Chapter 16

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Sorry for shortish update

What do you think of Dimitri?

Chapter 16

Hazel watched as the cars zipped and zoomed past her, that was when she noticed that it had become busier; almost like they weren’t in the rural country anymore. This puzzled her, where was Dmitri leading her?

“Is it just me or has it become much busier?” she asked, looking around at the people walking around the streets. Dimitri too looked around.

“Yes, your right. We must be getting closer to the apartment then.” Hazel’s eyes widened. It was an apartment?

“So where is it? What do they do? How does it work?” she demanded. Dimitri grinned, she was just so cute!

“Slow down, one question at a time. I’m not sure exactly where, but we will find it. They give us basic needs with access to some internet. It’s simple really, if you need somewhere to stay, you can go there and no one will question you. It is where I was planning on going before I met you.” Yet again Dimitri mentally grimaced, he hated lying to Hazel.  

“Is that a forest?” Hazel exclaimed. They had been travelling for days now and she had just been following Dimitri, completely trusting him. But this wasn’t right, why in the world would he have lead her to a forest? It was crazy!

“It is. We just have to get to the other end and if we go around it, it would take us at least another week.” Hazel froze. A forest was a dangerous place, there could be a super hungry bear waiting for a meal.

“Don’t worry; I won’t let anything happen to you.” Dimitri whispered, gazing into her fear-filled eyes. Hazel nodded and looked away as she regained her walking.

Dimitri left Hazel in a clearing in the woods so that he could find some food. She wanted to come with him, but she needed the rest and he knew it. Besides, food wasn’t that hard to find if you knew what to look for.  He had spotted a few apples just past the clearing, which is where he was heading until he heard an ear piercing scream. It was no doubt Hazel and he wasted no time racing to her rescue.


Todd was absolutely devastated. How could he have been so stupid? He should have known she could never have been a criminal. After hazel had left, somehow Amy had misplaced the poster and they had phoned the police. They had told her that Hazel wasn’t on the wanted list. The one and only person who he could trust and be himself around was gone and it was all his fault.

He looked up at the sun shining in his face, it was such a beautiful day and if Hazel was there, they would have gone swimming or even on a trail ride. There was still so many things he had planned to do with Hazel that they hadn’t done. Everyone around the farm was in a misery mood and no one felt like doing anything.

“Todd, is Hazel coming back?” Noah asked, sorrow filling his tear stained eyes. Todd knew he couldn’t lie to his little brother, Noah would know the truth eventually.

“No, I don’t think so.”


The sight of Hazel surrounded by three wolves twice her size was unbearable. Dimitri knew he had to do something but what? Hazel was trembling; her eyes covered by her hands.

Dimitri looked around for something he could throw at the wolves. They had massive grey coats that made them like much larger than they really were. Their sharp teeth were visible, drool spilling out the side. Dimitri had to admit that it was scary even for him.

It was then that he remember the apples. Dimitri ran as fast as his feet could carry him to the apples. Grabbing three, he raced back.

 An apple was flung at the biggest of the three just as they closed in on Hazel. The apple hit him on his flank and he stumbled from the sudden impact. The other wolves looked around trying to sight whatever it was. Just as they looked away, Dimitri threw the remaining two apples at the wolves and thankfully they fled, whimpering in pain.  As soon as they took the first step away, Dimitri ran to Hazels side. Hazel trembled in Dimitri’s arms as her tears streamed like a flowing river. Dimitri whispered calming words to her.

It seemed like forever had past when Hazel finally stopped shaking.

“Are you ok? Did you get hurt. I’m sorry I didn’t get here faster.” He whispered.

“I-I’m fine.” Hazel stuttered, still terrified from almost being eaten alive.

It was then the reality of what had happened hit her. She began to cry again and started shaking worse than before. Dimitri tightened his hold on her and tried his best to get her to breath.

“I should never have left you here alone.” Dimitri replied and then cursed in Russian. Somehow the fact that he swore in Russian amused Hazel and she laughed, completely forgetting why she had been crying. Dimitri looked at her weirdly.

“What’s funny?” he asked.

“You swore in Russian!” she exclaimed, still laughing. She didn’t know how to explain it, but the way he said it had been supper funny. Dimitri still looked confused.

“So?” he asked with a look in his eyes that made him look like Noah. Hazel instantly stopped laughing as the thought of Noah and Todd came to her mind. She missed them so much!

“It’s just funny I can’t explain how.” She replied.

“Well I’m glad you’re ok now.” Dimitri let go of Hazel and made a somewhat comfortable bed for her out of jackets and blankets. “Here you go, now sleep.”

Hazel knew better than to argue with Dimitri, so she lay down and pulled a jacket over her. Knowing that Dimitri was there to protect her made it much easier to sleep at night.

Once Dimitri saw that Hazel was sleeping, he quietly crept deeper into the forest so that she wouldn’t her him if she woke up.

“Good evening sir.” He spoke into the phone. He looked around nervously, not wanting anything attacking Hazel while he was gone.

“Dimitri where have you been? We were starting to worry.” A hushed voice replied.

“Sorry sir. We should be there tomorrow. I’ll call you and let you know when to send your men.”

“Ok, goodbye.” The phone went dead. Dimitri sighed, he hated doing this to Hazel, but it was for her own good. He knew Hazel would probably never forgive him, but it was a job he couldn’t fail or change.

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