The kidnapping

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For meoWait

"Ow. What the fuck?"

"Hey watch the hair, buster."

"Really, Tony! You're complaining about your hair while we're getting kidnapped! Ugh you're so immature." Cayara couldn't see or move.

"Really I'm immature!"

"Yeah you are!"

"Nu huh"

"Ah huh"

"Nu huh"

"Nu huh" Cayara mocked Tony.

"Ah huh." Tony said back to her.

"Ha you admitted it!"

"Shut up back there." A guy yelled.

"Oh I forgot this was a kidnapping. So sir how are you doing this fine evening?" Tony questioned the man.

The man stayed silent.

"Hello? Anyone driving this thing?" Cayara questioned.

They heard a screech and were slammed against the side of the truck from the breaks being hit so abruptly.

"Ow!" Cayara screamed. "Did you not get your drivers license or something because that was definitely not legal!"

"Why? Why cruel world is this happening to me I just wanted some money!" They hear the guy mumble to himself.

Suddenly the back door opens and the man carries them into an abandoned factory or at least something like that. He sets them down into chairs and pulls the blindfolds off.

"Oh did we forget to tell you that Stark Industries has a no ransom policy. Meaning that even though you have us you won't be getting any money." Tony said.

"What!?!? But, but the guy told me that they would pay me."

"Wait which guy?" Cayara questioned.

"Really Cayara you think that he's going to tell us?"

"Well I don't know he seems like a nice guy!"

"Shut up! It was some guy. I don't know high up in the ranks or something. He said his name was Thom (pronounced Tom) or something like that."


"Shut up."

"Well I absolutely hate to tell you but we won't give you anything." Tony said sarcastically.

"Tones! Stop being rude to the poor man!"Cayara yelled at Tony. "Now why did you want to kidnap us?"

"I'm not telling you! You'll use it against me."

"Listen you're not getting money from the company anyway might as well tell me!" Cayara explained.

"Ugh fine!" The man yelled. "Why did no one tell me Starks are so annoying. Anyway I need it for my family. My youngest, s-she has cancer i-i-if I don't pay for her treatment she'll die." The man burst into tears.

"Okay, okay. I get it. You want money, we want to get out of here." Tony stated. "Now how to compromise?"

"Hey Tony." Cayara called.

"One sec I'm thinking!" Tony said.

"Tonnnnyyyyyyy." Cayara continued.

"What Cayara? What could you possibly need?" Tony sand exasperated.

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