Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Todd analysed his mother’s face, he knew there wasn’t much of a chance that she would say yes, but he had to try. Amy looked surprised, not quite expecting Todd to want Hazel to stay longer. She had no problem with letting Hazel stay, she seemed like a nice girl, but she wasn’t sure what Tom would say.

“I’ll have to talk about it with your dad first,” she told her sons, who immediately started arguing with her.

“Mum! She’ll be gone soon! When she wakes up she’s going,” Todd whined. Amy wasn’t sure what to do; Todd had never really asked for anything all his life, he hadn’t pleaded with her for anything. She sighed, not sure what to say.

“Alright, I will go get her bed ready,” Amy mumbled, walking away to get Hazel’s room ready for her.

“Yes!” screamed Todd and Noah at the same time, Todd pumping his fist in the air and Noah coping him unsurely. Elanora gave her grandchildren a weak smile and went back to cooking dinner.

“Let’s go tell her!” Noah started running towards the room Hazel was sleeping in. Todd’s eyes widened and he grabbed around his little brother waist to stop him from waking Hazel up.

“Noah, you can’t do that, when she wakes up we can tell her then ok?” Noah nodded his head with a scowl.



Hazel wasn’t sure of her surrounding as soon as she woke up. She was lying down on a bed; however the last she remembered was being out on the streets. Suddenly her memory came flooding back to her. She felt her stomach drop, she was now going to go back to the cold concrete of the streets and alley way. Sighing, she grasped her suitcase by the handle and rolled it behind her.

Suddenly out f on where a head popped out from behind the wall and gave her a shock. Her hand flew to her mouth as she tried not to scream.  

“You nearly gave me a heart attack!” she screamed, her heart beat not yet returning to normal. When she saw who it was, her eyes softened and her heart melted. Noah stood, hands behind his back, grinning at her. Todd’s head appeared and then the rest of him, he too was grinning.

She was overcome by sadness, were they that happy that she was leaving? She quickly regained her walking and pushed past them, trying to get to the door way without crying. She gave one last look at them and noticed the look of confusion on Todd’s face and then realization. She looked back again and continued walking.

Hazel was stopped when a hand held her back. She looked back surprised and angry at the same time. Todd was smiling again.

“We have good news!” He exclaimed. Hazel rolled her eyes.

“That I’m leaving? I know.” She turned back around and was about to start walking, but yet again was held back.

“No, that my mum said you could stay at our house, we have a spare room you can use,” Todd replied, his eyes shining in the light of the sun. Hazel’s eyes lit up instantly.

“Really?” she asked, bouncing up and down in excitement. Hazel couldn’t believe her luck. Was he serious? Or was this just a stupid joke?

“Yep!” Noah exclaimed happily.

“Awesome, are you sure it’s ok with your parents?” asked Hazel following the boys to her new home. They didn’t answer her, but kept walking anyway.


Hazel looked up at the beautiful home of Todd, Noah, Amy, Tom and now herself too. She smiled thoughtfully to herself. The ranch in front of her was amazing; it blew her mind away to think that such a masterpiece could exist. The roof looked like a horse’s head; the house was painted as the horse’s body and legs. The body was white weather boards and the roof was white tiles. Todd chuckled at the bewilder look on her face. She looked at him in amazement which quickly turned into a playful scowl.

“What? She asked, looking back at the house. “Your house is just amazing.”

“Thank you, we built it all by ourselves,” Hazel spun around, looking for the owner of the voice. She spotted Tom, admiring his work. Tom gave Hazel a welcoming smile.

“Daddy!” Noah screamed running to his father, who picked the little boy up and spun him around. Hazel found herself smiling at the sight in front of her. She also found herself wishing that she had known her parents when she was younger. Hazel hadn’t noticed a tear had slid down her face until Todd spoke.

“Are you ok?” Todd asked concerned. Hazel hastily scrubbed the tears off her face and turned her face away.  She nodded her head walking away.

“Umm ok, I’ll show you your room then.”

Hazel followed Todd to her room, she didn’t take much notice of anything as she walked by, and she just wanted to be alone for a while. Todd stopped at an opened door and gestured for Hazel to go in. She was about to, but was stopped by Amy.

“Hi! I hope this room will be ok for you, it’s not much, but it’s better than nothing,” She stated with a gigantic smile, however the smile soon disappeared as she saw Hazel’s face. Amy looked at Todd who looked just as confused and concerned.

“Thank you so much for letting me stay at your house, it is so kind of you and right now anything will do,”  Amy could tell Hazel wasn’t in the mood to talk so she nodded her head and left with a wave.

“Well here’s your room, let me know if you need anything ok?” Todd asked. She nodded her head and closed the door. With a sigh she dumped her suitcase on the floor and lay down on the bed with her arms and legs stretched out. She was so tired, that she fell asleep with her shoes on.


Todd headed back out to complete his daily routine, which he had neglected. First off he had to collect the eggs from the chickens. It was one of the jobs on the farm he hated the most, he was sure Hazel would hate it too. The thought of Hazel reminded him that she had been crying. He had wanted to comfort her, but didn’t know how; after all he had just met her.

He couldn’t lie to himself, Todd was curious as to why Hazel was crying, he wanted to ask her, but thought better of it. Grabbing one of the baskets from the shed he headed out to the chicken pen.

Opening the door, he made sure to latch it before collecting the chicken eggs. He wondered what Hazel was doing, but then reminded himself that he shouldn’t really care, after all she was just a visitor staying at his place. But somehow she didn’t seem that way, he was worried about her. She seemed different to other girls; it was like she was hiding something, a dark secret that she could tell no one.

He shook his head once getting rid of anything Hazel related from his head. He has been so busy thinking about her that he had accidently dropped an egg on the floor, completely missing the basket.  

“Damn it!” he hissed, stepping over the gooey liquid and broken shell on the floor. The chickens clucked at him, one pecking at his leg. Yelping in pain he picked up each egg as quickly as he could.

No matter how many times he collected the chicken’s eggs, he could never get it right. Oh at least he could never do it without something going wrong.

He headed out to the stable, wondering if Hazel knew how to ride.  


I shall upload sometime in the next two weeks! Just want to say thanks to my amazing voters and readers and fans, Thank you sooo much! Next upload after 10 vote? fingers crossed! So what do you think of this chapter?





pleasey please with sugar on top

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