"It doesnt take a genius to know that I'm not" I started continuing to chop down on the fruits.

"Look Anaïs you can be as stubborn as you want but you can't deny that your life is at stake right now" he said and I could feel his gaze on my bare back.

Yes the only thing I had on were sleeping shorts and a small crop vest that barely hid my breasts.

I was basically naked.

"I was fine before your ass got here you can show yourself the way out because I'm still fine" I said collecting all the fruits in a bowl.

I then added some yoghurt to make the mixture thick and took a spoon to mix.

He was still glaring at me hard.

"What are you still doing here?" I asked raising a brow.

He didnt say a word in fact the went back to my living room.

I didnt get it.
What did I need to say in order to kick him out of my house.

"Look I don't want to beat around the Bush.
I want you out of my house please just get out" I said making my way to where he was with the bowl of fruit salad in my hand and a spoon in my other hand.

He didnt say a word back.

"Have you thought of decrypting this file?" He asked raising a brow.

I rose another one in a challenge.

" I never thought of doing any shit with that file.
All I thought was returning it which I kept forgetting to do so but I did return it and you fired me as a result so get the fuck out of here and deal with what is yours" I said glaring at him.

He was going to make me lose my appetite.

Not happening today.

"My sister is a computer genius and when she came to my office and I showed her this she tried decrypting it and if she was right what we found in this does not look great" he said looking at me.

"And how does that have to do anything with me?" I asked looking at him.

"We found your name in here" he said the words that I was trying not to think.
The words i was trying to bury.

I inhaled this free oxygen.

"Look she probably wasnt planning to hurt you or kill you like how she did with others but after you beat her up I dont think that's the case anymore" he said looking at.

"Okay" I said going back to eat my fruit salad.

"You dont get it do you!?" He said getting frustrated.

He was starting to annoy and scare me at the same time.

"What dont I get?
That I might die in the process? So what as long as my son is not hurt I'll be fine" I said shrugging my shoulders.

He glared at me and his nostils flared.
He was definetly mad.

"The whole point is to hurt me Anaïs what the fuck dont you get in that!?" He asked holding my shoulders.

I dont get anything in all this.
I die life continues so what" I asked again and I was sure if I could be six feet under then I would have been.

Fuck. He murmured.

"What I mean is she knows that I love you.
So she will hurt you in order to hurt me.
She will fucking hurt you in order to get back to me. She doesnt care that you beat her up or anything if she wanted to hurt you she would have continued killing your friends.
Why do you think your friend's house was trashed but not your parents???" He asked looking at me.

The Tangled AssistantWhere stories live. Discover now