Chapter 11

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Here is it is the next chapter from here its gets good guys!







Chapter 11

Todd couldn’t keep the smile off his face as he walked to his grandparent’s house. Noah held onto Todd’s little finger, he was skipping and humming a tune to himself. It was a beautiful day to go swimming or maybe on a trail ride, the sun was bright, but the warm breeze made it slightly disappear. Noah’s little green Tee swayed in the wind as he skipped.

“Todd! There you are. Can you and Hazel go do a little shopping for me? Hazel hasn’t been out anywhere since she got here and neither have you so it will be good for both of you.” Elanora asked.

“Sure, I’ll go get her now.” Todd replied straight away.  Noah turned to leave as well but Elanora stopped him.

“I have a job for you too mister,” she replied, taking Noah’s hand in hers and leading him upstairs. Todd laughed at Noah’s excited expression and went to get Hazel. 


Hazel groaned as the knocking on her door woke her up from her deep sleep. She mumbled something into her pillow, but made no attempt to get up. The knocking sounded again and when she didn’t respond the door opened.

“Wake up sleepy head!” Todd yelled. She groaned and threw a pillow at him which he caught and threw back at her. The pillow hit her right on the back of her head.

“Go away!” she exclaimed, burying herself deeper into the bed. Hazel wasn’t in the mood to wake up and Todd was starting to annoy her.

“Don’t you want to go shopping?” Todd asked, knowing this would make her wake up. Hazel instantly sat up and nodded her head vigorously. “Then get ready.”

Hazel suddenly felt a massive surge of energy and dashed into the bathroom to change. Just as Todd was about to leave, Hazel rushed back into the room, he raised his eyebrow.

“I forgot my cloths!” she stated, yanking her drawer open as Todd chuckled at her. She grabbed the first garment she could find and dashed out again. Todd shook his head in amusement.

“Why do I find her so cute?” he mumbled to himself. Todd shook his head clearing his thoughts. He left Hazel’s room and decided to take a quick shower in his parent’s bathroom.


Hazel wondered around the house looking for Todd, she was super excited to go to town. Since she had arrived, two weeks ago, she hadn’t left the farm. After looking all over the house she decided to search outside, the warm summer air making her hazel ringlets bounce on her back as she walked.

“Todd, where are you?” she sang in a sing-song voice. Todd appeared from behind the chicken coop, grinning cheekily, he dusted his hands on his pants. He was wearing a red T-shirt with a chequered button-up shirt as a jacket and a pair of navy blue jeans.

“Here,” he replied running up to meet her. Hazel raised her eyebrow which made Todd’s grin wider. “Let’s go!” he commanded in a friendly tone.

 “Ok then,” Hazel grinned.


As they headed into town, Hazel was reminded of the struggle she had trying to find somewhere to stay, which then reminded her of the De Zilva family. For the millionth time a tear escaped without her permission, but she didn’t notice until Todd did. 

Todd hated seeing Hazel crying, especially when he couldn’t do anything about it. He grabbed her hand preventing her from walking any further; she looked away from him, but not before he slowly wiped her tears away with his free hand.

Her cheeks grew a feint red and she hid behind her hair, she kept walking so that he couldn’t see her. Hazel was so embarrassed that Todd had seen her crying again. She was also surprised and embarrassed at what he had done. She hid away trying not to look at him.

The rest of the walk was silent, but not particularly awkward. Hazel wasn’t really sure why she was so excited, but she did know that she was glad it wasn’t just her and Todd alone anymore.

“Umm, Hazel you have the list and the money so why don’t you go in there and get the stuff. I’ll get some extra things from over there.” He asked, pointing to the right. Hazel nodded her head, still not looking at him directly.

Todd wasn’t sure why he did what he did to Hazel; he still couldn’t make sense of it all. Did he like her? Todd shook his head to clear his thoughts once more. While walking towards the store he saw a poster that made him freeze.

It was a wanted poster. At the bottom was a phone number to call, there was no prize money, but there were details of the person they were looking for. There, in the middle of the poster, in colour was a picture of Hazel.

Todd ripped the poster off the notice board with shaking hands. He struggled to grasp the fact that one of his closets and really his only friend was on the wanted list. Hazel? Out of all people Hazel? She couldn’t hurt a fly!

The sight of Hazel walking towards him unfroze him from his daze and he stuffed the sheet of paper into his pocket. Putting on a fake smile, he greeted her.

“Did you get everything?” Todd asked with fake enthusiasm. She nodded her head and smiled, however she was still not looking directly at him and this time Todd wasn’t either.

Todd walked fast, trying to get home as soon as possible; he had to get away from her so that he could process this new information.   

On The Run!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ