arms around her, but she stayed stiff as a board. "Get off me, Potter." Her tone was monotone and without feeling. Of course Renée knew how Lily really felt about James, though Lily would never admit it to any single soul, Renée could tell how she felt about him. James let go, he hung his head as he let out a nervous laugh while he rubbed the back of his neck and backed away. Renée hugged Peter tightly, "I missed you too Wormtail." "Christmas wasn't the same without you Timber." The two smiled at each other before the group decided to head back to the castle. 

  Lily and Renée were sitting in the window seal of their dormitory talking about their holiday. Renée filled Lily in on all the crazy drama that had happened. "I can't believe he thought you were cheating on him." Lily was genuinely shocked. "Well, I mean I do sneak out of D.A.D.A. a lot without any excuse. And Dumbledore knows I've told you, but he doesn't want me to tell anyone else." Lily nodded and leaned back on the window seal, "I honestly can't believe James' kind of knows. I didn't think he was smart enough, honestly." Both girls began to laugh before they continued to talk about the rest of their break. Soon it was time for dinner so the two headed down to the Great Hall. On their way down they ran into Dumbledore, literally. "Excuse us professor." "We're so sorry professor." Renée and Lily apologized profusely to him. "It's alright Miss Evans. Miss Moreau, I have something to give to you. Please come see me after dinner." Renée nodded and both girls headed to dinner. "What do you think he has for you?" Lily asked Renée. "I have no idea." Both girls shrugged and laughed before taking their seats at the table.

  Renée had parted ways with the Marauders, she made her way to Dumbledore's office. She walked into the office to see Dumbledore sitting at his desk. "Renée, I'm glad you're here." He said while he stood up and came around the desk to stand in front of Renée. He handed her a small box, "This was a gift. From a very powerful wizard, she told me that I would know when to use it. And she was right." Renée opened the box to find a deep blue stone on a chain. She knew exactly what it was even though she'd only heard about it in stories. "The stone of Hecate...I thought it was a myth." She gasped as she looked up at Dumbledore. He gave her a small smile, "It is." Renée didn't bother questioning the man, by now she understood it was best to not question. She assumed he meant that no one could know she had it. She put it on before tucking the stone into her shirt so that it couldn't be seen. "When the stone begins to glow, you must come to see me at once. No hesitations, because it means that there is dark magic in the air." Renée's breathing hitched and the once beautiful gift now almost seemed to burden her. You could see the weight it carried in her eyes. But she pushed it all aside and thanked the professor once again. Before exiting his office to find Lily waiting, Renée had to suppress her fears and anxieties that were begging to be let out for the sake of her friends not discovering what she and Dumbledore had been up to. So she put on a smile and began to chat with Lily about their potions assessment that was due the next day as the two walked back to the dormitories. 

  Renée lie awake that night, thinking about all that had happened in the past few years. All the things her and her friends had been through. She knew that whatever came next that they would handle it together. At least she hoped it would be that way. 

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