Chapter 12

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Next chapter guys!






Chapter 11

Todd was absolutely heartbroken to think that such an amazing girl like Hazel would lie to him. He hated himself for what he was about to do, but they needed to know Hazel wasn’t all that innocent. It broke his heart to even think about Hazel betraying him or doing something out of character. Did that mean that her nice girl persona was just an act? Was it all a lie? Todd was glad that Hazel was sleeping because he had to talk to his parents and grandparents alone. Luckily Noah was with the others because he didn’t want his little brother knowing. Noah had grown so attached to Hazel that it would be hard to let go.

As Todd walked in, Amy, Elanora and Tom were seated around the table sipping coffee. Todd took a deep breath in and out; he wasn’t sure how to start. Would everyone be as surprised as him?

“Hey guys, I need to tell you something…” he started. Any raised her eyebrow and Elanora smiled. Tom just raised his head.

“You like Hazel? We already know.” Amy replied with a cheeky grin. She hardly ever got to tease her son so she had to seize every moment. Todd’s face immediately heated up and a light blush appeared on his face.

“No! That’s not what I was going to say!” he exclaimed. Amy laughed at his embarrassed look and shook her head. He took another deep breath and continued. “Well you know how we went to town the other day? I found this poster there.” Todd handed the poster to his mother and she took it with curiosity shinning in her eyes. Amy’s eyes widened in shock, she stared at Todd wide-eyed as Elanora and Tom had a look at the poster in turn.


“Noah catch!” Cassie cried as she chucked the ball in the little boy’s direction. He was such a cutie! Noah giggled and ran to catch the ball which was heading in his direction. He caught the ball with his two hands and grinned.

“I did it!” he exclaimed, jumping up and down in joy. Cassie, violet and Mel run up to him giving him a massive group hug.

“Yes you did, good job sweetie!” Violet praised as Noah jumped up and down in excitement. “Ready to try again?” she asked.


Hazel yawned and stretched her arms over her head. After one month on the farm she still hadn’t gotten used to waking up early. Todd and Noah’s house was starting to feel like home and she was becoming very good friends with everyone. As she looked in the mirror, she realized that she had been smiling.

Grabbing a brush she started yanking out all the knots. Her hair had grown longer and the matted bits had been cut out during the third week of staying at the farm. Her hazel ringlets bounced on her shoulder once more, no more matted ugly hair. It felt like everything was back to normal, but it wasn’t. She thought of Marlon, Wendy, Andre, Andrew and Aaron often. She thought of Will, her awesome body guard that stood watch at her bedroom door. She thought about Lisa and Astra, were they still looking for her? She sighed, having to keep the secrets from Todd and Noah was horrible! She hated it, but if they ever found out, she would be dead!   

She sleepily dragged herself out of her room and into the shower then groaned as she realized she had forgotten her cloths again. She quickly dashed back into her room and grabbed whatever she could find in a hurry.

Hazel leaned in as the water fell lightly against her back. She let the steam surround her as her thoughts were brought back to the De Zilva family. She sighed for the third time, were they happy without her?

She hoped out of the shower feeling much better.  Hazel wondered if she should tell Todd or maybe even Noah. Noah might understand he wouldn’t hate her would he? If Amy and Tom found out they would defiantly call the police and get her back to the Wake House.

Hazel walked around the farm looking for Todd. Just as she was about to give up, she saw Cassie, Violet, Noah and Mel, she skipped over to meet them. As she approached they all greeted her.

“Hey guys have you seen Todd?  I need to tell him something.” Hazel asked, hoping for some good news. She had decided that the best thing was to tell Todd and if he couldn’t keep the secret he wasn’t a good friend.

“Awe are you going to tell me you like him?” Mel asked while everyone else giggled. Hazel felt her face heat up and she blushed as red as a tomato. This only made them laugh more.

“No! I don’t like him!” Hazel denied. When they didn’t stop laughing she continued walking like nothing happened. Great help they were! She could only think of one other place he could be. She made her way towards Elanora’s house. The door was open and just as she about to walk in she heard whispering.

“What are we going to do?” asked a concerned voice.

“We need to call the number obviously. If Hazel is wanted, that means we’ve been housing a murderer this whole time!” another voice shouted in and angry whisper.

“But mum, she hasn’t done anything to take away our trust.” Hazel gasped as she recognized the voice. It was Todd! She started breathing fast and her heart rate increased.

“Todd I know you like her, but this poster clearly says she’s wanted, I’m sorry. In the morning we’ll call the number and tell them to come get her.” Hazel ran like she’d never run before. She didn’t want to hear anymore.

Before she could think she had packed all her cloths into her suitcase along with all her other stuff scattered around the room. She picked up the handle of her suitcase and wheeled it around behind her as she bolted out of the farm through the hole in the fence that she and Todd had found a couple of days ago.







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