Replaced Pt2

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Years later
Peter woke up in his bed and looked over to his lovely wife MJ. It's been 7 years since he got replaced and he is happier than he ever has been before.

One month after he got kicked out he started his new business Parker Industries. Immediately his business skyrocketed. Everyone loved his things. He made phones that ran on solar panels, he made cures for cancer and many many other things.

The press can't even say anything bad against him or his wife. MJ is like a better Pepper Potts, and Peters like a much better Tony Stark. He hosts hundreds of charity galas and donates thousands of dollars each year to each charity. He came out as Spider-Man a year into owning his business and explained everything. And in the end everyone really respected him.

His Aunt died a couple of weeks after his wedding which was right after he came out as Spider-Man. She died from cancer which is why he made a charity in her name which helped people get the cure who can't afford it. They found out about her cancer too late and she didn't want to spend her last moment in a hospital. The charity's name is "May you live happily". It was the last thing Aunt May said to him along with I love you.

He hosts a gala in her honor each year and helps hundreds of thousands of people each year from the money of the gala alone. Tonight was the gala which is always on Aunt Mays death (whatever date you want here).

"Hey honey." Peter shook MJ slightly. "Love, it's time to wake up."

"Ughhhhhh." MJ groaned as she covered her head with a pillow.

Peter chuckled slightly as he got up from the side of his bed and put on his slippers.

Once Peter walked into the kitchen he was greeted by the site of his personal chef Mario and his best friend Ned talking to each other.

"Hey guys!" Peter walked over to the table and grabbed a stack of the pancakes.

"Hi Peter." Ned said with his usual chipper voice.

"Hello Mr. Parker." Mario said.

"I see you like everyday Mario just call me Peter."

"Right sorry Peter." Mario Said slightly embarrassed.

"Naw it's ok Mario. No need to say sorry." Peter said.

"Hey babe." MJ said while walking into the kitchen.

"Hello my love." Peter walked over to MJ and kissed her.

"Ewwwwe get a room." Ned said scrunching up his face.

MJ ignored Ned. "So are you reach for the gala later today, Pete?"

"Ya, it's going to be an open event so everyone can come and donate."

"That sounds awesome." MJ said with a fond look in her eyes.

Magical time skip
Boogie woggie woggie 😉

At the gala
The gala was the biggest it's ever been amounting to be almost five hundred people. They were only a hour into the gala and they had already made 400 million dollars to donate to causes around the globe. Peter was ecstatic knowing that Aunt May would be very proud of him.

Peter has been waking around with MJ by his side shaking hands thanking them for being there. Eventually MJ had to be pulled away by her friends to hangout and talk but she told him to keep walking around. He almost got through everyone by the time that MJ left so he only had a few more groups to go. When Peter walked up to a group of seven, Peter realized how many people really came to the gala judging that his hand and arm was actually getting sore.

"Hello gentlemen." Peter said greeting them all. "And lady." (I didn't know how to fraise this so it kind of sounds weird but I tried.)

"Are you enjoying yourselves on this fine evening?" Peter asked.

"Yes of course. Quite the gala you've got here." A man said.

"Well as long as it goes to a good cause it can be as big and as expensive as needs to be."

When the men and women finally looked up Peter gasped.

"Stark, Rogers, Barnes, Banner, Romanoff, Barton. (Im so sorry I couldn't help myself.) What the hell are you all doing here? (Well I'd love to stay and chat but I have to go clean out my hand bag or something. Sorry still couldn't help myself that's all just my inner monologue.)" Peter exclaimed.

"Hi my baby spider." Natasha said with a loving gaze.

"No you don't get to call me that. You have away that right when you Replaced me with Flash." Peter started to tear up along with the rest of the Avengers.

The Avengers surrounded Peter with a hug.

"You guys left me with Aunt May, who was dying. We barley could sustain ourselves and you just left us." Peter said crying.

"Baby Spider we're so sorry. Flash mind controlled us and we couldn't get out of it for a long time." Natasha said crying a little while the rest were pretty much balling. "We got out of it a few weeks ago and remembered everything we did and we tried to find you and talk to you but we were banned from the building."

"Pete, I am so sorry. I would never have done that to you if I was in control of my own actions." Tony said kissing Peters for-head.

"Yes, we're all sorry." Bucky said looking around at everyone.

"I don't know if I can forgive you immediately." Peter said crying still.

"But Peter that's okay because we're going to work really hard to earn your trust and forgiveness." Steve said.

"Thank you guys for understanding." Peter pulled everyone into a giant hug.

"Now you have to meet MJ and Ned and Mario and everyone here." Peter said excitedly happy to be with his family.

"That sounds perfect." Bruce said looking at him with adoration.

Immediately Peter grabbed their hands and dragged them away to meet everyone. While it would take them a very long time to earn Peters trust back they knew it would be worth it. All of them the happiest they have been in a very long time and Peter has never been more ready to see what comes next.

The End

Authors note

That's the end of Replaced. Remember suggest anything you want me to do for prompts.

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