Almost Midnight

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Pairing: platonic!Tyler Joseph x Reader

Word Count: 1272

Warnings: Angst, implications of an abusive relationship

Author's Note: I'm just going to apologize in advance for the angst in this one, but hopefully you can still enjoy it :)

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Tyler shifted slowly, trying his best not to disturb you as he reached for his drink on the side table. You were snoring softly on his shoulder, having fallen asleep shortly into the TV show that you had decided to watch together. It was the typical routine when you got into a fight with your boyfriend, but Tyler knew it was getting to the part of the night when he would have to wake you up and send you back home. It was always his least favorite part.

Tyler took a long sip of his drink and then set it back on the table. It clinked quietly against the coaster, but from what he could tell, it wasn't loud enough to wake you. His other hand reached for the TV remote, curious to see how much time was left on the episode. With only ten minutes left until the end, he decided he could wait just a little longer before waking you from your nap.

He hated seeing you like this, swollen eyes and fingers gripping onto the edge of a blanket even while you slept. Although you slept now, he had spent the majority of the afternoon holding onto you while you sobbed into his shoulder. There had been yet another fight between you and your boyfriend, this time you had accused him of cheating but he denied the accusations, giving lie after lie about why it wasn't true.

At least, Tyler thought they were lies. He didn't really have any proof.

When the episode finally ended and the credits began to play, Tyler gently rubbed your shoulder. You stirred, but kept your eyes pressed firmly closed.

"No, I don't want to get up," you murmured, more a string of sounds than a sentence.

"Y/N, it's late."

Your eyes blinked open rapidly, examining the figure next to you. You had been so sure that you were asleep on your boyfriend's shoulder, so Tyler's voice had come as a rude awakening, quite literally. You took in the scene around you: blankets wrapped around the two of you, crumb-filled plates still on the coffee table, Tyler's arm still around your shoulders. The events of the night came rushing back to you, starting with the awful things your boyfriend had said to you before you left.

"What time is it?" you asked, turning to the TV in a panic. Your boyfriend wouldn't like you being at Tyler's so late.

"Almost midnight. I figured it was about time you get home."

A shot of adrenaline rushed down your back, but you simply raised your arms up and stretched, acting as if nothing was wrong. You were already anticipating what words would be shared when you arrived home, but Tyler didn't need to know about that. He worried about you enough as it was.

"I don't want to make the drive," you sighed, collapsing back against the couch cushions. "I still feel like I could fall asleep in a second."

"Why don't you stay here for the night? I just put new sheets on the guest bed."

You bit your lip, considering the offer, but ultimately decided against it. Tyler's face fell as you told him, followed by a look of something you couldn't quite place. Determination?

"I'm sorry, I just don't want to cause another fight with him," you explained. "Today was already bad enough."

"Why does it matter where you stay?" Tyler asked. His tone was more defensive now. "He hurt you and I don't think it's fair that you have to go back to him when you're not ready to."

"Ty... you don't understand. This isn't about me. If I stay here, then he's going to worry all night and I really don't want to do that to him, even if we fought. I'll just go home, talk it out with him, and then we'll be fine by morning."

"No, I understand perfectly. He's controlling you."

You were taken aback by Tyler's sudden accusation. Sure, he had expressed his dislike of your boyfriend plenty of times before, but he had never accused him of anything until now.

"Controlling me? What are you talking about?" You couldn't tell if you were more angry or hurt.

"Think about it, Y/N. You have to come home to him every night, even if you're upset, he's always trying to stop you from hanging out with me, he lies to you constantly. You're losing yourself in this guy and I can't let it keep happening."

"Losing myself?"

"You're not who you were before you met him. I know that person and it's not the same one that's sitting across from me right now."

"You're wrong," you shook your head, hoping to believe it for yourself. "If I've changed, it's only for the better. Ever since I met him, I've been the happiest I've ever been. Why are you trying to ruin that?"

"I'm not trying to ruin anything, Y/N, I'm trying to help you!" Tyler's voice started to raise, but he quickly brought it back to a normal level. He wouldn't let himself sink to the same level as your boyfriend. "This guy is tearing you apart from the inside out."

"You're lying."

"If I'm lying, then why are you over here five days out of the week? Why do you come crying to me after every fight? Why do you tell me about how awful he makes you feel? Explain that to me, Y/N!"

Tears were streaming down your cheeks now. You hated fighting with Tyler, especially after the day you had already had, but you couldn't just sit and listen to the accusations that he was throwing at you.

"Relationships aren't perfect, Tyler! Sometimes you have to make sacrifices for someone you love, and those are mine."

"Sacrifices for love shouldn't involve letting someone walk all over you while they cheat on you behind your back and still control your every move. Especially not when it's you."

"Why does it matter if it's me?" you asked, wiping a tear away with the back of your hand.

"Because you're..." Tyler felt a lump form in his throat, but he swallowed it down and kept talking. "You're amazing. Anyone would be lucky to have you, and there are so many people out there who would love you and care about you, but you're letting yourself fall victim to this guy who barely even gives you the time of day."

"Oh my god," you whispered. It felt like the last puzzle piece had just slotted into place.

Tyler's eyebrows furrowed. "What?"

"I get it. I know why you're doing this."

"What do you mean?"

"You're jealous. That's why you're attacking him like this, you just want me to get rid of him so that you can take his place. It all makes sense now," you buried your face in your hands. "The comforting, letting me fall asleep on your shoulder, offering for me to stay here... I can't believe you."

"No, that's not what it was at-"

"You're pathetic, Tyler."

Tyler started to say something else, but the words got caught in his throat. All he could do was watch helplessly as you stormed out of the room. He had half a mind to go after you and try to explain himself, but he stayed rooted to the spot. When the front door eventually slammed, his legs finally gave out beneath him and he fell back onto the couch. The TV was still playing, but it was nothing more than background noise to him.

This was something that he wasn't sure he could come back from.

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