Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Lisa slammed her fist into the wall, leaving yet another dent in the ancient looking wallpaper. How could Astra expect her to stay in such a disgusting place? Half the time it felt like she was trapped in a prison cell! He had bolted the door again! She was part of the plan to kidnap Hazel too, so why was Astra keeping her locked up and making plans himself?

Her anger subsided and she knew that she had to talk to him. Deep inside her heart, she wished she too could have betrayed Astra, but it was too late for that now and even if it wasn’t, she knew she would never be brave enough.

She didn’t think Astra even remembered her half the time. They were supposed to be in this together. Why did Astra always have to leave her out of everything? Lisa sat on the cold concrete floor as she buried her head in her arms. Why couldn’t she be as brave and strong as Hazel was?

Lisa’s show of self pity came to an end as she heard the door being unbolted. She quickly wiped at her eyes and stood up with fake confidence. She couldn’t show her weaknesses to Astra!

“Get your stuff, we are leaving!” Astra commanded putting enough venom into his voice to scare even the bravest of men. 


“How much longer to we have to walk Dimitri?” Hazel complained, not for the first time. “My feet are going to start growing blisters soon and that would not be a pretty sight!” Dimitri only smiled and shook his head.

“Don’t worry; I’ll massage them for you.” He sarcastically replied. Hazel grinned cheekily.

“I’m holding you to that!” she exclaimed. Dimitri’s smile faltered.

“I-I was just joking.” He stuttered. Dimitri looked worried and Hazel knew this was a good time to tease him, but being the amazing person she was, she let it go.

“It’s getting dark, can we stop for today?” Hazel winged. Dimitri sighed.

“It’s not even 7.00 yet, but alright.” He replied.

Hazel squealed in delight and plunked herself down on the floor. She closed her eyes and heard Dimitri sigh again. Hazel didn’t go to sleep straight away, but she did rest.

Every once in a while Hazel heard Dimitri lifting something, leaves rustling and once she even left something tickle her face, but she ignored it. After about half an hour Dimitri finally spoke.

“There you go, all done.” He said, sounding tired. Hazel opened her eyes, confused. She gasped at the sight in front of her. She opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out.

“Y-you don’t like it?”Dimitri’s smile disappeared. Hazel stared at the creation in front of her. How could he have made it in thirty minutes? Dimitri had made a makeshift bed for Hazel out of braches and to make it comfortable, he had used grass too. It actually looked like a bed and he had actually put some flowers on it too.

“Dimitri…” Hazel broke off, not sure how to continue. “I-it’s amazing; you didn’t need to do this. I would have been quite happy to sleep on the floor.” A massive grin spread across Dimitri’s face.

“I’m glad you like it and don’t worry, I wanted to make it for you.”  He replied with a genuine smile. Hazel walked up to the make-shift bed and lay down on it. Surprisingly it was comfortable. Hazel felt bad when Dimitri sat on the ground and leaned against the bed.

“Are you sure you don’t want to sleep on here instead, after all you did make it?” Dimitri looked up at her and smiled.

“I’m sure.”  As hazel drifted off to sleep Dimitri quietly made his way further into the forest and pressed radial.

“Dimitri where are you? You were supposed to be there today!” an angry voiced hissed through the phone. Dimitri gulped.

“Sorry sir! Hazel was tired so we couldn’t walk as fast, but we will be there tomorrow.” He promised.

“Alright.” The voice replied before the phone went dead. Dimitri put his phone away and made his way back to Hazel, luckily she was still sleeping.

“Мне очень жаль” He whispered for the second time since he’d met her.  vote! comement! fan!


Dimitri wished he didn’t have to lie to Hazel, seeing the joy on her face and knowing it won’t last forever saddened him. As he looked up, he noticed Hazel was looking at him. Dimitri raised his eyebrow and Hazel chewed on her lip, deep in thought.

“Can I tell you something?” Hazel asked, sounding unsure. Dimitri nodded, not sure what she was talking about. “I-I’m the Prime-Minister’s adopted daughter and I’m running away because if I don’t they’ll be in danger. You probably don’t believe me, but it’s true.” Hazel breathe a sigh of relief as her secret had finally been told. It felt like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders.

Dimitri stared at Hazel in shock. Never in his wildest dreams would he have thought Hazel would have told him the truth, but she had. When he didn’t say anything, Hazel’s eyes filled with tears.

“I knew you wouldn't believe me!” she replied with a sniff. Dimitri immediately wiped away her tears and looked her in the eye.

“I do believe you Hazel; I was just shocked that you would tell me the truth. I just wasn’t expecting it.”

“What do you mean? Did you know I was lying?” Dimitri seemed to think about it awhile before he spoke.

“Well, I kind of thought you might have been lying.” Dimitri confessed. Hearing Hazel come out with the truth only made Dimitri feel guiltier, he really wanted to tell her his secret too, but he knew he couldn’t.

“Is that why you keep treating me really nicely. Like that bed you made, or that time when you gave me your jacket?”

“No, I do that stuff because I want to.” Dimitri smiled and looked straight ahead; he knew that if the topic wasn’t changed soon, he may not be able to keep his secret any longer.

Hazel noticed for the first time that the forest actually was peaceful and quiet, with the occasional sound of birds chirping or the wind blowing braches of the trees around.  She wished it could stay that way forever, with not a care in the world. But she knew it was too good to be true, she needed to do something with her life.

Hazel knew that she couldn’t live the rest of her life at an apartment for runaway teens. She had to do something, but what? She looked to Dimitri for help.

“Have you ever thought about what you were going to do with your life? I mean we can’t live at the place we are going to. We can’t runaway forever.” Dimitri looked at Hazel, he knew exactly what he was doing with his life, but right now his main goal was getting Hazel and completing his never-ending task.

“You must be hungry, maybe we can find some fruits for you to eat.” Dimitri suggested.

“I’m not hungry.” Hazel replied, not wanting Dimitri to go through all the trouble just for her. Suddenly her stomach growled and she tried to cover it with a cough.

“Nice try,” stated with a small laugh.

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