The Marauders First Full Moon

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James, Sirius and Peter were sitting on the floor of the shack waiting for Remus and Renée. "Don't you think its a little strange that they missed dinner?" They heard Remus ask. "Well, about that Moony..." "Renée what's going on?" They could see Renée visibly wince when he used her full name. "They know Rem. They saw us about 3 months ago, that night you gave me this." She lifted up her sleeve to show the large claw mark scars on her left shoulder. "They... They saw us." Remus ran his hands through his hair. "They're scared of me. They've been avoiding me. I knew it." He slammed his fist on the door and the three took that as their cue to come out of hiding. "Quite the contrary Remus. We wanted to help." James said as he looked at the boys on either side of him and nodded once. The three turned into the animagus forms and then turned back. Remus' face was happy and relieved but soon turned to fear. "But what if I hurt you? Any of you? Hurting petit loup is hard enough on me..." Remus hung his head as Sirius stepped forward placing his hands on Remus' shoulders. "We're not going anywhere. We're the marauders now." Sirius said and Remus lifted his head, a smile on his lips. James stepped forward as well, "We're with you, mate. Always. Oh and, we kinda changed Ren's nickname to Timber. She said the other one reminded her too much of her mum." Remus nodded his head. "I suppose you know that's why Ren calls me Moony then." The group giggled a bit, "Yeah, we wanted in on the nicknames too. I'm Prongs, Sirius is Padfoot and Pete is Wormtail." Remus nodded, his smile wide but his expression quickly changed to one of pain. Renée ran to Remus and grabbed his arm putting it around her shoulders and helping him to the room that was to the right of the one with the smashed door Renée had yet to fix. "What's going on? Is he hurt?" Sirius asked, concerned for his friend. "He's beginning to shift." She answered while placing Remus on the floor before running out, shutting the door and locking it behind her. "You'll be alright Moony. We're out here for you. Think about us, think about all the things we did over summer break. Think about when we met. Think about the happy things Remus." Renée yelled as Remus grunted and yelled in pain. "Alright, Prongs and Wormtail I'm going to need you two to stay in the room across the hall. The second you hear him scratching at the door Wormtail I need you down and out the tunnel. Padfoot, you and I will be outside at the base of the willow. Remus will get out, he always does. Prongs, the second he gets out I need you to make any sort of noise you can. Wait until he's out of the tunnel. I'll bark twice when it's clear, you're going to have to shift back to human in order to get out of the tunnel. I sure hope you three were paying attention because this is going to be every full moon for the rest of your years at Hogwarts." The three nodded. Renée shifted followed by Sirius, then Peter and last James. Renée could still here muffled grunts from behind the door she had locked earlier but instead of staying like she wanted to she took off toward the tunnel with Sirius hot on her heels. The two made it out of the tunnel, Sirius wasn't sure what to do so he figured he'd do the only thing he knew how to do which was cheer Renée up. Get her mind off of things. So he jumped around her and nipped at her ears playfully. Renée was confused at first but caught on to what he was getting at and the wolf side of her got a excited. The wolf side of her never got to play around it only ever got to protect Remus from himself. The two began to jump around each other and wrestle a bit. About 30 minutes had passed and they were now laying in the grass together, her head on his back as she licked his face. Soon they saw Peter come scurrying out and they stood up knowing Remus wouldn't be far behind him. They soon heard James stomping and make a loud ruckus alerting them that Remus was on his way. Renée barked at Sirius and he knew exactly what she was asking of him, she wanted him to stay put and wait for James while she kept Remus away from the school. So that is exactly what he did, Remus came barreling out and Renée took off after him. Soon Sirius saw James' small figure coming from the tunnel below the willow and all of a sudden he was once again his large stag. The two took off, Peter not far behind them. They soon caught up to the two wolves, Remus had settled down and the group were now running about. Jumping and twirling in the moonlight.
  It was 5am when the three boys snuck back into the castle, with the help of James' cloak of course. Soon the sun was coming up and Renée was able to lug Remus inside to the hospital wing. Madam Pomfrey quickly came to the girl's aid in carrying her unconscious friend to their usual cots on the other side of the hospital wing.
  Remus was asleep in the hospital wing resting and healing while Renée was trying to avoid Sirius. She knew she wouldn't be able to avoid him all day, she had promised him they would meet during what would be their astronomy class. She had showered and changed into her robes, now she was pacing the ground near the tree the two were to meet at. "You keep pacing like that and you'll wear a hole in the ground, Timber." She looked up to see Sirius' smiling face, which only made her heart beat faster than it already was. "Okay, this is not easy for me to say. Wow, um, okay." Renée couldn't help but stumble over her words. Sirius placed his hands on her shoulders, "Breathe, Ren." She took a deep breath before continuing, "I'm just gonna say it. I like you, Sirius. And not just in the friend kind of way, in the love kind of way. I, I think I'm falling in love in with you, Sirius Black." Renée hadn't noticed that she was looking at the ground the whole time until she looked up to see the smile on Sirius' face. "What are you smiling at?" Sirius didn't say a word he just took her face in his hands and kissed her. He kissed her like his life depended on it before he, reluctantly, pulled away. "I think I'm falling in love with you too, Renée Moreau." Renée smiled. Neither of them could believe that this had actually just happened. "Since we've established that you're madly in love with me..." Sirius was interrupted by Renée giving him a playful shove as the two laughed. "Ouch! As I was saying, I think it's only fair that you do me the great honor of being my girlfriend." Sirius said as he grabbed Renée's hand and laced his fingers with hers. "I think that's fair. Since you are madly in love with me." Renée said while she used her free hand to point a finger at him.

After about an hour or so of just talking and laughing under the large tree they had claimed as their own Renée heard something. "Do you hear that?" Renée asked as she began to look around to find the culprit of the ear piercing noise. "I don't hear anything, love." Renée was then distracted by a voice that was all too familiar to her. Renée stood up and grabbed Sirius' hand before placing a finger to her lips telling him to stay quiet. The two made a wide circle and came up behind two figures. "Can you still see them?" Peter asked a now startled James. "Not anymore thanks to you and your habit of sneaking up on me. You scared me so bad I lost 'em." "Did you see which way they went?" Peter asked as he began looking around. That's when Renée bent down near the boys. "You know, I think I saw them head towards the lake." James didn't even turn around he just stood up and said, "Oh thanks Renée!" He was about to take off in the direction of the lake when he froze. Realizing what had happened, "Renée!!" The two boys jumped and turned to face the couple. Peter hid slightly behind James. "You wouldn't happen to have been spying on us? Would you, James?" Sirius asked. "Whaaaat? Psshhh no! Okay maybe but I didn't see anything. O-okay maybe we did but we're really really happy for you both. You know, I called it during Christmas break 2nd year, didn't I call it Peter?" James turned to Peter and Peter nodded furiously. The new couple laughed loudly causing James and Peter to loosen up. Soon all four of them were laughing and walking back to the castle.

The past few days had been a whirlwind. Between the full moon and the two young lovebirds admitting their feelings to each other. It had been a little hectic, but soon they would be back into the swing of things. No more skipping classes and everything would fall into place. They were ready to see what 4th year had in store for them.

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