Concert Confession

158 2 0

Pairing: Tyler Joseph x Reader

Word Count: 1286

Warnings: None

Author's Note: Back to normal posting​! I figured all of you could use some pure, no strings attached Tyler fluff, so here it is :) I hope you enjoy it!

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The music slowly faded out as Guns For Hands came to a close. One of the crew members brushed past where you were standing off to the side of the stage, obviously in a hurry to get something ready for the end of the show that was rapidly growing closer. You didn't really mind, your focus was only on Tyler as he wandered over to take a seat behind his piano.

"This next song is one that many of you know," Tyler smiled. From where you were standing, you could see his fingers lightly dancing across the keys without making a sound. "And tonight I want to take the time to dedicate it to someone very special who is here with me tonight. Y/N." The crowd erupted in cheers as he turned to look in your direction. He waited for it to die down before he continued speaking. "This one is for you."

You hesitantly stepped a little closer to stage, still making sure to stay out of view, so that you could get a better view of the crowd. As soon as the music started, they were bouncing around and dancing to the music - music that had been written for you. Tyler's voice carried loud and clear across the arena, echoing the same words that he had said to you long before they had been lyrics.

It wasn't until the bridge of the song that Tyler took his focus off the piano long enough to turn and look at you. As soon as you locked eyes, the words stopped coming out of Tyler's mouth. Even from your distance, you could see all the admiration and love that Tyler had for you in his eyes. His fingers struggled to keep up with the keys as he looked at you, although the fans managed to keep the lyrics going. Nearly half the bridge had been sung by the time he finally got himself together and resumed singing. You shook your head, wondering how you had ended up marrying the most lovable dork on the planet.

The song finally came to a close, allowing Tyler another chance to speak. A hum of conversation and excitement was still radiating from the fans, but he didn't seem to mind as he grabbed the mic from its stand and stood up from behind his piano.

"I'm sorry about that little slip up during the last song," he said, casually sticking his other hand in the pocket of his pants. "I looked over to the side of the stage and saw Y/N standing there, looking amazing as always, and I just forgot what I was doing for a second." He turned in your direction again, grinning widely. "Actually, Y/N, do you mind coming out here real quick?"

You raised your eyebrows and pointed to your chest, as if confirming that Tyler wanted you on stage in front of thousands of fans. He nodded and waved you out, confident in his decision. After a quick adjustment of your shirt, one that just so happened to belong to Tyler, you confidently strode out onto the stage. The first step you took into the view of the crowd was enough to elicit a deafening roar of cheers.

Tyler leaned down so that he could whisper in your ear, "I couldn't get through the rest of the concert without being close to you for a moment."

"You know there's only a few songs left, right?"

"A few songs too many."

He hooked a finger under your chin and pulled you into a kiss. You made it a whole two seconds before you started giggling. Kissing Tyler in front of thousands of screaming fans wasn't exactly an experience that you were used to and you could practically feel every pair of eyes that was on you.

"I'll see you after the show," you whispered before turning and walking offstage, making sure to give a little wave to Josh who was happy to return the gesture.

The rest of the concert seemed to fly by. Before you knew it, Tyler was running offstage and throwing his sweaty arms around you. You squealed as he spun you in circles, dampening the edges of your clean shirt with the sweat dripping from his arms.

"Gross," you giggled, finally peeling him off of you. "Couldn't you have waited until you toweled off to do that?"


He grabbed a water bottle from a nearby crew member and chugged it in one go. Once he was done with that, and had launched the cap off the top, he grabbed your hand and led you back down the concrete hallways to his dressing room. You hopped up onto the small counter in the room while he changed out of his sweaty shirt and toweled off.

"What did you think of the show tonight?" he asked.

"I thought it was really good, Ty."

"Just really good?"

"Ok, it was great, but I know that if I praise it too much then you'll start to tell me all the things that went wrong."

"You've got me there," he smiled.

Once Tyler was mostly dry, he wandered over and gently pushed your knee to the side, providing him with enough room to stand between your legs. His hands moved to rest gingerly on your thighs.

"I hope you know how much I love you," he said, his tone suddenly growing serious. "I try to show you in as many ways as I can, but somehow I feel like it's never enough."

"Of course I know that you love me, and I hope you know that I love you just as much, if not more."

"I don't think that's possible," he smiled, leaning in so your noses were mere inches from one another. "You still take my breath away every time I see you, did you know that?"

"I kinda guessed that after you forgot the lyrics to a song you wrote for me," you giggled. "Two years of marriage and I'm still not used to your antics."

"One day you will be, even if we're old and gray by then."

You smiled at the thought of still being with Tyler when you were older. It was comforting to know that no matter what life threw at you, he was still going to be by your side.

"I don't deserve you, Tyler," you whispered. "And I still can't believe that you're in love with me too."

"I'm never going to stop being in love with you. Ever. You're stuck with me."

"I'm not complaining."

You wrapped your arms around Tyler and pulled him in for a kiss. One of his hands slipped under the hem of your shirt, making you jump. Your hands started to run down his bare chest, making him deepen the kiss in response.

"Bus leaves in ten minutes! Get your stuff together!" one of the crew members called from the hall.

You and Tyler immediately jumped away from one another, afraid that they were going to peek into Tyler's dressing room and see you two getting a little handsier than was appropriate for your situation.

"I'll make it up to you later," Tyler winked at you before pulling on a clean shirt.

"That might not be such a good idea on a crowded tour bus," you said as you hopped down from the counter, "but I'll take a rain check."

"Deal." Tyler finished picking up a few things and then turned to you. "Ready to get out of here?"

"Let's go."

Tyler wrapped an arm around you as you walked out of the room and headed for the tour bus. "I love you, Y/N."

"I love you too, Tyler."

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