More Than Friends

97 3 0

Pairing: Tyler Joseph x Reader

Word Count: 1572

Warnings: Angst

Author's Note: I hope you enjoy this one! :)

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"Think fast," Tyler said, seconds before a tennis ball was flying at your face. To anyone else, Tyler's antics might have been an annoyance, but you had known him long enough to grow used to it. You reached up and caught the ball before it smashed into your nose. Tyler sighed, "I'll catch you off guard one of these times."

You were currently sitting in Tyler's dressing room, hanging out with him before tonight's show. It wasn't often that you had the chance to do so, but since they were playing in your shared hometown of Columbus, Ohio, you had managed to get the night off work so you could join them.

"It's been four years and you've never caught me off guard once, what makes you think it will happen now?"

"I'll find a way. Maybe I can distract you with my good looks."

You laughed and playfully threw the ball at Tyler. He jumped out of the way before grabbing his white button down from the clothing rack. The tennis ball hit the wall with a dull thud and rolled along the floor.

Tyler laid the shirt out on the table and turned so that his back was to you. You watched as he stripped off his tank top and tossed it aside, trading it out for the button down. He hummed quietly as he worked away on the buttons.

"You got pretty quiet," Tyler said. "Everything ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just enjoying the view."

Tyler looked at you over his shoulder, the smile and blush on his cheeks clearly visible. You bit down on your lip and avoided his gaze.

You and Tyler had always had a weird relationship. Blatant flirting had been a staple of your relationship since day one, but there had never been any sort of label on it aside from "best friend". Sometimes you entertained the thought of a relationship with him, but somewhere along the way the idea always seemed to unravel. There was something that wouldn't work, someone who wasn't ready, a tour that would keep you apart for too long.

So this is what you had.

"Can I ask you a question?" you filled the silence that had formed.

Tyler finished the last button of his shirt and turned around, his painted hands fiddling idly with the collar.


"What do you consider me?"

Tyler's eyebrows furrowed. "What do you mean?"

"Like... us. Who am I to you?"

You watched as Tyler swallowed hard. His hand moved from his collar up and around his neck, rubbing at the back of it. He pressed his lips firmly together before releasing them again.

"Who do you want to be?"

"I'm asking you."

Tyler rolled his shoulders, shifting his eyes around the room. You had only meant it to be an innocent question, but Tyler's reaction made it clear that it was more than that. Maybe it should have been left unsaid.

"You're my friend," he finally answered. "My best friend."

You hesitated, thinking over the next words to come out of your mouth. There wasn't much time before Tyler would have to be onstage and you didn't want to leave him mulling over some half-finished discussion about the nature of your relationship.

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