15) Taken Away

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"Tzuyu? Why are there people tied up in our living room?" A girl much shorter than Tzuyu came through the door.
"They were inside our house so I had to do something." Tzuyu's hand inside her pocket trembled.
The girl noticed that it an unusual shape and she pulled out the gun from Tzuyu.
"Tzuyu! What did I say about using this gun?!" She raised her voice.
"Don't... use it." Tzuyu fake coughed and lowered her head.
The new girl looked around at the group of girls.
"Come here." She pulled the girl into a room and shut the door.

The girls sighed in relief.
"Should we try to escape?" Dahyun asked as she fidgeted around.
"We should try and cooperate with them, they don't seem to be harmful." Jihyo said.
"You're crazy! They have a gun!" Chaeyoung shouted.
"Yah, do what Jihyo says. They have a gun, but they don't seem ruthless."

It took them a long while to come back, this time the new girl was holding the gun instead of Tzuyu.
She pointed it at Jihyo and shouted, "Talk!"
It made everyone else worry that she was going to pull the trigger.
"Is it true? You broke into the cabin and tried to steal our food?"
"Y-Yes." Jihyo spoke.
"We though that no one was here, we were desperately needing food."

The stranger looked over to the tall girl, Tzuyu went into the room and placed their bag on the floor and searched through it. Like it was, only a blanket, matches and wrappers of granola bars were found.

"You don't have any weapons on you?" She asked.
"We did, but your friend took it from us." Jihyo answered.
Tzuyu nodded her head and opened a drawer which was next to her, she showed two pocket knives that belong to Jeongyeon and Chaeyoung.
"We weren't here to hurt anyone." Jihyo clarified.

Tzuyu held her friends arm and lowered it down making the gun point to the floor.
"They're innocent." Tzuyu said as she looked at her in the eye.
"But you said—."
"So what is she's the Outsider's leader's sister, she's not responsible for this mess."
The girl nodded and placed the gun on the drawer.
"Alright, let's untie them."

After a few nots untangled, the group of girls were free. Now they had many questions to ask these two new strangers who in many ways could help them a lot.

"Here." The girl took the two pocket knives and handed it to Jihyo. She smiled, both Jeongyeon and Chaeyoung were happy that their beloved knives were back.
"What's your name?" Sana asked as she sat on the sofa.
"Myoui Mina." She answered willingly, she packed all their belongings with a couple of extra stuff with them in their bag.
"How did you get here?" Another asked.

Mina and Tzuyu looked at each other.
"We were students at Hamlin Arts school, when the electricity went out and that riot started to happen outside the government place, we knew that we should be out of there." Mina explained.
"We wanted to go to the airport, but the roads were blocked with Outsiders. So we packed our stuff and ran into the woods, that's when we found this." Tzuyu finished.

But both girls couldn't shake off a feeling they had, they glanced over to Dahyun and looked at what she was wearing. A white jumpsuit. Tzuyu didn't notice before, she was too scared.
"Where did you get that?" Mina asked as she pointed to the white girl.
"This? I was already wearing this, I don't remember when I wore this though." She replied with a smile.
"That exact clothing was worn by her... our friend."

"Tzuyu mentioned that the Outsiders took someone, was it the someone wearing the same thing?" Nayeon spoke.
Mina and Tzuyu nodded simultaneously.
"She said something about a Good Land."

Flashback - Mina's POV
"Yeri, what are you doing?" I asked as I walked into the kitchen.
"Hey, I'm just going out to get more branches for the fire." She said as she skipped to the door happily.
"Are you okay to go on your own?"
"Don't worry Mina, I won't stray too far, I promise to be back and guide you to the Good Land." She put her hand on my shoulder.

The Good Land, that's where she was. Apparently, that's where it was safe, that's where it was like home again with electricity, food and water. Most importantly, a community that wasn't diverse, so broken like here.
Yeri always talks about how she came here to find more people to bring back to the Good Land. Me and Tzuyu wanted to leave this wretched house, but Yeri insisted we should leave in a few days and one more day... we'll be there she says.

I trust her, so I watched as I let her walk out into the woods by herself.
"I'll be back, stop worrying." She smiled.
"Get back safely."
I kept watching her until her figure past the large tree and almost disappearing out of my eyes. She was gone, but not for long.

I walked into Tzuyu's room, she was awake, but she kept looking at the gun in front her. Slowly, I picked it up and put it in her dresser.
"Are you okay?" I asked.
"Yeah..." She whispered.
"Don't have the gun just laying around, it's for emergencies and you know that."
"I know Mina, I don't want to use it."

She seemed sad, almost too sad. I sat down next to her and wrapped my arms around her waist and hugged her.
"I know... we both don't, but if something happens, we have to do it." I assured her.
Tzuyu nodded silently as she laid her head onto my shoulder.

Suddenly there was a loud scream coming from the outside. I quickly grabbed the gun from the dresser and ran outside.
That was definitely Yeri.
When I go outside, there I saw a gang of men and women surrounding her She was scared just like I was, but I held the gun. That's when I saw Yeri's head shaking, she didn't want me to get caught.

Flashback End
Author's POV

"I stood there as I watched her get taken away." Mina closed her eyes and Tzuyu began to hug her.
"I'm sorry." Jeongyeon said.
Dahyun looked at her bracelet, "Yeri?" She thought.
"I remember her."
Everyone turned and looked over.
"What did you remember?" Chaeyoung asked.
"Yeri, she's a friend of mine... she... she." Dahyun squinted her eyes. "She gave me this bracelet."

"Then it does make sense, both of you are form the Good Land." Jihyo said.
"Does that mean you can bring us there?" Tzuyu's eyes lit up.
"I-I... I don't know where it is?" Dahyun sighed.
"It's true, when we found her, she couldn't remember how she got there." Nayeon scratched her nape.
"But there was a message." Chaeyoung brought up.

The girls mumbled.
"A message?" Mina questioned.
"Yes, there was one on the big tree, it's far from here but it was saying to not stray from the path."

No one is safe in this world,
This world will soon be gone,
But if you stay on path,
Do not go astray,
For you will reach the Good Land.

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