26) Remembering That Monster

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They were walking north bound as they were told to go to the capital and search for others. Kim Dahyun and Hwang Eunbi.
When they found a group of people around a campfire with a few tents, they knew that they could take them to the Good Land.

It wasn't long until they were captured, rope tied their hands behind their backs. The group had to roll up their sleeves just to make sure they weren't carrying anything. It was suspicious.
They heard that they were going to be taken to the capital to be tested on and pulled for information. Those who were taken said to never live to see another day.

Shaken and terrified, the girls had to escape this group. As they noticed inside the tent was some kind of lab, SinB had an idea.

"I'm going in that tent." She whispered to Dahyun.
"What?! Are you crazy? What if they see you?" Dahyun panicked.
"That's why you need to be my eyes, keep watch."
"What are you going to do?" The scared girl asked.
"You'll see."

That's when she left, Dahyun was all alone. She kept an eye out, luckily they didn't see her or heard any noises.
Finally, SinB came back.
"What did you do?"
SinB chuckled manically, "I said, you'll see."
Dahyun saw a weird expression on her face like a child with a new toy.
When she scanned around her, she noticed that her hands were burning red.
"What happened? Did you burn yourself?"

"I may have used an acid, but let's wait." She chuckled quietly.

It took a while and Dahyun was worried of what SinB did inside.
"Hey, have you got anything to drink? I'm dying of thirst over here!" One of them shouted.
"Chill, I'm getting it." The other went into the tent as SinB started to chuckle even more as he picked up a water bottle.

He snatched it off her and gulped the whole drink in a second.
Then, he started clutching his throat and stomach and screamed, "What was that?!"
"It was just water."
"No... it's burning my... THROAT!"
The other people saw and tried to calm him down.

SinB cackled.
"What did you put in that drink?" Dahyun asked in a concerning manner.
She scoffed, "Like I said, some acid. A poisonous one I assume, it had a label on it, corrosive and harmful."
Her eyes, they've changed. Pure...black.
"You're going to kill him."
"Good. It's our time to escape..." SinB collapsed.
"SinB? SinB?! Eunbi!" Dahyun exclaimed.

The people started to gather around the girl. They checked her eyes which were pure dark and her foam which was foaming just like the man who drank it.
"The antidote!" One screamed.
"There's none, it's all been trashed."
"Who cares!" As one of them stood up, pulling out a pistol and boom!

She was gone. Dead with one shot in the head.
"Eun...bi." Dahyun choked as the blood ran towards her.
"This one may be infected." The person with the gun pointed towards her face.
Though, he didn't get to fire it as the man who was riving on the floor in pain was now roaring with monstrous rage as it teared down person after person.

Blood spurting out from his mouth, boils covering his face. Its nails, how did it grow so long?
He was no longer a person.
"Kill it!" They shouted.
Bullet after bullet, the monster didn't seem to stop. It kept going, tossing the campfire in the air as it hit the tents.
They were roaring flames, unable to stop this madness. More people seemed to come.

Dahyun had to run, but she couldn't get out of the rope. But then, her hands were free... how?
"Go kid! Run!" A voice urged behind her.
She looked back and only saw his metal and imprinted name tag.
"Im"  with another badge—handmade and sloppily written—that had another name on it.
"Im Nayeon."

"What are you waiting for?! Go!"
She did as she was told and ran as far as she could go. Never stopping.

Don't stop. Don't look back. Keep running. Dahyun kept telling herself that. She did as she was told by that person to run, she kept running away. North is the direction she went.

Then everything went black.

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