Chapter 9

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Sorry guys it's a shortish chapter!

Thanks sooo much to all my voters and comementers!

Chapter 9

“Alright Noah, hold Bunny’s reins and I’ll go saddle up Midnight Beauty and Snowflake.” Todd instructed as he ran back to the stable. Hazel felt a sudden surge of joy; she was finally going to see what Midnight Beauty looked like!

“You look happy,” Noah stated, playing with his dear little horses main.

“That’s because I am and I finally get to see Midnight Beauty, Todd’s precious horse!” Hazel exclaimed.

Todd was excited to show Hazel his prized possession, he remembered how he felt when he had first heard the horses name. He was even more excited than Hazel was and when he saw Midnight Beauty he had thought nothing in the world could possibly be more beautiful.   

“Hey buddy, how are you?” he asked his beloved horse. Todd patted Bunny and put on his saddle blanket while talking to him. “Guess what? I’ve found a new friend, can you believe it? Me, I found a friend?” he told Midnight Beauty, who tossed his head in reply. 

“I know. I can’t believe it either. She’s so awesome and guess what? You get to meet her; she’s really excited about meeting you!” Midnight Beauty again tossed his head up and down in agreement. Todd laughed and saddled him up.

Hazel patted Bunny’s head, hoping it would prevent him from moving again. She nearly had a heart attack every time he stirred. Noah was talking to Bunny like talking to a baby, He was so cute!

“Now Bunny, you have to be nice to Hazel ok? She’s my friend so she is your friend too.” Noah spoke in a slow and clear voice. Hazel couldn’t help but smile. As she lifted her head she saw the most beautiful stallion ever. She stared at Midnight Beauty as Todd led him to her.  His heavy body making dust rise behind him, the wind blowing his mane backwards and his posture made him look absolutely stunning. He was mesmerising and she couldn’t take her eyes away from him. Todd looked amazing too the wind blowing his locks of hair around. Todd and the dream horse, what a perfect team. It was clear why he was named Midnight Beauty. He was a Midnight-black mustang and he was most defiantly beautiful!       

“So what do you think?” Todd asked smiling at the way Hazel was looking at his horse. He leaned into Midnight Beauty and whispered in his ear.

“See she’s awesome!” Todd exclaimed to his horse. Turning back to Hazel he laughed, she was just so funny the way she was staring at Midnight Beauty. “He is amazing isn’t he?” Hazel nodded in disbelief.  Hazel reached over to pat Midnight Beauty, but nearly fell off Bunny. She squeaked and regained her posture. Todd shook his head in amusement bringing his horse closer so Hazel could pat him.

“He’s fur is so soft and silky!” Hazel murdered, closing her eyes as the wind rustled her hair. Todd watched her in amazement; she was such a likable person!

“Can we go now?” Noah whined. He was getting bored and tugging at Todd’s T-shirt. Todd nodded and told Noah to hold Midnight Beauty while he saddled up Snowflake. 

“He’s beautiful!” Hazel complimented Midnight Beauty for the millionth time. Reaching over again to pat him, she heard footsteps behind her. One of the girls that Todd had introduced her too, but Hazel couldn’t remember her name.

“Todd or the horse?” she asked with a cheeky smile. Hazel blushed looking embarrassed.

“You’re both silly! Boys aren’t beautiful!” Noah replied with a giggle. This made both Hazel and the girl laugh.  

“I’m Cassie by the way, Todd introduced us but you probably don’t remember me. You know it’s so weird to see Todd with people his own age. He never talks to us and if he does it’s always brief.” Just as Hazel was about to reply she heard a snort and turned around to find Todd bringing Snowflake out, he frowned when he saw Cassie.

“Hello Todd!” she exclaimed, Todd gave her a nod and she turned to hazel, whispering, “told you so,” before walking away. Hazel shook her head and patted Bunny.

“What was that about?” Todd asked stiffly. Hazel rolled her eyes shrugged. Todd helped Noah mount his horse and then he mounted too, but not before attaching the basket of food to the saddle. The three of them were finally going on a picnic!

Todd signalled his horse to walk; opening the gate he let Noah out first then Hazel and finally himself. He had to look after the two of them so he needed to be able to see them; Noah knew the trail and most probably won’t need any help, however Hazel knew nothing so he had to keep a close eye on her.

Suddenly Bunny tossed his head to the left and Hazel gave a cute little shriek. Todd Laughed as did Noah.

“It’s not funny, I could have fallen!” she defended herself. Hazel pretended to be angry, but really she didn’t mind. Being out in the open, feeling the wind blowing her hair around, somehow made her feel safe, it took her mind away from everything bad in life.

Todd looked around, no matter how many timed he walked the trail, he could never get over how beautiful the green fern trees, the wild plants and everything else was.

Hazel patted Bunny and he gave a soft sound. Suddenly her stomach growled and she immediately felt her face going red. She could hear Todd laughing behind her.

“Don’t worry we are almost there.” Just as Todd spoke she saw the most beautiful lake come into view. She stared at it with awe and let Bunny guide her there. “Yep this is it!”

“Ok watch carefully, this is how you dismount.”

Todd took his right leg out of the stirrup and swung it over Midnight Beauty’s back, just like he had done when mounting.

“Alright your turn Noah.” Noah too dismounted like it was the easiest thing in the world, however Hazel was completely petrified.

“Ok Hazel, just swing your leg over, it’s the same as mounting. You can do it!” Todd explained careful.

“No I can’t! It’s too scary!” Hazel shivered.

“If you don’t then you can’t get off.” Todd replied with a cheeky grin.

“Then I won’t!” Todd rolled his eyes.

“Come on Hazel!” Todd replied, he thought carefully maybe she was actually scared. “Are you really scared?” he asked with concern. Hazel nodded, willing herself not be cry. Todd saw her eyes getting watery and nodded.

“Hazel!” Noah complained.

“Alright, I’m going to carry you down.” Todd told her. Hazel nodded, too scared to say anything. “You’re going to have to trust me on this. Take your legs out of the stirrups.” Todd commanded, Hazel did as he said. Todd reached and around Hazel’s waist and lifted her down.

“It’s ok your off now.” Todd sighed. She had been much lighter than he had been expecting her to be. Suddenly Hazel’s stomach growled again.

“That’s our queue to eat!” Hazel exclaimed, not scared anymore.  Todd and Noah cracked up laughing from her sudden change and soon she was joining in.  voet vote vote please

Next update looking for 11 votes or more!

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