Picking up Morgan Stark from School

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Prompt :Happy picking up Peter from Midtown and then sending him to get Morgan from her school.

Ignoring the end of Endgame. Tony's still alive.
Peter walked out of school with his best friend Ned. Peter had came out as a Stark a couple days ago with his mom and dad helping him.

Everyone wanted to be his friend after he told the entire world that he's a Stark but, he made a promise to his dad that he wouldn't become friends with anyone that wasn't his friend before hand. Of course Peter was going to do that anyway but still.

"Hey kid come on." Happy yelled out of the window.

"Okay." Peter quickly said goodbye to Ned and got into the car.

"Ok kid I need you to go into Morgan's school and pick her up please. I have work to you." Happy said turning off the car and pulling out paperwork.

Peter got out of the car and walked towards the elementary school. It was a nice elementary school it had brick walls but had plants and trees all around it to make it more friendly. It also had a lot of windows. The school doors had maximum security so no one could get in unless aloud by the secretary which was nice.

Peter pressed the buzzer. "Hi I'm here to pick up Morgan Stark."

Peter heard the lock click and opened up the door.

Peter walked into a massive foyer with a ceiling painted like the sky. The office was in front of him which was incased in a glass barrier. Peter walked into the office.

"Hi we need a ID to make sure your aloud to pick up Morgan please and then we can give you a pass to go pick her up from the classroom" the secretary said.

"Of course. Here." He gave her his ID and waited.

The secretary swiped his ID through the scanner and waited for the pass to print out. Once it printed out she gave it to him.

"Morgan is in class 86. Down the hallway to your left and it should be 4 classrooms down on your right."

"Okay thank you."

Peter quickly left the office and followed the instructions that the secretary gave him. When he reached room 86 he saw a open doorframe with a hallway leading to the actual classroom. Lining the hallway he saw cubby's filled with little backpacks and lunches.

As he walked into the classroom he heard someone shout "Ahhhhhhhh, that's Peter Stark!!!!"

Morgan looked up from her seat to see Peter walking over to her.

"Petey!!!" Morgan yelled as she bounded over to Peter encasing him in a hug. Well as encasing as a fifth grader could be.

"Lil' sis." Peter scooped her up into his arms. Hugging her for a couple of seconds before putting her down.

Peter turned towards the teacher. "I'm taking Morgan out of school."

"O-Okay." She said still a little shocked that Peter Stark one of the greatest minds of his generation walk into her classroom.

"How does that little worthless brat (their words not mine- author) know Peter Stark?" A girl said to her friends.

"Excuse me But I suggest that you don't talk about Morgan that way judging the fact that her parents work at Stark Industries." Peter said smirking to himself thinking about how supposed those brats will be when Tony Stark comes to talk to the school about bullying and get them suspended. By the way Peter will definitely tell Tony because no one bully's his little sister.

"Now excuse us." Peter walked out of the classroom and grabbed Morgan's stuff and left the school holding Morgan's hand.

Just before they got to the car Morgan tugged on Peter's hand. "Peter I'm sorry I didn't tell you."

Peter kneeled down. "It's ok Morg. Just if it happens again you have to tell me."

"Okay, But what about Dad?"

"We'll Tell hin together okay."

"I love you Petey."

"I love you too Morgan."

A few weeks later five girls that were suspended. Nobody knew who got them suspended but rumor has it a very angry Tony and Pepper Stark walked in the day after Morgan was picked up by Peter Stark and that's the reason why they got suspended. But that's just a rumor. Just kids making it up.


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