Chapter 5

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Chapter 5           

Todd didn’t know if Hazel was a trustable person, however she seemed kind enough. He wanted to know more about her, but that wouldn’t be happening if Hazel was to leave. Todd suddenly had a light bulb moment; he raced to his grandma’s house hoping Hazel hadn’t left yet. Throwing open the door, he have his grandmother a heart attack. 

“Todd!” she scolded him, clutching her heart. Todd was puffing from the run from his place to hers; he hadn’t meant to scare his grandmother like that.

“Sorry! Is Hazel still here?” He asked, his fast beating heart slowing down a little.

“Yes, she’s sleeping. She is leaving when she wakes up. Why?” Elanora asked. Todd’s eyes lit up instantly, he turned on his heal and left without answering his grandma’s question.

“Thanks bye!” he yelled already out of the house. Elanora shook her head and muttered something under her breath with a smile.

Todd dashed to his house again, both the houses were on the farm, but it really was a massive place so running up and down was pretty exhausting, but it was good exercise so he didn’t complain. He slowed down once he reached his house, bending over, trying to get his breath back. He was huffing and puffing when he heard the door open.

“Hi Todd, can we go horse riding?” Noah asked with a cute little grin that Todd knew he couldn’t resist. Todd quickly looked away, not wanting to give in to Noah’s cuteness.

“Maybe later, but right now I need your help,” he told his younger brother, turning back around Todd noticed Noah looked like he was about to burst with excitement.  

“You need my help? Usually everyone says I can’t help them! Yah, I can help you!” Noah shouted at the top of his lungs, clapping his hand once. Todd couldn’t help but laugh at his brother; he got so excited over the simplest things.

“Well I need you to help me convince grandma to let Hazel stay on our farm, can you do that?” Todd asked his brother, crossing his fingers. He knew that if anyone could convince her grandmother- or anyone for that matter, Noah could do it. Noah looked at his brother unusually.

“What does convince mean?” he asked his older brother. Todd let out a small smile causing Noah to grin. Todd wasn’t sure how he could explain what convince meant, but he did his best.

“I need you to tell grandma that you want Hazel to stay on the farm. If grandma says there is no more room, then we can tell her that she can stay with us. We have a spare room she could use!” Todd explained.

“Why do you want Hazel to stay? And what about mum and dad?” Noah asked, tilting his head to the side. The question through Todd off, why did he want her to stay? She seemed so mysterious, he really wanted to know more about her, but he couldn’t tell that to Noah could he?

“Well think about, the three of us could go trail riding together and swim in the lake. You always say it would be good to have a sister to go with you when I can’t, Hazel could be like you sister,” Noah’s grin became wider and without a single response he darted away to Elanora’s house, Todd following closely behind.  


The door slammed open, giving Elanora a shock for the third time that day. In rushed a grinning Noah and a smiling Todd. The boys were out of breath; no doubt from running to her house. She raised an eyebrow at them questioningly.

“Can we please let Hazel stay?” begged Todd. Elanora did a double take, Todd never ever begged for anything, his answer to anything was always sure whatever.

“Please! She can come trail riding with us and swim in the river with me!” Noah pleaded. Elanora wasn’t surprised that Noah was so excited, he always liked new people; however Todd wasn’t the outgoing type. He was the quite type with only a few friends. She couldn’t imagine why Todd would be so interested in Hazel.

“I’m sorry, like I told her before we have no more room in the guest house. I would have let her stay if we did,” Elanora explained to her grandsons. Surprisingly neither Todd nor Noah seemed to care.

“She can stay at our house!” Noah squealed in excitement.  Elanora couldn’t help but smile; they must have thought everything through. Suddenly a thought struck her, the have thought it through but they may not have gotten permission.   

“Did you ask your mum and dad if Hazel could stay at your house?” Elanora asked, with a raised eyebrow. Noah’s grin vanished and was replaced by a scowl. He turned to Todd questioningly.

“Umm, No.”

“I didn’t think so,” Elanora laughed at her grandson’s expression. They looked like deflated balloons. “Go ask mum and dad, if they say she can sleep at your house then she can, ok?” The boys nodded their heads slowly and walked out, heads hung low.


Todd felt like all his energy had been washed out of him. He was sure his mother would say no, she didn’t like having anyone she didn’t know around the house. Noah too looked unhappy; he opened the door with slowly, waiting for the disappointing news. Todd spotted his mum humming a unknown tune to herself while cooking dinner. He braced himself for the bad news and asked the question.

“Mum can Hazel stay at our house?”







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