21) Intruding Insights

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"Jeongyeon... How could you?" Momo, with a disappointing tone, felt so betrayed and so much played with. The others felt it too, she betrayed them.
Jeongyeon couldn't bare to look at them, she was ashamed.

"Jeongyeon was just following orders." Seungyeon said as she paced back and forth between the girls.
"By the way, get me that transmitter thing." Without even looking, Jeongyeon still felt compelled by her instructions, she slowly walked past her friends and they looked at her with disgusted eyes like she was walking along a plank of shame.

When she got back with the transmitter radio in her hand, her sister snatched it off her.
"This looks very cute. Too bad it's not yours anymore." She smirked.
"You don't deserve that." Chaeyoung snarled.
"We don't live in a world where people work to achieve. This is a new world, I guess you don't know since you've been living alone for all these years." She laughed, but only her. Though it was a laughter, there was some sharpness within it.

Chaeyoung kept silent. She was very hurt.
"Hey! How dare you say that?! All you do is make people miserable, no one likes you." Jihyo shouted.
Seungyeon just scoffed, "The Outsiders like me. Also people must like me, I'm the one gives them rations."

She walked back and forth between the girls, she scanned at each and everyone that she captured.
She knelt down to Sana.
"So you're the girl who stole from the warehouse." Seungyeon chuckled, Sana stared at her.
She placed her hand in her pocket before pulling a gun pointing at Sana's head.
The tied up girls were taken aback and Jeongyeon was as well.

"You can't be serious Seungyeon." Jeongyeon loomed at her sister who was smiling devilishly.
"I'm serious, in a funny way." She chuckled once again. Seungyeon was about to pull the trigger when her sister moved in front of the gun.
She stopped half way and released her finger from the trigger.

"Move out of the way!" Seungyeon shouted, "She was the problem in the first place."
"You got what you wanted. You can't afford to lose one of them." Jeongyeon calmed her down.
She paused for a second, they wondered what she had in her corrupted mind.
"You're right, but I can afford to lose an assistant." Seungyeon held the gun to Jeongyeon.
"Hey! You keep that gun pointed at me!" Sana exclaimed, making Seungyeon laugh.

"Jeongyeon, you're friends actually have gone soft on you." She stopped smiling. "I can also say the same for you."
Jeongyeon lowered her head as she avoided eye contact with her maniac sister.
"Of course I won't shoot my sister." She knelt down towards the girls.
"But if any of you try to escape. You know what I'll do." The gun was recoiled before she placed it back into her pocket.

"Come on Jeongyeon. I have to speak with you."
Jeongyeon bowed her head and followed her sister not looking back at her friends.
The guards surrounded them once again.
"Come on! Let's go!" One of the guard pulled each girl up and threw them into a confined space where all of the workers or 'used to be settlers' slept in.

It wasn't comfy, nor was it their comfortable sleep bags they had, but it will do— they've always slept on cold, rock floors. There's no difference from before. Yet, they missed their silk duvets and blankets that kept them warm. It felt like home to them, now it seems like a prison.

The girls gathered around an oil lamp supplied by one of the settlers.
"I knew Jeongyeon acted so anxiously for the last few days." Tzuyu huffed.
"Maybe we can get out of this." Dahyun spoke.
"You heard what Seungyeon said, if we try to escape they'll kill us." Momo whispered.
"I guess we're stuck here." Mina said as she stared into the lamp.
"So much for the Good Land." Chaeyoung faced away from the others.

"I'm going to sleep. You all should." Nayeon was the first to lay down. Then everyone did the same, but one.
"Are you okay, Sana?" Jihyo asked.
Seungyeon led Jeongyeon in one of the settler tents which used to be Momo's.
"Tell me, what do you think of those girls?" She asked.
"What do you mean?" Jeongyeon fidgeted with her hands. She knew if she stayed vague to her, she won't allow it.
"I think you know what I mean. You've grown on those girls, surprising since you've betrayed them." Seungyeon smirked.

"You told me you're here for that transmitter for the Good Land, and I now you have it." Jeongyeon saw her sister's expression change.
"I know, but you were much different from the church to now."
Jeongyeon froze and clenched her fist.
"Don't hurt them. Don't do anything to them!" She pleaded.
Seungyeon chuckled, "It depends, are you not with them?"
"Wake up!" The guards came bursting through with their guns, pointing at their faces.
Jihyo shot up and was pulled by one of the guards and into the others.
"Watch it!" Momo shouted.
Yet, the Outsiders didn't like being told by a stranger.
The guard raised the bottom of her gun and struck Momo in the stomach causing her to fall on the ground hard as she clutched in pain.

"What's taking so long?!" Someone walked in, everyone knew it was Jeongyeon.
"She was bothering us." One said.
Jeongyeon looked at Momo, she tried to keep her composure and ignored the girl.
"Hurry up! Seungyeon wants them to work." Jeongyeon exited the tent feeling hurt, she didn't like where this was going.

The guards shoved the girls out of the tent and guided them towards Seungyeon who assigned them a job.
"You girls will work for me, then who ever knows about the Good Land will come and help me find it." She said and continued to assign work for the others.

Chaeyoung and Tzuyu were picking berries.
Jihyo, Mina and Momo were cutting wood.
Sana, Dahyun and Nayeon were cleaning the clothes from the Outsiders.

They spent long hours on work and no break. The Outsiders weren't going easing into them, they weren't even allowed to talk.
As the Settlement fell into silence, after the 10th hour they gave them a break.

The girls gathered around a fire, whispering how to get out of this mess.
"This is getting out of hand. What are we going to do?" Nayeon whispered as the girls learnt forward to contribute.
"We can't just escape, we have to help the settlers." Momo said.
"It's going to be hard if we come up with a plan. How is everyone going to work together?" Chaeyoung asked.

All these questions and yet no answers, but someone was listening. Listening and waiting for the right time to contribute.

"There's no way, with this settlement this big we can't make a plan work." Tzuyu spoke.
They stayed quiet as an Outsider walked past them.
"We can't stay. They'll kill us." Mina butted in.
"They won't kill us, not if we disobey them. Like Seungyeon said, whoever knows about the Good Land will have to join her. We're the only ones who know so we have to go." Jihyo explained giving the girls a sense of hope.

"Could that be a chance to do something?" Dahyun asked.
Jihyo nodded as everyone else agreed.

Then came a guard who lead the girls back to their cold hard space in which they laid down and slept.
Tomorrow will be something, a plan that someone already figured out.

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