Chapter 7

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Should i enter the watty awards with On The Run!?

HEre is chapter 7 hoping for 10 votes also if you forgot to vote on chapter 6 and 5 please make sure you vote!? :) Don't you just love Noah? I made extra long today :) dont forget to vote and comement!

Chapter 7

Hazel woke up to the sound of knocking, at first she had no clue where she was, but then realized she was sleeping in her new room. Smiling to herself, she lazily stood up and opened the door. To her surprise Todd was standing at her bedroom. She knew her hair was a mess when Todd tried to stifle a laugh. She rolled her eyes at him.

“What’s the time?” Hazel asked, sure that I was still too early for people to be walking around.

“It is 6.30,” Todd replied without even looking at his watch. Hazel’s eyes widened considerably.  She felt the urge to slap Todd for waking her up so early.

“Are you crazy? Why would you wake me up now?” she none but yelled.

“Everyone else has been up ages ago. We wake up early at the farm, we have plenty of work to do so get moving!” he replied before walking away with a smile on his face.

Hazel felt as if she’d been slapped in the face with a fish. How could anyone wake up that early and still be awake by evening? She groaned and shut her door, flopped back down on her bed and fell asleep.


“Where’s Hazel?” Amy asked her son, looking up once then returning to her cooking.

“She didn’t want to wake up,” he replied with a shrug. “Do you know where Noah is?” Todd wanted to go for a trail ride with Hazel and Noah, but seeing as Hazel wasn’t awake yet, he would just go with Noah.

“I saw him walking around outside.” Todd muttered a thanks to his mother and headed out to find his brother.

“Noah!” Todd called out. Getting closer to his grandparent’s house, Todd called again, “Noah!” Noah came bounding through the front door and leapt into his brother arms.

“Hey, you want to go for a trail ride?” Todd asked. Noah nodded his head up and down vigorously. Todd couldn’t help but laugh at his brother’s enthusiasm.

“Can Hazel come too?” Noah’s eyes shone in the sunlight, Noah had Todd wrapped around his little finger and he knew it. Todd would do anything from climbing a tree to eating dirt for his little brother.

“Hazel is still sleeping, I tried waking her up, but she didn’t want to.” He watched as his little brothers face dropped, his eyes no longer shiny, he couldn’t stand to see Noah upset. “But she might be now, we can go check!”

“She is up!” Noah screamed, running past Tod as fast as he could. Confused, Todd spun around only to find Hazel sleepily making her way towards him. He laughed before he could stop himself. Hazel looked like she had just gotten out of bed. Her already mattered hazel hair tied up into a messy, knotted ponytail.

Todd began walking up to Hazel and Noah. Noah was chatting to Hazel about going on a trail ride. She looked up hearing Todd’s footsteps and gave him a weak smile.

“So you decided it was finally time to wake up?” Hazel groaned, but nodded her head. Suddenly Todd had an idea. He gestured for Noah to follow him and left Hazel standing there confused.

“Remember those water balloons I bought last week?” Todd asked the equally confused Noah, he nodded his head slowly. “How about we fill them up and have some fun?”

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