Chapter 13

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Herer is a longer chapter for you guys. thanks so much for my amazing voters and comementers and silent readers





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Chapter 13

It was a bitterly cold night, Hazel held on to her jacket tightly. She walked as fast as she could not want to waste energy on running. Todd would think she was still sleeping, however in the morning he wouldn’t find her. She then realized that Todd might have noticed her missing by now. Dinner would probably have been put on the table and then he would find out. The thought of everyone searching for her made her walk even faster than she already was.

As usual there was not a single soul walking around, the isolation only made her feel worse. Why couldn’t she just have a normal life? Why did she listen to Lisa? Staying at the orphanage was better than this.

As she walked, Hazel thought of the poster. Obviously Lisa and Astra were looking for her. She sighed and her cold breath made a white smoke appear from her mouth. Hazel had no idea what to do or where to go. She wondered aimlessly not caring anymore.. Hazel was in dazed state. She couldn’t care less, she had no purpose anymore.


Suddenly out of nowhere she heard another pair of footsteps. No, that wasn’t possible! They couldn’t have found her already. She told herself to keep walking and act naturally. The footsteps kept getting closer and closer until they were level with her. Hazel willed herself not to look sideways at the other pedestrian.

“Hello.” A male voice greeted, he had a Russian accent, which was uncommon in Wake Summer Island. Hazel kept walking not even looking at the boy. When Hazel didn’t reply, he spoke again. “It’s cold tonight, isn’t it?”

“It is.” She replied, not wanting to be rude. He seemed to sense that she didn’t want to talk as he said no more.

Hazel kept walking; she also kept sneaking glances at the boy wondering where he could possibly be going. She realized that he had a backpack. As time went on the boy didn’t show any signs of going anywhere, it was like he was following her.

“Where are you going?” she asked him. He turned to look at her surprised, but then smiled.

“I’m running away and it looked like you were too so I thought I’d join you. Is that ok with you?” Hazel looked at him suspiciously, he seemed nice enough, but it was weird that they were both running away.

“I guess so.” She mumbled to him. His smile grew wider and his eyes brightened up the cold wintery night. Hazel couldn’t help but smile back.

 “By the way, I’m Dimitri Valdimirovich Dostoevsky, but you can just call me Dimitri!” he stated coolly. Hazel’s eyes widened.

“Wow that’s a cool name.” she mumbled to herself. Then looking to him she asked, “are you Russian?”

“Yep! What’s your name?” Dimitri asked. Hazel debated on telling him or not. He seemed genuinely nice and she wanted to be truthful.

“Hazel.” She replied, looking around, not that there was much to look at. Dimitri’s lengthy, dark brown hair, flicked around his face from the chilly wind. Hazel couldn’t understand how he wasn’t cold, all he was wearing was a tight grey top and navy blue jeans.

“That’s a pretty name.” he mumbled to himself.

“How are you not cold?” she asked him, raising an eyebrow. He looked at her and shrugged.

“I guess I’m just used to it. Anyway we should find somewhere to sleep.” He replied. Hazel suddenly tensed.

She hadn’t realized that she’d have to spend the night with him. What if he was working for Astra? Or maybe he was a criminal? What if something bad happened? As if he could read her mind, Dimitri walked ahead of her and put his backpack down in the corner of a building. They were nearing the end of the town and it was getting tiring to keep walking.

“This will do for now.” Dimitri suggested. Hazel nodded and sat on her suitcase as far away from him as possible. Dimitri unzipped his bag and took out a blanket. Hazel so badly wanted the soft, warm looking blanket, but obviously it was his. She was just about to remove her jacket and use it as a blanket when he turned to look at her.

“Do you have a blanket?” he asked Hazel. She shook her head and looked away. Dimitri knew what to do straight away. He extended his hand towards her and handed her the blanket.

“Here you go.” He gave it to her with a smile. She looked surprised and thankful at the same time.

“Are you sure? What about you?” he smiled again, his main job was to protect Hazel and that’s what he would do, no matter what it took.

“Like I said I’m used to the cold.” Hazel took the blanket from him and gave him a grateful smile. Dimitri stood up and made his way back to the end of the wall and rested his head against it. He knew Hazel wouldn’t want him to be too close, she didn’t trust him yet.

He watched as Hazel wrapped the blanket tightly around her and rested her head against the dirty wall. Dimitri unzipped his bag again and pulled out a jacket. Walking to Hazel, he scrunched it up and gently placed it underneath her head as a substitution to a pillow. She smiled a grateful smile and thanked him.

Making his way back to his side of the wall, Dimitri pretended to sleep, but in fact he was trying his best not to sleep. Just in case something happened, he wanted to be awake to protect Hazel. Dimitri watched as Hazel’s eyes began to drift shut. She struggled to keep them open; he could tell she didn’t want to sleep because she didn’t trust him.  


Every muscle in Hazel’s body killed! She groaned as she sat up and opened her eyes. Suddenly all the events from the day before came rushing back to her; she was extremely upset that she had to leave the farm. She then realized that Dimitri was nowhere to be seen and Hazel started to panic.  What if he saw the poster?

The fear on her face was clear. Why did she ever trust Dimitri? She suddenly noticed his backpack from the corner of her eye. She also noticed she still had his jacket and blanket; surely he wouldn’t have left without it all? Just at that very moment, Dimitri appeared with two brown paper bags.

“You’re awake! Sorry, you probably thought I left or something, I was planning on getting back before you woke up. I got us some breakfast.” He smiled, holding up the two bags. Hazel started at him, stunned. She looked away, embarrassed at her horrible thoughts.

“Here, chose whatever you want and eat as much as you want,” he handed her both bags and sat down next to her. Hazel took out a hot dog; handing the bag back to Dimitri she started eating it.  

“Aren’t you eating anything?” she asked. Dimitri looked up at her and shook his head. “Why not?” she asked again.

“I’m saving it so you can have it for lunch.” He replied with a smile. Hazel’s eyes widened. He had to eat something!

“Fine, if you’re not eating, then I’m not either!” Dimitri looked shocked, clearly not expecting her argument. He instantly took out a pastry from the bag and started eating it. Hazel regained her eating with a smirk.





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