It's A Date

72 3 3

Pairing: Josh Dun x Reader

Word Count: 1149

Warnings: Angst, Tyler is up to something

Author's Note: I hope you enjoy this one :)

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"What about that girl that you saw in Philadelphia? You two seemed to get along well," Tyler offered.

Josh sighed as he threw the tennis ball back up towards the ceiling. It grazed the tiles before landing in his outstretched hand. Tyler followed it with his eyes.

"You mean the one that got drunk and went around telling everyone she was on a date with the drummer from Twenty Two Pilots immediately after telling me music wasn't a legitimate career? I think I'll pass."

"Right," Tyler nodded as he brought his Red Bull to his lips. "Ok, well, what about the guy back home? Andrew something? You really liked him."

Josh's heart sank a little as he remembered the last time the two of them had spoken. What had started as an innocent phone call home had led to a heated argument, and not for the first time. Josh had really liked him but...

"It wasn't going to work out in the long run. We were just two different people."

"Come on, man, I've listed off like six different people. Are you really telling me that none of them work as a date to this awards show?"

"Yes, that's exactly what I'm telling you."

"Why don't you just bring your brother again? He likes going to awards shows. Or you could just go alone like I always do."

Josh sighed and finally dropped the tennis ball to his side. He was trying to find a good way to explain what he was feeling to Tyler, but all the words in his head kept getting muddled. It was hard to sift through it all and find the right ones.

"It's not just about having a date," he started. It seemed like he was on the right path. "I just... I want to prove to myself that I'm not incapable of being in love, because right now it feels like I am."

Tyler took another sip of Red Bull before setting it on the table and rubbing a finger along his chin. "What do you mean?"

"Just look at the history that I have with people, Tyler. I can't seem to keep anyone around for more than a few dates before they decide that it's not working anymore. Andrew was the closest thing that I had to a successful relationship and we still fought all the time. I just don't know how all of this works."

"I don't think you're giving yourself enough credit for all the effort that you put into relationships, Josh. I mean, when we were off in Europe you still found ways to make time for Andrew, even when time zones were crazy and our schedules were packed. No matter who you're with or where you are, you do everything that you can to make that person feel loved. The problem isn't you and it never has been. I think you just haven't found the right person yet."

"And where am I supposed to find them? We're hardly in a city for more than a night or two and even then we're busy all the time," Josh said, throwing an arm out to the side in his exasperation. "Then you have to weed out the people who are trying to date you for fame or money or whatever else they might want. It's impossible."

Tyler leaned back in his chair, letting a sly smile slowly overtake his face. Josh raised an eyebrow at him, already preparing for whatever scheme he had in store.

"I know the perfect person."



The name was like a shock to Josh's system. Y/N was a close friend of theirs who had helped with merch designs and running the booth back in the early days of the band. He had always been so nervous when he talked to them, fiddling with the buttons of his patterned shirts and running his hands through his curly, undyed hair. They had grown more distant as the band got bigger, but always managed to get together once or twice when they were in town. And each time, it reminded Josh of the feelings for them that he still kept buried deep inside.

"I can't," Josh shook his head, feeling the refusal in every inch of his body. "Not them."

"Why not? You two always got along great and they're easily the nicest person that I know, aside from you. I think you would be a really good match."

"There's just too much possibility for things to go terribly wrong. For starters, Y/N will be thrown into the spotlight with thousands of people watching their every move. Then you add in the stress of awards shows and the fact that we haven't seen one another in a few months and it's just a recipe for disaster. This, of course, is on top of my terrible reputation with relationships."

"Would you just give this a chance, please?" Tyler asked. Josh could tell that he was getting increasingly frustrated. "Even if it all goes wrong, Y/N is super sweet and probably wouldn't even hold it against you. Isn't that risk worth the potential of being in a relationship that you can actually enjoy?"

"I don't know," Josh shrugged. "Maybe I'll just skip the awards show altogether and save myself the trouble."

"I'm not going to let you do that," Tyler said, digging deep into his pocket. Josh felt a pang of fear run straight through his chest once he realized that Tyler had grabbed his phone.

"Hey, what are you-"

"Relax, Josh, I'm just making a call."

Before Josh had a chance to protest, Tyler had brought the phone to his ear and was patiently waiting, a smile plastered across his face. Josh sat frozen in fear, torn between wanting to stay and see what would happen and running as far from the room as he possibly could. Neither seemed like a good option.

"Hey, Y/N," Tyler finally said, shooting a look at Josh. "I was just calling to ask you a quick question."

A pause as Y/N spoke. Josh started to shake his head.

"Yeah, so Josh and I have this awards show coming up in a few weeks - the 23rd, I think, a Saturday - and I was wondering if you wanted to come along as Josh's date?"

"Tyler! Stop!" Josh whisper-yelled, but Tyler just glanced around the room, ignoring him.

"Yep, we've got that covered. Yeah. I don't think so, but I can check."

This pattern of questions continued for awhile longer, but Josh was too far to hear what Y/N was asking. His heart was pounding so hard in his chest that it was making his hands shake. He watched as Tyler's mouth slowly curled up into a smile.

"Great," he said, shifting his eyes so that he was looking at Josh once again. "Then it's a date."

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