Chapter five

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"We kissed Milan and it felt so

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"We kissed Milan and it felt so... amazing" Jasmine said, walking through the halls of their college.

It was Monday morning and Jasmine was filling Milan in on what happened with her and Saint the other day, The whole weekend she didn't see him once but they texted back and forth but nothing serious. Jasmine was starting to regret the kiss because now she was feeling like it ruined their friendship but Saint was the one of initiated it.

"Bitch what?! When the fuck did that happen? Last I remember you was calling him a fake piece of shit" Milan was shocked but also excited about it but she just wanted to understand how it all took place.

"I know, I know.. it's weird because it just happened.. one minute we were talking about the whole situation then the next he was calling me beautiful then we were lip locking"

"Biiitttttcccchhhhhh I cant believe this shit, ya'll would make such a cute couple too. Make some fine ass brown skin babies whew, I can just picture it now"

"Yo chill hell no, that's not going to happen. We are just friends that kiss was a mistake I don't know why it happened but it won't be happening again"

"Something is telling me not to believe that but ima let you rock for now, Did he make yo' pussy wet?" Milan slickly said with a grin.

"What? You're so nosey mind ya business" Jasmine grinned plopping Milan on the nose and walking off in a different direction since they had different classes.

Jasmine was studying business she wanted to open a hair salon in the future and her dream was to become a successful business owner. She could see it now, owning multiple business and even making her own franchise of salons in different city's. It was a dream she was determined to chase and she was going to get it by all means.

"I know he did!" Milan called out after her causing Jasmine to giggle.

Jasmine was in class it was her first class since she moved and she didn't realise how boring school was she wished she didn't have to do all of this but she did. It felt like the day was moving extremely slow and she just wanted it to end already. When the bell finally rung she quickly gathered her things and made her way out of the class, she had plans to go home and take a nice hot, relaxing bath.

"Aye," she heard a voice call from behind her but ignored it continuing to walk.

"New girl, you don't hear me calling you?" The person finally caught up with her and when she turned to look she smiled, the guy was really attractive she couldn't lie.

He had waves that were on swim and noticeable from a mile away, his skin looked smooth and was the colour of Nutella literally. He was a handsome dark skin.

"My names not new girl and how was I to know you was calling me?" She arched her brow.

"My bad then but you care to share your name? I don't wanna disrespect you anymore by calling you something other than you name"

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