Chapter 21

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OMG, last chapter before the epilogue. SOOOO sad and happy too!!!! It's sooo bittersweet. I don't know what to do :( or  :)  ...

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Wattywards soon ahhhhh

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SLightly smaler chapter sorry!

Chapter 21

“W-what?” Hazel stuttered, unable to believe what she was hearing. “What do you mean?”

“I mean, everything I did wasn’t to gain your trust. I did what I did because I wanted to. The last few days have been torture with you ignoring me and I can’t take it anymore!” Dimitri suddenly exclaimed, breaking his cool, calm and collected persona.

Hazel stared at Dimitri with wide eyes; she didn’t know what to believe. Her heart was telling her that he was an idiot for betraying her, but her brain was telling her that he did what he had to. Hazel continued to stare at Dimitri as if she was frozen. However she snapped out of her daze when Dimitri took a small step towards her and then another one. He was now only a few centimetres away from her.

“I know you hate me-“Dimitri started, but was cut off by Hazel.

“I don’t hate you…” she mumbled. Dimitri’s eye’s immediately lit up.

“Мне очень жаль.” Dimitri replied in a soft voice, his breath tickling her cheek. Hazel wanted to know what it meant so badly, she crossed her fingers as she asked him.

“Dimitri, what does that mean?” Hazel questioned, curiosity shining in her eyes. 

“It means I am so sorry.” Hazel’s eyes widened once again. He had said that phrase many times throughout their journey and now that she finally knew what it meant, it made sense. She also realized that he really did mean the things he had done and said. She knew she had to forgive him.

Without hesitation, Hazel wrapped her arms around his neck, giving him a massive hug. Dimitri took a few steps back from the sudden movement, but soon his arms were around her too.


Hazel was on the brink of tears as she exchanged phone numbers with Todd. She didn’t know when the next time she’d be able to see him or Noah would be. The wind blew strong and her hair wiped across her face as she waited for Todd to pass back her phone.

“Are you sure you don’t want Wendy to call your mum?” Hazel asked for the millionth time.

“I’m sure Hazel, besides it’s not like we’ll never see each other again! Plus now that I’ve got your phone number, Noah and I can talk to you anytime. Isn’t that right Noah?”

“Yep! I’ll call you every day!” Noah exclaimed with a toothy grin. Hazel couldn’t help but smile at his cuteness. He was just too adorable! Hazel picked him up and refused to let go even when the limo was ready to take them home.

“Please tell the Prime-Minister that I am honoured that he would let one of his limousine’s take Noah and I back home,” Todd reminded. Hazel nodded her head; she knew that if she spoke her voice would come out weird.

“Bye.” She choked out.

“Bye.” Todd gave her one last look just as the driver started up. Hazel watched as they exited. Hazel knew she had to find Dimitri; he was the only one who knew how to cheer her up.

Hazel franticly searched for Dimitri and when she finally found him she noticed that he was talking to a couple of friends, but she didn’t care. When he sighted her, he immediately stopped talking and gave her a warm smile which then turned into a concerned frown as she ran up to him.

Hazel rushed passed the others and made her way to Dimitri. Dimitri just had time to open his arms as Hazel rushed into them. He held her tight and stroked her hair while she calmed down.

“It’s alright Hazel.” Dimitri soothed her. When Hazel had calmed down enough to speak, she looked up at Dimitri with a strange expression on her face.

“Aren’t you going to ask why I’m crying?” she asked. Dimitri simply smiled.

“I figured you’d tell me when and if you wanted to.” Hazel too smiled and nodded her head agreeing with him.

“It’s stupid, I was just upset that Todd and Noah left,” Hazel replied, looking toward the horizon. Dimitri nodded understanding what she meant.

“Well it’s not like you’ll never see them again.” Dimitri stated.



Hazel whistled a happy tune as she strolled along to the stables. Dimitri had defiantly put her in a better mood, but she mad mad at herself for not forgiving him before and for being a jerk to him.

She noticed Wendy waving at her from a distance and ran up to meet her. Wendy smiled as Hazel neared, which Hazel returned without hesitation. Wendy seemed more excited than usual, Hazel wondered why.

“Guess what? Princess Diamond is going to have a little foal!” Wendy exclaimed, answering her unasked questioned.

“Really! That’s awesome! When? Who’s the father? OMG it’s going to be so cute!” Hazel was jumping up and down in excitement already.

“I’m not sure when, but the vet just told us. It’s Princess Diamond and shinning star’s.” Wendy replied, knowing that Hazel was pleased.

“That’s so cool, I can’t wait!” Hazel exclaimed.

“There’s more, you get to name it.” Wendy told Hazel.

“OMG, thank you so much!” Hazel was beyond happy. Now she was starting to wonder why she ever left.

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