20) A Perfect Life

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When the sun rose and night has fallen, one by one the girls woke up from their sweet slumber.
They heard that there was going to be a feast with all the settlers, as Momo and Sana told them, it was a daily made tradition they came up with. All of the settlers went to work and hurried along as the feast started when sun falls.

Nayeon noticed something off, more targeted at Jeongyeon. She seemed more quiet and reserved, now she thought of it, she was off when they first came to the settlement.
"Is anything bothering you?" She asked.
Jeongyeon shook her head, "Uh... me...no."
"You can talk to us or me, we're all a part of this." Nayeon reassured and held her hand. Though, Jeongyeon released her grip with an uneasy tone she replied, "I'm fine. Really I am."

Nayeon left it, but she was still keeping an eye on her. She was merely worried.

The betrayer, the traitor, Yoo Jeongyeon couldn't stop thinking of when The Outsiders will come. Last night was not the first time Seungyeon talked.
Back at the abandoned restaurant. When everyone was asleep, Jeongyeon was awake. She knew the plan all along, 'Let her sister follow and gain their trust.'

It was simple, but will it be worth it?

Jeongyeon saw her sister out of the window, with a quick stare, she knew that her sister wanted her. She remembered what she said, "Keep them trusting you, we don't want to get rid of them, do you?"
Jeongyeon was on board when Seungyeon suggested it back in Seoul, she was close enough with Nayeon and Jihyo for a start. Easy! Gaining their trust took a while, but she managed it.

Now she was doubting herself, with other people coming into their group and the bond that grew. Jeongyeon never knew she would be close to these girls especially to those who were strangers. There's no turning back.

"I'm sorry." Jeongyeon whispered to herself.
The settlers gathered around with baskets of fruits and vegetables. Some knew how to cook, they were only making vegetable soup with the limited ingredients they had.
This was the girls first time in 5 years, they're actually having cooked food. It's been so long, they all thought.

They laid out picnic benches that were sores in another tent, each one linked up with another as it stretched out as far as the settlement goes. Then they placed the food in perfect rows and bowls that had small spoons next to them.
"I don't think I've seen this much cooked food." Chaeyoung sighed in an admirable way, the others chuckled as she was drooling all over the table.

The settlers started to take their seats, they were talking loudly until Momo stood on the table as she rose her hand.
The noise died down like a domino effect, all eyes turned to her.
"Thank you everyone. I would like to say that we've come a long road and with our new people who are joining us. We enjoy to ur company." Momo clapped and they all started to join in.
"Everyone dig in!"

Bite after bite they were soon full surprisingly so. Even if vegetable soup wasn't that appetising or flavourful, but it filled them up.
"That. Was. Nice." Tzuyu sighed and arched her back to stretch.
The settlers started to clean up and tidy the whole mess.
"You guys can go rest, we'll clean up." Momo said before she walked off.

As the others starts to head back into the tent Chaeyoung noticed a few shadows away from the settlement. Wait. It wasn't just a few, it multiplied and multiplied until it looked like a never ending line of them.
She shook Mina and pointed, she didn't speak, she was too scared.

"Chae? W-What's happening?" Mina asked as she knew something is about to happen.
The others started to notice.
"Momo? Is this part of the feast?" Jihyo turned towards her.

One of the shadows, taller and undoubtedly the leader, pointed straight at the settlement. The following shadows threw back their arm, when they looked up it rained with smoke.
"It's a smoke grenade! Everyone get ready!" One of the settlers bellowed.
The smoke grew intense and other settlers were scuttling along the ground to find their protected weapons.

It was too late, those shadows became clearer to Jeongyeon.
The Outsiders were here and ready to capture all of them.
"Gather everyone! Capture them all! Those who try to escape, kill them!" The leader, Seungyeon, ordered. Her people always trusted her, what she says goes.

The girls were captured, they tried to hide, but of course they were found. Seungyeon ordered her minions to gather the same girls. Nayeon, Momo, Sana, Jihyo, Mina, Dahyun, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu were tied up, Seungyeon smiled at the thought she caught them. Jeongyeon was held by one of the Outsiders at the side.

"You girls had a long journey didn't you?" Seungyeon spoke as she looked at the three original girls, they despise her. Not even wanting to look in her eyes.
"Not much of speakers are we? Well, it's fine, I just need those who know about The Good Land."
"How do you know about that?" Jihyo said.
"How did I know? I had a little birdie tell me." She chuckled.

Seungyeon's eyes darted towards Jeongyeon as the Outsider released her.
"I-I'm... sorry."

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