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Hey guys, here it is. The last chapter! The final part to On The Run! Finally uploaded! It has come to end and i am so honoured that everyone who is reading this has stuck with this story the whole way. I don't know how i can thank you or tell you how grateful i am, but THANKYOU SO VERY MUCH!

If you didn't already know i have entered in the wattywards, if you would like to help me you can go and vote on every one of the chapter on On TheRun and if you want to support me even more you can click report and from the drop down list select nominate story for special award and in the message bow type in best title 2012. But only if you want to! THANKS SOOOO MUCH. I LOVE YOU ALL!!

PLAN for the future- Aright so i am NOT planning on writing a third book, BUT depending on how many people want me to, I MAY write one novel on the life of Lisa and what went on while Hazel was off on her adventure, which would give you more of insight on her feelings and her life. If you would like me to do this please let me know via comments or on my facebookpage (Don't forget to like it :) http://www.facebook.com/booksaregreat?ref=hl&bookmark_t=page

I am also planning on writing another novel, it will not be a serious here is the description (It is a work in progress)

Life’s Purpose

What is the meaning of life? That is the one question going through Dawns head as she breaks into the five bedroom house, with her best friend at her side. What happens when Dawn and Mel meet the owners of the house? Can Drew and Ivy teach these two teen rebels what life is about? Or will they fail like everyone else? Read on to find out.

Anyway, If you have read all this, i don't know how you did it :) ahah anyway please don’t forget to vote and comment on On The Run.


Five years later…

“Come on Maiko, only a little more. We haven’t even been riding for an hour and you’re getting lazy!” Hazel dramatically exclaimed. Maiko was slowly reducing the speed of her trot, little by little. The pinto mare neighed and tossed her head from side to side in disagreement. Hazel laughed as Maiko picked up her speed once again. It seemed that whenever she was insulted, Maiko had to prove Hazel wrong.

“Good gracious! I should have named you mischievous, you silly horse.” Maiko neighed once again, this time sticking to the right pace of a trot. “I thought you’d only be naughty as a filly, but I guess I was wrong, huh girl?” As if to prove Hazel’s statement, Maiko come to a sudden halt, which send Hazel flying off Maiko. She landed on the dirt floor with a thud, turning around to see if anyone had seen, she noticed Dimitri watching her with a cute grin.

“Don’t just stand there, help me up! This silly little horse just loves getting rid of me and now she knows how!” Hazel joked. Despite his laughter, Dimitri managed to help Hazel up without falling over himself. Once Hazel was off the ground, Maiko nudged her with her head.    

“You’re not getting anything from me you evil little thing!” Hazel scolded, leading Maiko into the paddock with the other horses. Giving her one last pat, Hazel headed back to Dimitri, he was still laughing.

“I remember when you were so excited that Wendy said you could name her; you didn’t even know what to call her.” He said with another grin.

“Well I like the name Maiko, it’s cute!” Hazel exclaimed with wide eyes.

“You mean like you?” he asked. Hazel blushed and looked away.

“Go away you mean person!” she demanded. Dimitri threw up his hands in defence.

“Aright, alright. I have to get back to work anyway, I’ll see you later.” Giving Hazel a quick hug, he made his way to the front gate, where he would be taking over at the start of his shift.


Hazel headed to her room to take a quick shower, even though Maiko hadn’t worked hard, she had. It was tiring just trying to make Maiko actually walk! Hazel honestly didn’t know what was wrong with that horse, but sometimes it seemed like Maiko could understand what she was saying.

After her shower, Hazel decided it would be a good time to call Todd and Noah; she hadn’t spoken to them in a week! She quickly dialled Todd’s number which she had memorised over the past few years.

“Hello?” Todd’s spoke. She grinned and decided to play a prank on him.

“Good evening, this is the police calling. Would you happen to know where Todd Oster is?” She replied, with a serious voice. There was silence for a few seconds while Todd tried to think of a response. Hazel couldn’t take it anyone, she cracked up laughing.

“Jeez Hazel, that wasn’t funny!” Todd exclaimed, regaining his normal breathing patterns.

“Yes it was, man I shouldn’t have laughed!” Hazel replied, in-between fits of laughter.

“So anyway, how are you?” Todd asked, trying to change the subject. Hazel didn’t want to embarrass him, so she let it go and answered his question instead.

“I’m fine, but I miss you and Noah. When can I see you guys again?” Hazel questioned. There was a pause on the other end of the line as Todd thought about her question.

“I don’t know, I’ve been asking mum for the past week, but you know her, she takes a while to decide. It’s just that you’re so far away and she doesn’t want anything going wrong, especially because Noah is still so young and can’t care of himself if something does happen.”  Hazel thought about it, she knew she couldn’t blame Amy; Wendy would most probably have done the same if she was in that position.

“Well at least we can still talk to each other!” Hazel exclaimed. Todd chuckled at her random outburst.

Hazel and Todd carried on with their conversation for about half an hour more before Hazel realized that her battery was running low. Unfortunately she had to say good bye to Todd and charge her phone.


Hazel looked around noticing that her room was a complete mess and even though the maids were meant to clean the rooms, Hazel never let them. She sighed and decided that she better clean every up before she got too busy again.

Hazel plugged in her headphone and hummed to the tune of her new song as she cleaned up. When the song got to the chorus she started belting it out at the top of her lungs.

“I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling twenty two! Everything will be alright if we keep on dancing like were twenty two!” Hazel stopped singing as something at the bottom of a pile of books on a shelf caught her attention. It was a diary; but not just any old diary. It was the only thing she had from her biological mother, the only thing that kept her sain through her long journey, the only thing she knew she could tell anything to.

With shaky hands, Hazel reached out dusting a thin layer of dirt off the floral patterned cover. She traced the design that her mother had hand crafted with her finger.

“Hazel.” She whispered the one word that was on the cover of her diary. Slowly and very carefully, Hazel opened it and started reading the first few entries. She hadn’t even noticed the tears streaming down her face until she headed to the bathroom to have a quick shower. Hazel hoped into the steaming water and relaxed as the water beat against her back.  Hazel was happy, she had an amazing family and life couldn’t be better. What more could anyone ask for?

The End


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